Why are there no good yu yu hakusho games?

Why are there no good yu yu hakusho games?

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because Togashi is a hack

Because Chapter Black was just that bad.

Chapter Black was dope, Three Kings Saga was when it went full retard.

How is Chapter Black not completely retarded?

I still have one for the GBA.

it seems like it'd be shit but it was pretty sweet, kinda like legacy of goku in a way.

Remember to report cancerous posts like these.


You first.

meant for


>watching this for the first time lately
>tournament arc early on
>its actually good


I'm kinda sad that I lost interest in this series right after Yusuke got his body back. I just liked how he gad to help his loved ones while being dead and shit.

Yu Yu Hakusho is the best television show of all time.
At least I think, haven't seen it since it was on TV.
Also I don't ever watch anime.

Yeah, the Dark Tournament is one of the best tournament arcs in the entire genre. Really, YYH plays it by the book for the majority of its arcs, but does everything so well that it still stands out. It's a shame all the games are shit. If only it'd get a new anime adaptation to rekindle interest in it like HxH did. But Togashi just giving up midway into the Sensui arc just completely kills that notion. No more new YYH games fucking ever. Man, that really pisses me off.

Probably because hunter x hunter is a better executed yu yu hakusho but won't get any merchandise because muh hiatus

I've never watched YuYu Hakusho and I'm sure you've watched better anime.

It gets better.

I might go back to it eventually. It was really comfy.

>that one that I don't remember the name of
>totaro and shit
Last one's not a TV show.

Be honest, how many of you cried?



that scene was glorious. nothing's more satisfying than seeing some smug douche get obliterated.


The idea that the sidekick character would fake-die to power up the hero on purpose blew my 12 year old mind, total subversion.

What games lets me reduce my power output so I don't floor everything to quick?

Because there's only one good arc

Kuwabara is the best character.

Nah, none of the main characters are likable. Also music is shit.

I disagree. Hunter x Hunter and Yu Yu are good in different ways. I prefer HxH more but I don't look down on those who prefer the other one.




Yu Yu Hakusho is one of those extremely rare instances where not only the anime is better but is also better dubbed.



What episode is that muscly guy from?



Kuwabara could be placed in any game ever and improve it. You cannot think of any game Kuwabara would not be a welcome addition to. Go ahead and try. Think of any game and what would change adding Kuwabara.

I literally can't
He was in MGS3 and it's the best of the series

For those that aren't aware, this was made by Treasure. It was way ahead of its time (1994) by having up to 4 players fighting simultaneously. The game is essentially the prototype to Guardian Heroes and the Bleach games for the DS. Every character aside from Genkai plays completely different from each other. Probably the greatest anime adaptation to video game ever and the best fighting game on the Mega Drive.




>friends like this stupid fucking show
>tourny arc is a goddamn snorefest, literal deus ex machina power boosts and items
>the only good part was the drunk aussie

How the fuck can I enjoy this when Jojo is completely superior in every way? Stands are basically territories, just more interesting and fleshed out.

This seriously isn't bait, I genuinely think jojo completely outclasses YYHS


the techniques were always really fun to look at. i loved when the sky turned blood red and that black lighting surrounded the stadium.

Also, to add to this, Genkai coming back was fucking stupid, and invalidated the entire plot of her death being a change and maturation for the characters.


>not the Tectoy version

naw, I meant lighting dude, thanks for tryin to help out tho

what should they have wished for instead?

Literally every exec running the thing was killed. who the fuck are they wishing to?

I know the worldbuilding sucks in this show, but I could put up with it until then.

I think it really showed the character growths. These guys could have anything in the world and they just wanted their crotchety grandma back, because they weren't in this for the prize to begin with

go back to playing FIFA

idk man, just felt like all the character growth didn't matter since she's back to help them.

It always pissed me off that in battle royales the 4th player would always end up with the palette of the second player, there's some really neat colors that way like Sensui's colors and shit but i'm never able to pick it


koenma, a.k.a god jr.

>not Campeonato Brasileiro 95

he was already on their side. why not just give them whatever?

I much prefer territories to stands. stands have more interesting powers, but I kinda like the idea of literally stepping into another dimension as opposed to just punch ghosts.

>watching Yu Yu Hakusho
>little brothers sit down nearby
>they start getting into it
It's a good feeling

The afterlife got some huge bureaucracy going on in case you didn't notice

The best arc in this anime was a tournament arc, although I assume you are talking about the short one in the first arc.

>a ship
>a room inside a turtle
>Death 13
Cmon man, jojo has some kickass non punchhosts

Territories were the special powers humans used in the third arc right? I am pretty sure people didnt like that one at all.

the genesis one was alright

nigga fuck you chapter black was solid even if it wasn't as good as the dark tournament. three kings was the bad one.

I remember my brother and I taking some knives outta the kitchen drawer and doing that in our front yard. good times.

>no good YYH games
Wasn't there a Shining Force-like game that Supereyepatchwolf said introduced him to this series?

the world ends with you

One of the few anime where the br dub was fucking great
After I watched it in the original jap dub, I found it's not even inaccurate to the intent and personality of the characters.

>>A (You) for every Chapter Black comment

It always impresses me that Togashi was able to come back so strongly with HunterxHunter after so obviously nearly killing himself with the second half of YYH.

I always loved the opening theme to yu yu hakusho. I even prefer the spanish opening a little more


>Kuwabara fighting Volgin

One grip i did have with the BR dub when watching recently is that sometimes it sounds like Kuwabara's voice is trying too much, like he's always forcing his voice or something, the manchete dub was quite better in that regard but too bad we only have muffled audio quality of it

That ain't bad, though I've got my nostalgic biases and I'll always prefer the American one.

I remember hearing the Japanese one once and it just kinda blew me away how much more forgettable it sounded. YYH is one of those few anime where the dub isn't awful or at best passable but actually really fucking good.

I remember mostly the old dub, I haven't watched much of the new one.

are there any games where i can let hiei marry kurama?


Fuck off fujoshis, you robbed Hiei of having a girlfriend

why are you mad about cute boys

He totally fucked Mukuro though

Togashi has said that he got so many complaints about not hooking up Hiei with Kurama that he immediately stopped giving him interaction with Mukuro


At least i can headcanon the anime ending, the last few chapters of the manga was extremely lazy anyway

There's a difference between lazy and rushed, moron.

Why is there no good Mankin fighting game?

There's some universal law of physics that prevents the most widely appreciated animes from ever having good games.

Sadly, the majority of young anime fans are more concerned with what's "new" rather than what's actually good or what would make for an interesting game.

Inb4 someone greentexts me for using Eva as an example.

Well at least it has badass music I guess

Eva is shit and if you think you're a patrician for liking it I've got some bad news for you

Ungrateful anonymous, you shall not have my (You)

And it was both

The dub for yyh is definitely legendary. I especially love kuwabara's voice so fucking much.


Frankly I just wish Flame of Recca got more love

k then i'll give you one

Congratulations for perpetuating a myth that manga only decline because "LOL lazy mangaka"

when mankin doesn't get enough love this also won't get it.

