Other urls found in this thread:
>Be Skaven bro
>Barely play TW:WH1 because of no Skaven
>Eagerly await the next game, which will surely have Skaven
>Watch trailer
>Hop up in down in my seat chanting SKAVEN SKAVEN SKAVEN
>Hug my Queek Headtaker plush toy as I await the Skaven reveal
>See the new factions
>Fuck off gay pepemen
>Fuck off fag Elves
>Trailer cuts to black and logo comes up
>Don't see any Skaven
>I immediately REEEEEEEEE and through my computer across the room
>Kick my baby brother across the room
>Claw at mommys face while yelling WHERE ARE THEY SKAVEN. Mommy doesnt even know what a skaven is
>Later found out that there's a little teaser of Skaven at the very end
Literally who gives a fuck
Nobody gave a shit about Warhammer Fantasy when it was alive and only acted so indignant after it was murdered in the most ignoble fashion possible
I'm ready.
Give me an update on
>Vampire Coast
>Tomb Kings
Post skaven memes
Don't forget to buy the dlc yes-yes.
no fucking way
you can play them with faction unlocker but they'll just be generic Norsca
Possible DLC
Combined map
Possible DLC
Guaranteed DLC
fucking this man
This is all I have
I don't know why I should care. I have barely scratched the surface of total warhammer 1, why in the ever loving fuck would I already be interested in it's $60 sequel?
Warhammer: Total War might as well be renamed to Wasted Potential: Total War. CA had an opportunity to bring the Warhammer universe to life, but as usual they brought their 3/4's of an ass of effort to the project.
-Magic system, the new big thing in combat, is absolutely terrible and has been relegated to buffs that produce miniscule effects
-All the factions outside the starting 4 were absolute failures
-Only good DLC was Grim&Grave, King&Warlord. All others were objective shit.
-Enemy AI doesn't play to win, it plays to give you high bloodpressure
-No family tree
-Quest Battles are absolutely 100% funtime, but having to unlock them with the endless list of bullshit prereqs bogs you down so badly, it almost isn't worth the epic fight + unique gear.
-Combat stats are obtuse as fuck, and Final Fantasy tier BIG HUEG NUMBERS.
-Large units are impossible to figure out. Which ones are large? Are Wolf Riders large? Are Skin Wolves? This matters, because you need to know what it is in order to counter it, but you can't figure that out through experimentation due to the atrocious flow of battle.
I could just keep listing the issues with this game, but it would take me over the limit. WH:TW was such a fucking disappointment, I won't be getting the sequel. CA doesn't improve its games mechanically, and this game is a mechanical nightmare come to life.
>objective disappointment
Meanwhile its the most pre-ordered game in the franchise.
first pc game i ordered box version in a long time
Agree with a lot of what you said. Still enjoyed the game but I feel like they could have made a true masterpiece if they did everything right. I feel like the Monster hunts for Norsca are a bit better as far as pre quest battle bullshit goes but I might have just gotten lucky with the monsters I choose to fight.
Is it a separate game or will it overwrite my existing install of TWW?
Why no way to Amazons? They don't have like anything in the way of an army list but I think GW gave CA the go ahead to improvise.
The battles themselves are great, and how the whole monster hunt mechanic works is perfectly thematic. It does feel a little lazy in some regards since it is just basically some RoR from each faction, but it works.
My only gripe with the Norsca DLC at this point is that it wasn't a two faction DLC with the other being Kislev. I imagine they are saving Kislev as a fleshed out faction for the final game given where it should be set.
Stand-alone game. But the first update will be some sort of connected map if you own the first game as well.
CA doesn't really have carte blanche to just make stuff up. Brettonians got their stuff properly fleshed out because most of that stuff existed from an army book that didn't get released.
Don't get me wrong I would love for CA to flesh out all sorts of nobody factions that should exist on the map, but it is highly unlikely GW would let them. Or at least not without demanding more money to let them do so.
It really grinds my gears that there aren't any pike units in this game. I mean I get it from a tabletop standpoint. Giant plastic pikes are probably ass to transport and get broken off easily.
I just want a fleshed out and playable Estalia/Tilea.
Standalone, but they will be stupid if they don't do it like FOTS, where if you had the previous title it installed in the same directory to share assets. They claim the install size will be 60GB, and a good number of factions in the game are the same as in the first.
I guess those are the try outs for Darren spot? And I thought it couldn't get worse than the man itself.
They should have just kept Bickham for PR, dude could talk and not sound like an idiot or annoying cunt, and his voice wasn't grating either.
tomb kangz when?
>the treasure hunts
>the free stuff on the sea
Some of the rewards seem just insanely good.
Will be one of the first DLCs for this.
No Jezzails no buy
I'd accept a steaming pile of shit if I could play skaven
What's the strategy for lizardmen? Do they go for numbers? Are their units of superior quality? Do they opt for physical assaults over magic or vice versa? What's their deal?
so what are the dlc races? tomb kings and mercenary nations
Currently playing Vampire Cunts. Is the Terrorgheist useless, and are hexwraiths worth using?
Tomb Kings are guaranteed
Possibly Araby, Dogs of War, Vampire Coast, Amazons
hmm, of all of those i would say dogs of war, since it can envelope all of them
>ogre kingdoms
>chaos dwarves
>first DLCs
Nah it will probably have the same release window that Welfs got.
>Magic system
It was buffed, it was any stronger you would complain about it being OP
>All the factions outside the starting 4 were absolute failures
The most retarded thing i've ever read, completely wrong in every way.
Beastmen, Wood Elves, Bretonnia and Norsca are fantastic, and Chaos got changed with Old World update.
>Only good DLC was G&G, K&W
Wrong, read above
>Enemy AI doesn't play to win
The fuck does that even mean?
>No family tree
go back to history retard
>Combat stats are obtuse as fuck
If you're a complete retard
>and final fantasy tier big
And it seems you are.
>Large units are impossible to figure out
You keep sounding more and more retarded, please stop.
Quality over quantity
Also they can do both, but the big Slanns are some of the best magic wielders in the universe
wrong area those are all more north east of the twwh 1 map
They seem to be the Vampires of TWW2, great magic, fodder units, great monsters and magic machines
>D-Donate to my patreon guys!
Darren is a massive faggot
>some of
How about "the"
>you will make the world of Mallus into Scaly paradise in your lifetime
That's just so Great.
Eradicate mammals.
Lizard Supremacy!
Its called Fated Place you AoS kiddo.
2 quick questions from someone who likes Warhammer but has no patience to paint minis:
1. What is the gameplay around battles? Painting blobs on a map freestyle, or story-based scenarios?
2. What will be the best way to get as many factions available as possible?
1. Total War formula, i bit faster due to the amount of damage units can do, there is quest battles for every Legendary Lord that have some story.
2. There is a sale on at the moment, but there will probably be a complete edition later on, who knows.