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Awesome picture

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Elder scrolls/ Morrowind art thread?


Eat your heart out novigrad

You were supposed to say "least it was before Baar Dau fucked everythang up", n'wah.

Before I fucked it all up...

Ok I have to admit I'm really impressed with some of the care for detail put into Morrowind. I've been an Oblivion player all my life, having tried Morrowind on the Xbox and feeling "meh" about it, but on a lightly modded PC version I really like the way the game was done.

In Vivec for example, I wandered into some Nord's manor and found a locked door to the basement. Thinking something valuable was inside, I sneaked in just to find that the Nord asshole has been embezzling funds he got from the Temple for the renovation of the City's physical temple building.

Also the stuff about slavery and the different cultures is pretty damn interesting.

morrowind has plenty of flaws related to gameplay mechanics and designs but in terms of world building it cannot be touched

also he had pet rats
filthy fuck

House Telvanni represent

Fuck Redoran
Fuck Hlaalu

Fucking christ, can we stop trying to make games look more realistic and work on making games worlds match the concept art?

Redoran or get the fuck out.

This looks like Vivec if you visited it in Baldur's Gate

How did Bethesda get so much right with Morrowind's world design that they weren't able to do it in further games?

It's not that they couldn't, it's that those psychos running companies think they know everything no matter how much they're proven otherwise, yet keep getting hired because they had more money in the first place and can afford to be retarded.

I'm definitely starting to see what everyone's been talking about in terms of Morrowind being the best in terms of lore and setting of the franchise.

Another highlight of my playthrough have been finding some weird 6th House fuckery in what I thought was a random Dunmer Stronghold in the middle of nowhere. Inside all the chairs and tables were stacked up in unnerving patterns and I found pic related near the end. The Dagoth minibosses were tricky since I had no idea they'd be in a Dunmer stronghold.

Other than that I found a small plantation town and decided to kill the owners for the hell of it only to find that they were running a black market arms dealing business and had a few Daedric pieces (the first time I saw Daedric in game) among other valuable stuff. That was a profitable day for me (unfortunately I wanted Glass, not Daedric).

get the hell out of here, Nickies

>had over 600 screenshots from the last fully modded playthrough i had of morrowind
>accidentally deleted the folder
why am i such a FUCK UP

Which House is the best? Which guild?

Fuck, I didn't think anyone still had that saved honestly.

As an aside I really do like how Glass and Daedric are actually rare in Morrowind instead of being regular good loot that you expect to find.

They went with the easy route of making everything like LotR or any medieval media

I always felt the imperial cult was very underappreciated if you actually roleplay it and do it the way they tell you instead of just having everything in your inventory the first trip.

It's Vivec's own fucking fault. What did he expect?


I'm pretty sure you just had a seizure on your keyboard and saved it as a filename.

>droping the n'word
Take your xenophobia back to Sup Forums.

>first time playing morrowind
>first time I fast travel to outside the city it's so big and intimidating I just pass it on
>read in game stuff about how only the foreign quarter should be accessible to me
>don't brave the other cantons until I've advanced enough in my great house to be directed there
>do so
>there's actually no law against my presence and I can wander around anywhere I like
>it's all pretty much the same
>apparently these colossal pyramid like structures have 3 doors along the bottom side which count as 'houses'
>city feels so much fucking smaller than it initially appears
>the grand and wondrous puzzle canal full of treasures people whisper about is just a handful of empty sewers

Vivec is better than cities in other games but you can't shake off that feel that you've been blue-balled by how great everything sounds in the lore.

Also the city doesn't look anything like that picture in game.

>Skar was resurrected with necromancy to try and repel the daedric invasions during the Oblivion Crisis

>after first playing game on console play it on PC
>turn off fog
>ebonheart literally a stone's throw from the capital

Anyone else feel that was weird as hell?

And they lost, redoran a SHIT. no matter if kuckbride and todd favour them

>eso retconning balmora into redoran town
I hope they go out of business

Is that a picture of current Texas?

Ebonheart is a tiny ass fuckin' fort, same as practically every Imperial settlement on Vvardenfall. Didn't really think too much of it.
Isn't ESO way in the past? Maybe Hlaalu Imperial'd ownership of Balmora since then. Or maybe they recognize that Redoran is just plain cooler than Hlaalu.

Pretty sure vvardenfel was only recently settled by great houses and before then was temple land only.

Surprised more that Indoril isn't a bigger presence.

ESO isn't canon. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Shame I accidentally joined Hllalu on my first playthrough.


It kinda makes me sad playing MW for the first time knowing that everything I'm seeing gets nuked by Red Mountain all because Vivec didn't think maybe keeping a giant rock floating above his Capital city as his power to keep it up rapidly decreases wasn't a great idea.

>redoran is just plain cooler than Hlaalu.

yep looks like it. Now what?

Sheogorath sent that asteroid himself. Fake god or not, he can't stop the rock.

I think a good portion of Telvanni lands survived cus magic

>There will never be a Balmora this fucking big
Feels bad

>the balmora envisioned
>the balmora we got

The situation of Vvardenfell seems ambiguous, like some texts say it is a wasteland while other texts seem to indicate villages and cities still exist. There was one text about rescue efforts and Balmora being covered in ash rather than obliterated.

Freelancer is best for role-playing though I think you have to join a house for the main quest so Redoran since they are the most sensible. Hlallu are essentially race traitors and Telvanni are Jews

Nah you aint gotta join shit for the main quest. Just gotta convince them all that you're a good fella who deserves to be Hortator.

Rats are cute okay

they're cuter in Oblivion

>Ahh, n'wah, do not hate me because I am beatiful, n'wah
>Maybe if rid yourself of that redoran-esque haircut you would acquire some Ashlanders upon your muatra
>Furthermore, perhaps Habasi shall call you forth, should she cease laying with that telvanni mage or hlaalu merchant as the case may be

Honestly, the only visual mod that is needed I think is a view distance improvement. Other than that everything is a luxury

Is there even a game with comfier cities or music? IS IT POSSIBLE?


Skywind when so we can use their assets in OpenMW


*downloads a 100% accuracy mod*


Can anyone justify siding with House Hlaalu besides roleplaying the dirtiest scumbag Imperial?

A thief who wants to retire into nobility?

Not being an ash dweller?

morrowind came out on xboxhuge

I joined Hlaalu on my main save. I was an orc, happy to be free to conduct business in this free world and no longer under slavery to the imperials, but I used that connection to con money for myself and essentially make off with the riches to be found in this mysterious land of Vvardenfell.

I like to believe my Nerevarine either ascended into CHIM after consorting with Vivec or died in the volcanic erruption with his family in the manor near Balmora.

You know that's not what the city looks like in the game right?

But then the casuals will think it looks too childish or weird and not SO REEL enough and won't buy it.

>Telvanni are Jews
nwah please, the hlaalu are clearly the jews of vvardenfell


Was Vivec city based on the Aztec captial?

>multistep pyramids
>built on the water with canals between stuff

fuck redoran and fuck dunmer

And then it gets invaded by slav- I mean Argonians. Shit sucks



is daggerfall worth playing?

is it better than Morrowind?

is it detailed?

Why do people always chimp out about video game cities not being the size of actual cities? Do you really think the game would be better if the devs had to spread their resources over 500 houses and npcs intead of 50?
Half the reason that new bethleda rpgs are all shallow, poorly written single player mmos is because they spend their resources on generating quantity over quality now.
How bland and shit do you think morrowind would have been with towns that size?

user, your crime has been reported.

wait until daggerfall unity is finished and then play both

play all of them. You can see how they were trying to make the same game the whole time, but were just limited by the engines they had available to use. The outworld is fucking huge and empty but that's all they could do at the time.

who says every house needs to be explorable? Just make a few houses explorable and fill the world with npcs that don't matter

>not being a wood elf
>not looking exactly like fargoth
>not killing fargoth and stealing his clothes
>not beginning your adventure like this for every character you make

>Just make a few houses explorable
>The elder scrolls

Are you a genuine retard or something?


are there no unique locations or anything?

You end up with fucking tiny cities in every single game just because they have every single house explorable. Most of the houses are copy-paste anyway with nothing unique in them. If you get rid of the generic houses, you can create larger cities and more memorable houses


Yes he can, he has done much more impressive things than stopping a fucking rock and because of the covenant between alessia and akatosh, Sheogorath can't do shit about it. Just accept that Vivec is an asshole.

Vivec is a literal saint. Jiub would kiss his fucking Chimer foot.

>quantity over quality
But their quantity is shit too because they're using the worst engine of all time and refusing to hire enough people to actually make the games they want to make

I'd pay money for some of these as posters


For starters, fully explorable cities are the lifeblood of Elder scrolls games, without them half the stuff that makes the series unique, like thievery, would be gone.
Secondly, having a shitload of non-interactive buildings in cities doesn't improve the game in any way, it just spaces out the content, makes everything feel sterile and increases travel time. You would think after a decade of bland, sterile cities in open world games and mmos, people would have realized that big, uninteractive cities are boring and pointless, but some cunts just don't take a hint, I guess.

Telvanni are more like mad-scientist or academia professors gone rouge


so if i start vanilla morrowind at the maximum resolution a glitchy green bar appears on the screen and cuts off about 10% of it. what the fuck is this?

im on windows 10 btw

I'll admit, Morrowind is pretty cool but why is it hailed as the best Elder Scrolls game?

This doesn't look good though, from street level, all streets would look similar

Because it has the most freedom out of the handcrafted scrolls.

You can make a telekinesis unlock on touch spell to open locked doors with forks. You can alchemy your way into jumping over the whole island. You can enchant yourself with dispell effect so items with curses don't affect you. It's also one of the richest and most deep post-Tolkien fantasies. You can argue with people online like a true autist for over a decade about the nature of spears. And the modding scene is not stopping anytime soon. You have projects trying to rebuild half the Tamriel and as I hear, Morrowind just took over Oblivion as a game with more published mods this year.

In short, Morrowind ride never ends.

Best lore
Best art (If you put the 3D limitations aside)
Best magic system

The lore and art blow usually blows people's minds at how unique, in-depth, and well thought out the world is. The ridiculous amount of spells adds to the gameplay depth, considering how long it takes to master and find all the spells for just one field of magic.

It also, inarguably, has the best writing

Morrowind also, I suppose, feels the most "realistic", in the sense that there's many personal, political, philosophical, and political problems at play. The Telvanni mirror's real acadamia, scientists, and philosophers. Redoran mirrors police and militia forces. The Hallu mirrors private sector and corporations. There is no one overpowered force, and everything is just as dirty as you'd expect it to be IE your spymaster does drugs to cope with life, slavery is widespread by both plantation owners and as Telvanni servants. The higher lords of Morrowind have a whole set of drama related to them and have tried a ridiculous amount to cover up and rewrite history in their favor.

In my eyes the only thing you could dislike about Morrowind is:
>It's too serious if you just want to screw around
>Too much to keep track of lore-wise
>Gameplay is kind of off at some points - IE Theif characters
>Aged poorly graphically

Why did the artist put birds in and not cliff racers?