What are some good 3DS video games for an 11 year old girl? She is a Stacy, so it can't be too difficult or too complex. I want to be something she can pick up between weeks or months breaks. She travels a lot so I want her to play it on her plane rides.
Video Game for little girl
animal crossing
Thought of this but only problem is the time. I don't want her to worry about time management and also she is going to be traveling a lot so it will fuck it up more.
Story of Seasons. Harvest Moon-style games have always, always been popular among girls. It doesn't get really grindy or time management-heavy unless you're investing into it enough to unlock the Tropical and Ice vendors. Otherwise, can't go wrong with Mario or Mario Kart.
Style savvy fashion forward, nintendogs, tomodachi life
Great suggestions. I might pick up story of seasons for myself so I can try it out before getting her a copy. Tomodachi life is a must get for her, she would love it
I can already tell this thread is going to go down the shitter fast
>I want to be something she can pick up between weeks or months breaks.
That's fucked up, user. You should be ashamed.
Animal Crossing
don't buy games just based on gender, that's why girls always end up being casual faggots
get her games that everyone can enjoy. mario kart, professor layton, pokemon.
don't just run and get barbie fashion adventure, girls honestly hate that, especially considering she's in middle school
Contra 4
get off my board normie
She is a girly girl. But even then I wasn't going to get her Barbie shit. I just wanted something very casual. I don't know if she will even like video games. I love her so much I just want her to have something to do on her plane rides
Return to PoPoLoCrois is very nice and engaging, has farming and colorful characters.
Pokemon might give her autism.
Cooking Mama series is supposed to be really good.
Gurumin is excellent.
Kirby series is pretty accessible.
Would suggest Unholy Heights too.
Why the hell is an 11 year old girl on plane rides for weeks and months at a time? Where is she going?
You a pervert or something user?
>he's sending video games to a semi-famous 11-year-old girl
I don't like where this is going
um shes 11 barely even has a gender at that point
The Pretty Rhythm, PriPara, and Aikatsu games are good. They're japanese, but there isn't much story involved. They all have dress up, rhythm, and minigames.
Super Mario 64
That dog simulator
sayonara umihara kawase
My little sister loves pokemon, so there's always that. Other than that try ace attorney or something.
Thank you user will check these out :)
Girls her age are prime femininity before they mellow out with puberty
did you just call your kid a fucking stacy lmfao
Purge the ignorance and hatred from your body, leave from tumblr and learn our ways, the ways of rage and feels.
Has Rapelay been ported to 3DS?
>I want to be something she can pick up between weeks or months breaks
Senran Kagura EV, train her to be ready
Animal Crossing is a really good game for both males and females. Its pretty hard to strike that balance but AC always manages it.
I don't think I have ever seen a guy be given any shit for like AC unless he's a pervert about it.
Riaru kanojo for the ds
Let me give you my list:
>harvest moon grand bazaar (nice, simple, and unbuggy unlike the other ds harvest moons)
>my world, my way
>witch's wish
>style savvy (extra emphasis on this one, it's absoluetly perfect for an 11 year old stacy)
>princess debut (fun rhythm game about a princess)
>super scribblenauts
Pilotwings Resort
trendsetters was one of Sup Forums's fotm, that's how deceptively good it is
it looks gay as fuck but it's a first party nintendo game
Thank you both very much. You are a big help, I mean it.
who are you in relation to this girl
father? brother? mother? cousin? uncle? """"friend""""?
so either stalker or toy donation thing