is it just me or is the industry less interested in sjw shit now?
Is it just me or is the industry less interested in sjw shit now?
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gamergate people moved on to the latest fad, bashing trump
Spoiler this fucking ugly whore please
like every hobby, the numales and women move on eventually after ruining it for everyone to find the next thing to destroy
The industry is formed by people who don't give a shit about pointless politics.
You have Overwatch and BF1, and then ME Andromeda and Mafia 3.
Video games work on a pretty long dev cycle so you're stuck with it for awhile, but shit like tacoma and sunset have really proven it to be unprofitable. So only moronic ideologues pursue that shit.
gg was almost 4 years ago so yea SJWs mostly moved on to the next dumb protests.
Thank god they ruined it, hyped for the incoming industry crash.
Too bad goobergators are still here.
it was a fad, people move on.
trump and a republican congress is more of an issue for liberals anyway right now.
Yeah, now instead of that we have loot crate/microtransaction corporate cocksuckers
There's nothing left to do.
- All videogames are shit now.
- All gamers are reactionary faggots and Sup Forums is indistinguishable from Sup Forums.
Bash-a-fash simulator comes out next month.
SJW are now focusing on making all men evil rapists
They already ruined video games as much as they could
too busy bitching about Trump to bother us, thank god.
The people who look even sillier are the doomsayers that said sjw ruined gaming
capitalism, bitch
the industry is interested in the same thing it always was: money
If SJW shit does no money, they stop making it
>vidya is shit now, guise!
How's your nostalgia goggles? People currently enjoying good games like Persona 5 and Breath of the Wild.
This. Means everything can go back to small passion studios and we can get another golden age.
Pendulum effect.
>Sup Forums is indistinguishable from Sup Forums
Somewhat debatable. Last time someone on Sup Forums started crying about killing Nazis in Wolfenstein a few weeks back they were rightly shit on.
Yes, it's moving on. SJW's only liked video games because video games finally became mainstream a few years ago.
And even if it doesn't recover, seeing Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Konami etc die would be far more entertaining than any videogame they could ever make.
After all the failed sales of games that tried to pander to SJWs, I think they realize they are shitting on the wrong audience.
>is the industry less interested in sjw shit now?
i dont know, user. there was quite a few stereotypical black women with afros sprinkled on to many games at this years E3. not to mention even some "multicultural diversity" bullet points as if thats somehow a relevant feature that makes a game good
And after you finish the one or two decent games released this year, you have nothing else to do.
have you forgot the BLACKED E3?
*sucking trumps dick
>be a member of IEEE
>voting for various high up roles in the organization
>numerous candidates pledges mention inclusivity of other genders and races
Immediately disregard their points since STEM particularly tech has the highest amount of foreigners in high up positions
>videogames will soon revert to white bald male MCs, with almost no exceptions
Videogames were a mistake
>one or two
Compared to the shitfest that was 2016, 2017 for vidya was a fucking godsend. Continue wallowing over your ancient video games, they definitely didn't age like milk.
Weebs were always the ultimate SJW's
pretty sure they figured out the people they were pandering to don't actually buy games
It never was
Anyone have that memey picture of a guy gassing lest wingers in a chamber saying "I just wanted to play video games, why couldn't you leave me alone?" or something like that.
Nier, Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, Tales of Berseria, Mario Rabbids, Gravity Rush 2, Prey, God Wars Future Past, and Horizon Zero Dawn have all released this year.
We still have upcoming titles coming out as well such as Ys VIII, Divinity OS2, Tokyo Xandu, 4 Goddesses Online, Wolfenstien 2, .hack//G.U., Summon Nights 6, Mario Oddesy, and possibly Xenoblade 2 all coming out this year. You have to look for games user.
Go be fucked by black men elsewhere, tripfag.
Neither do people who visit Sup Forums
Give me a point in time where vidya MCs have all been white and bald with no exceptions.
delete this fucking picture right now
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Wasn't this game accused of pandering to SJW too?
Calm before the storm. (((They))) will never stop.
Everyone panders to SJW according to Sup Forums
The only thing that got fucked is your trash opinion on games
>this delusional
Everything isn't about politics. This tripfag was listing good games released and will be released this year.
Play the game and see for yourself. People shitpost about it because a female was lead even though there have been plenty of female leads in the past.
Shut up, tripshit.
I've never really cared about politics, and I think Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
I just share their distaste for niggers.
i fucking hate trump, but about 90% of the things the media and people complain about are bullshit and they ignore the real ones
>pander to them
>realize sales didn't change at all
>stop wasting resources to attempt to get a market that'll never touch your product
Hopefully most studios realize this already. Then you have someone like Activision doesn't give a shit to be controversial since it'll give them clickbaits.
Welcome to the American political circus, the biggest joke of the past 200 years.
Oh yeah, female lead was clearly the reason..
Activision, the ones who made Overwatch, or the WWII game with black female nazi soldiers?
welcome to the political circus of hegemon/regional powers, the biggest joke of the past 4000 years
glooby poopy diapers
There's still some presence if the black women Nazis in the upcoming CoD are anything to go by (which is just plain silly too), but I think more people realized they didn't actually play games.
>If SJW shit does no money, they stop making it
>Sunset bombs, SJW darlings Tale of Tales disbands because they went broke
>Ghostbusters: Female Pandering edition bombs because they spent more time focused on artificially assembling a cast of one gender instead of writing a quality script & production
>Anita fails to deliver her obligations from Kickstarter by a long shot, burning her backers
and most importantly
>Trump elected in the USA broadcasted loud and clear that SJW methodology was not accomplishing their goals of gender/racial equality, causing them to reconsider their strategy (at least the intelligent ones are)
Ultimately it's the largest minefield seen since the Korean War, or perhaps the Yugoslav War.
No shit.
Bioware is the forefront of going down hard with ugly protags. I ignore any and every fucking game that has a female that looks like shit and isn't waifu material. Especially those with females having that half shaved nigger cut like in sfv or overwatch/battleborn/lawbreakers. The only one that may have gotten a pass is rise of the tomb raider because i find that bitch hot when she goes in the water and screams in pain. Not sure if rise is a sjw game either
>doesn't like a certain group of people
>brings said group of people up randomly in conversation
You clearly have a distaste for videogames
And thus the pointless political fight of two groups that have to put up with leaders who have vastly more moderate versions of their views, thus achieving no difference continues.
They're still promoting SJW shit and they'll continue, it's just that they put all their eggs in the 2016 basket with shit like:
>mirror's edge 2
>rise of the tomb raider
>deus ex: mankind divided
>mafia 3
>watch dogs 2
>dishonored 2
Most of those games outright tanked, the rest had marginal at best sales or was just forgotten less than a month after release. The same companies that put the most blatant obnoxious SJW shit out there last year, are now hurting, some of them like Square-Enix and Hangar13 are practically crippled.
We've already had SJW tanks this year like:
>mass effect andromeda
>star trek
>life is strange 2
>uncharted the lost legacy
but we'll see some more SJW tanks. The good thing is that the more companies hemorrhage money to shit out these garbage products that barely anyone wants to play, the more they're circling the drain.
That's because they both feed off each other, so the pendulum swings wildly. The best thing to do at this point is actually telling Sup Forums and the alt-right to fuck off, otherwise we'll just get stuck swinging the other way again.
I don't like SJW but I also sure as shit don't like Sup Forumsfront
This is why idealists need to die.
They are a cancer that goes full retard with media.
Letting civilians in politics was a mistake.
All I've noticed is that there's been less Sup Forumsbait threads lately.
>Activision, the ones who made Overwatch
>mfw far cry: stupid drumpf voters and assassin's WE destroys ubisoft
>being this delusional
Those games will sell well off the name alone. Most people don't give a shit about perceived political agendas.
Blizzard is part of Activision.
If it has a good reputation, it sells.
Battlefield 1 sold, Overwatch sold.
The majority of the people don't give a fuck about politics, it's just SJW games tend to be bad, but marketing can overcome quality.
The industry has begun to catch on that putting in progressive themes only removes only destroys their competitiveness. Capitalism is about pushing everything to the limit to make a buck and that means making the sexiest and most appealing characters you possibly can. What shareholder wants a company that intentionally ruins the bottom line to appease people with bad self images and project it upon society?
And thus, the focus continues to not be making good videogames.
This industry needs to die, and I won't be happy until every single videogame developer ends up working in a kebab shop.
Last thing I want is more Overwatch.
>single player sjw garbage sells well
Yeah, tell that to Naughty Dog and the cucks who just made Life is Strange BTS, I'm sure they're thrilled at seeing more people watching Friday the 13th The Game on the release day of both those SJW turds.
They're also called "Activision Blizzard" and not just Activision. Activision does it's own things while Blizzard does the same. Activision did not make Overwatch like how Blizzard did not make CoD WW2
>Sup Forums is indistinguishable from Sup Forums
Sup Forums at least just has autism, not autism and schizophrenia
the "industry" will continue to be "interested" in sjw shit. the consumer will just buy whatever is flung at them with enough momentum (marketing) .
Horizon sold pretty well.
Enough marketing overcomes everything.
>Sup Forums is indistinguishable from Sup Forums
There's actually been a notable increase of anons telling Sup Forumsbabbies to fuck off this year.
Console exclusive. People have to justify their purchase. As far as "sold well," according to whom? Guerilla refuses to put out solid sales figures but they keep claiming they're thrilled with the sales numbers.
I've never heard of a company do anything but hide the sales figures on embarrassing underperforming products.
sjws don't actually buy games
Wolfenstein The New Order?
I mean, people are accusing the second one of being SJW.
And even Mafia 3 sold 5 million copies.
Consumers are absolute retards, they don't have brains, market it hard enough, and they will buy it.
Those fucking idiots still buy COD every single year after a decade of sameness.
Yeah but that's because you can't go into a Subnautica thread to talk about recent submarine updates without some retard crying about Sup Forums boogeymen because somehow a conversation about a submarine triggered their feefees.
It's not a boogeyman if it exists. The Wolfenstein threads are proof.
They moved onto comics.
SJWs thought they were winning, so they went into the next phase of action - the Antifa. Then Trump won so they kicked it into high gear, all in all it's resulting in the slow but tremendous collapse of their cultural influence.
Mafia 3 sold 5 million copies? Citation needed, and this is the same Mafia 3 that was down to half price less than a month after release.
Successful games don't do that.
It wasn't succesful though because the game cost more than expected, but if 5 million retards can be convinced to buy that piece of trash, then they can be convinced to buy anything.
So in other words they told glorified game bloggers that they sold 5 million copies, but in an investment call which they are legally obligated to be forthcoming with the facts, they admitted they failed to meet development costs AND neglected to announce in the call how many units they actually sold.
OK, let me go ahead and file this under "shit investors say to mongoloids who they're not legally obligated to be honest with."
>a notable increase of anons
*sjw cancer and sharia blue shills
>Trump bashers
No GamerGaters are alt right.
No, it simply means 5 million copies weren't enough to cover the costs.
True. But it's because we're experiencing a cultural shift.
No, people who are sick of politics and the paranoid faggots that obsess over it. Case in point.
They specifically told their investors that the game sold 5 million copies.
>"On October 7, 2K launched Mafia III. Developed by 2K's newest studio, Hangar 13, Mafia III received critical praise for its deep storytelling and authentic period setting. The title achieved the highest first week sell-in of any game in 2K's history and was a popular choice for consumers during the holiday season. To-date, Mafia III has sold-in approximately 5 million units," explained Strauss Zelnick, Chairman and CEO of Take-Two during the publisher's overnight Q3 earnings call.
No, games are just less interested in advertising it.
There are a ton of games with non-white or female protags this year, it's just nobody cares about aggrandizing it aside from Sup Forums shitposters.
Yes I'm sure shareblue is paying people $10 an hour to specifically post on a video game board.
Take your delusions back to your own board please.
>cultural shift
No we are not, a cultural shift implies there's people pushing things, what we have is two sides full of retards who can't do shit aside from shitposting each other on the internet and flip over garbage bins, while they dream of actually doing something.
Hell, we even have the "skeptics", special snowflakes for whom either side wasn't special enough for them.
This is just a pissing contest to see who can who more against the "tide" because people have literally no idea what to do with their lives.