Which one is better?

Which one is better?

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they're both good games

bloodborne is amazing
das3 is shit

I wonder which one is better

>The best game versus the worst game in the franchise


Bloodborne isn't that bad user

>the worst game in the franchise
Wrong game lad

Bloodborne but just barely they are both good games.

Dark Souls III because I can't play Bloodborne so it can't be that good

How is this even a question?

What was it? The blood, the hunt, or the horrible dream?

Still haven't played BB because it's not on PC


Come on now, don't go too hard on Bloodborne




You know DS2 has it's problems, but at least I'm not bored to tears playing it. I've tried three separate times to replay DS3 and end up quitting every time because every environment is stone grey and bland.




>He doesn't know

No, DS3 is the right game. DS2 actually has its own identity, and no amount of ancient_dragon.webm shitposting or earthen_peak_iron_keep.jpeg will make DS3 anything more than soulless fanservice.

*blocks your path*

the first half of this game is such a fucking bore


>At least it's got good level desig-

Both of them make you fucking teleport to level up



doesn't really detract from the actual level design
lothric castle and archives were actually pretty fun

>Irithyll is just a desaturated muddy city with too much bloom and no color pallet.
>It only looks incredible because everything else in DaS3 uses the same color pallet as Gears of War.

>Cemetary of Ash
8/10 for a tutorial
>Firelink Shrine
4/10, wish they had done more with the surrounding area
>High Wall of Lothric
9 or 10/10, stupendous in nearly every way
>Undead Settlement
>Road of Sacrifices
>Farron's Keep
>4/10 I've still never actually explored it, I'm so deterred by it
>Cathedral of the Deep
10/10, one of the definitive Dark Souls levels
>Catacombs of Carthus
2/10, not a lick of fun from start to finish other than Wolnir, one of my least favorite levels in the series
>Smouldering Lake
>Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
>Irithyll Dungeon
>Profaned Capital
10/10 visuals but it's barely a fucking level, also the boss is pretty lame
>Anor Londo
>Lothric Castle
>Consumed King's Garden
>Grand Archives
10/10, baby
>Untended Graves
>Archdragon Peak
Kiln of the First Flame
10/10 for what it is

>Find a bonfire in an area.
>Move on to another area.
>The level is a sprawl that turns back in on itself, full of secrets, items, and even leads to a bonfire in another area, opening a new path.

>Find a bonfire in an area.
>The level radiates outwards from that bonfire, leading to various points of interest, hidden items, optional bosses, and other areas.
>Game plays off of the ability to move between bonfires by using this design.

>Find a bonfire in an area.
>See a bonfire in the distance.
>Trip over three more bonfires on the way to it.
>Find a shortcut back to the first bonfire, which is now irrelevant.
>Get to the bonfire you initially saw in the distance.
>Kill the boss.
>Get another bonfire.

Can someone explain to me the Mickey Mouse universe? Why are there animal people coexisting with actual animals.

i'm talking about that small section specifically. you can already see a bonfire past the boss room so all tension is lost, adding another in front of you doesn't really take away much does it?

And I'm talking about how most of the areas in DaS3 are so bloated with unneeded bonfires that it does, indeed, affect level design.

Archives was also mediocre as hell, despite having good level design, because like Cathedral it's full of re-used enemies.

Dark Souls 3 because of 60fps alone.

>Grand Archives
>10/10, baby
my nigga

>the first time you used the wax

Why are humans coexisting with monkeys?

That doesn't account for lower build variety than its predecessors and suffocatingly linear progression.

eh, i thought it did interesting things with established enemy types. the waxheads and cursebooks were also unique enough to spice up the encounters imo.

Yeah but those are issues bloodborne has, not DaS3.


bloodborne. bye

>>Consumed King's Garden
Come on user....

BB is basically the DaS 3 beta. They're both good, but the final product is clearly better.

Feels like Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are the noteworthy games in the series. Why is Soulsborne so overrated.

armor is better than trenchcoats and fedoras

>when 3 gargoyles aggro you at once on the roof tops



When you're comparing it to Bloodborne it sure does
I don't think I remember that one as well as I thought it was. I just remember enjoying the two knights guarding the entrance to Oceiros
Disregard that rating

Waxheads are just Deacons of the Deep that cast Soul Missile.

Do those actually curse you? I've never known what the hell they actually do since I'm waxed all the time and that apparently makes you immune to them. Either way they're a non-issue that added very little to the level.

4 (you)

DS3 was unbalanced trash. Hybrid builds are dead. STR+DEX or go home. Trash game that the team shit out to print money. It unironically had no soul.

We don't, those little hairy thumb footed fucks have eaten my bananas for the last time

>Counting each weapon as it's own 'weapon type'

They also bukkake you which slows you and disables rolling

>500 of the same straight sword is better than 1 unique weapon

>d-do i fit in yet

Bloodborne and dark souls are the only true greats of the series that stand out even to non fans. Both have issues, dark souls the entire second half and bloodborne some design flaws (annoying warping to the hunters dream when warping could have been made more like dark souls 1 with clear shortcuts that were cut from the game like the cleric beast to cathedral ward one, shitty pvp) but are for the most part highly original and cleverly designed. I'd say 3 stands in a league with demons, demons souls because it was the clunky starting point that's hard to play after doing the others, and dark souls 3 because it's mostly just derivative but they both have some great levels and bosses. I should note that I found 3 to be a lacklustre conclusion to the story however. At the bottom has to be 2, I have fond memories of it and enjoyed it, but it's poorly designed compared to the others, the polish isn't there and it feels like a chinese ripoff of dark souls. All are great games through, solid series and a great track record from from, but it's getting stale now.

I played DaS3 before BB and I can say that BB sucks ass in comparison. It feels like playing a shitty version of the same game.

Awful, disgusting, terrible taste

>Find a bonfire in an area.
>Kill the boss.
>Light the primal bonfire.
>Return to majula

The world is shit

Sorry I like my games to feel like I'm not underwater constantly.

Is every weapon that has a different moveset be it's own weapon type?

Sorry you have shit taste.


Then get out of shrine of amana, dingus

>frogposter is dumb

as expected

DaS > DeS > BB >>> DaS2 >>>>> DaS3

If every weapon plays differently from one another each with their own style, then it is a different weapon type. Daggers and ultra great swords are their own weapon "type" for the same reason as the wheel and Hunter ax are their own "type".

It may be the best Dark Souls, but it can't beat Bloodborne.

Bloodborne, because it's the only one I've really played, kek.

The bloodstarved beast is really fucking me in the ass right now.

The games movement is stiff as fuck compare to other entries. The weapons and enemy attack feel as though they have no weight to them. And this is a problem with all the games but the fucking input buffer/lag the worse in it.

Shrine of Amana is one of my favorite areas in the Souls series


Just walk left senpai

It's an optional fight.

I actually think its the best feeling Souls game with the most realistic animations

use pungent blood cocktail

>Cemetary of Ash
Run through it to Gundyr/10
>Firelink Shrine
2/10, Worst hub by far. Music sucks, everything looks grey and uncomfortable.
>High Wall of Lothric
7/10 - Not bad, not great.
>Undead Settlement
6/10 - Too many bonfires, shitty boss
>Road of Sacrifices
3/10 - Pointless ugly swamp area
>Farron's Keep
0/10 - Uglier poison swamp area
>Cathedral of the Deep
Reused enemies/10 - Forcing you to take a million elevators to loop back on the bonfire was a bad attempt as good design. Shit boss.
>Catacombs of Carthus
Benny Hill Theme/10 - It's basically a joke level with flying skeletons, naruto enemies, and rolling skeleton boulders. Shit boss.
>Smouldering Lake
3/10 - Ugly.
>Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
Hallway/10 - Leads to dead
>Irithyll Dungeon
8/10 - Pretty solid.
>Profaned Capital
0/10 - Blatantly unfinished. Shit boss.
>Anor Londo
0/10 - Shit version of the original. Shit boss.
>Lothric Castle
9/10 - Best level in the base game.
>Consumed King's Garden
3rd Poison Swamp/10 - Reused enemies everywhere
>Grand Archives
Reused enemies/10 - Decent level design killed by nothing new to fight.
>Untended Graves
5/10 - Good boss fight, but the area itself isn't much to talk about.
>Archdragon Peak
8/10 - Ancient Wyvern is shit, but the rest is great.
>Kiln of the First Flame
0/10 - FF8-tier final boss that dies too quickly.
>Painted World
4/10 - Too short. Friede is a good boss though.
>Ringed City
10/10 - Beautiful and varied areas that are throwbacks without being blatant fanservice. Even the poison swamp area isn't that bad. best boss fights in the game.

both are very good games. . . However, Dark Souls 3 is my preferred game.

>The weapons and enemy attack feel as though they have no weight to them.

Dark Souls 2 has no screen shake for any attacks and for the most part that's the only difference. It was never added.

Then there are a ton more weapon in DS1 than in your shitty jpeg you fucking faggot

DS3 is a really, really good game.

But Bloodborne is a fucking masterpiece. Much higher quality than any of the souls games, In my opinion.

But not all weapons of the same type use the same moveset, so your point is completely invalid. For instance, the Hollowslayer Greatsword has a unique moveset when compared to other Greatswords.

90% of the people saying DaS3 is better haven't.

We're not talking about Ds1 you retard


99% of each weapon functions exactly the same as every other weapon in that category except for a couple of weapons with a different special attack, and that's it. So no it's not invalid.

Because you are a nigger withou standards
Your entire post screams Reddit and you should go back

>Newfag thinks he can sniff out other Newfags to fit in

Objectively correct analysis.


I view it like Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls > > Dark Souls 2

I haven't played a hell of a lot of demon's souls but I'd place it around dark souls 2 level.

>these are the shit taste subhumans you have to share Sup Forums with

People werent kidding when they said this was Sup Forumsl lite

>99% of each weapon functions exactly the same as every other weapon in that category
But that's factually wrong you idiot. Most weapons have at least one difference from one another.

best game for PvP

Except they don't though

I love you Ebola Chan