Have you ever used a strategy guide when these things were actually relevant?
Have you ever used a strategy guide when these things were actually relevant?
I always wanted to get them at the book fair but they were too expensive
I have. I bought one for Wind Waker, one for Sonic Adventure 1 and one for Brawl. It's kinda strange that the strategy guide makers are able to stay in business nowadays.
I just printed out online guides when I was a kid. If I had the money I might have bothered. I have a few hardcover ones now for collection's sake but I never used them beyond looking at art.
Yeah, the FF9 one is the only one I ever used funnily enough
Only ever bought one, which was for New Super Mario Bros.
you try getting the best ending for Valkyrie Profile without it
hint: you fucking won't
no seriously, you won't unless you have a guide
The Dragon Quest IX one was actually useful.
i got the TP one and the one for pokemon fire red. the TP one was pretty useful considering how many pieces of hearts/bugs/other stuff there was to collect in game. dunno why i bought the fire red guide. only useful thing i gleamed from that walkthrough was the existence of shiny pokemon.
Yeah. I played OoT when I was in grade 3 so I didn't understand shit and had my parents get a guide for me.
I did use them, and even if I didn't use a guide for a game I always enjoyed reading them, there was often a lot of cool pictures and facts in them.
Someone told me it had a nude code for Tomb Raider
It did not
Had the strategy guide for World of Warcraft, Black & White(+ expansion) and Black and white 2. Think I had some more but can't remember which ones.
only for this game because i wanted to get the 100% true ending, but halfway through, using the guide made things boring so i ditched it defeating the entire purpose.
the guide for it is fucked, it won't let you get 100%
Got Demon's Souls at release. Played through it once without the included guide and next plays I used it to find stuff I missed. Only guide I've ever used.
I sometimes got them because some of them had cool pictures but I never used them for the games.
The worst strategy guide to ever exist is Final Fantasy IX.
>There is this place
>To find out more log in to PlayOnline.com
Or some bullshit like that, it was literally in all the pages.
I remember some of these being useful. Kinda forgot I even still had them till this thread popped up.
>book fair
Fucker, I already feel old. Stop this shit.
i was gifted a zelda ocarina of time one back in the day, used it alot, then i also had a resident evil 2 one, also a soulcalibur 3 one which is the only one i still have used it alot for the artwork
>tfw your Elementary school self
>Teacher gives you Schoolastic catalog of cool looking books
>Take it home
>Parents don't buy you books it's too expensive
oh also had a banjo tooie one which had the poster which i dont have anymore either
>hey retard thanks for buying our shitty guide now go to playonline to get the real guide.
There's actually a strategy for fucking ROCK BAND?
actually now that im looking i found the remnants of a ruby and sapphire one and my resident evil 6 one which is the only one in good condition
I had a Banjo-Kazooie and an OoT guide back in the day. Even after beating the games, I enjoyed reading through them.
>parents don't buy you anything
>steal a pokemon book you saw that had stats, levels and shit in it
>doesn't match up with the games