Thinking seeing the new hd tigrex barrelling down on you won't be the most hype thing in monster hunter world

>thinking seeing the new hd tigrex barrelling down on you won't be the most hype thing in monster hunter world

Monster Hunter!


I'm pretty terrified at the possibilities for Tigrex and Nargacuga in MHW. I think when we see the shit they can do all the increased hunter mobility is going to make sense. I could see Nargacuga jumping up to walls and clinging to them and then jumping back down at you like a cage match. Going to be scary.

I wonder if Narga armour will be too saucy for MHW.

pls bring back Tamamitsune and Qurupeco

If Cuga comes back I hope it hunts you instead of you hunting it like if it would ambush you similar to what Barioth does if it spots you mid air first. Recently it feels like they've been pushing Nargacuga as a speedy monster and completely forgetting it is supposed to be a nocturnal ambush predator

post your reaction when they add shitty mhfu monsters without updating them

more spider

>New chameleon monster use Khezu's skeleton.
Are you ready for 60 FPS, full HD electro-penis wyvern fun?

more snek

lots of potential for a new snake, the forest has an area that is exactly like pic related

I want Zinogre
g8b zinogre




>They add back in the 2nd gen versions
>Without any of the horrible things they did to them in 4th gen

I'd be ecstatic.
All of those changes were terrible.

As much as I'm tired of seeing it, I think Deviljho would have some amazing potential if it was reworked for World.

>I could see Nargacuga jumping up to walls and clinging to them and then jumping back down at you like a cage match. Going to be scary.
So Barioth?

But user, how many generations Khezu has been in the roster? 3, and also in X/XX, that is a game on it's own so 4.

Now tell me how many generations gigginox has been in the roster? 1? from the game it originated? that's pitiful, not even in 4U or X/XX.

Is simple mathematics, now that the chameleon have it's skeleton it would be dumb not to include it, it even do one of it's trademark attacks.

>all gen 4 changes
Kut Ku, Basarios, Bloses (especially White Monoblos which was a surprise how much it changed), Chameleos, Fatalis trio, Rajang, Zinogre, Cephadrome, and Garuga were nothing but improvements because of 4U

I didn't play the 3DS games, what did they do?

They improved them, I don't know what he is talking about.

You can already do this playing mhxx on switch

She should put in some proper huge spider. Like Odula but bigger.

I haven't realized up till now that this will probably become a thing. I get to experience shitting bricks while fighting this thing again but in full HD - which will be even more horrifying. I remember fighting it on MHFU2 and its outbursts were downright scary.

Ok, I'll admit to the Blos changes.
Those were good.

Most of the other changes made the monsters far more hyperactive and spazzy that they ever were while also seeing a general reduction all around on hitzones for god knows what reason.
Chameleos was a terrible change taking his invisibility and instead just making it a teleport with no actual application outside of just warping around the field until you break a part. The Fatalis Trio was dumbed the fuck down and then subsequently made a joke by mounting, which really isn't their fault to be honest.

I'll also admit I'm overzealous about my blanket statment of horrible changes. I tend to base that off Frontier G and HC versions of those 2nd gen monsters who are easily better than the 4/4U versions.
Also Zinogre isn't a 2nd gen monster.

jhos are also almost guaranteed too

Kushy became an insufferable tornado

Early 2018 better not be the same as Tekken's early 2017.

Doesn't MHW have a date? Or is that the PC version?

Literally every monster before Tri was shit

the consle one comes first and that's "early 2018" and the pc version will come out "some time later"

don't bother replying to him, he shitposts daily with Yaki-Udon images and forced meme formats like "bamboo"

I just upgraded my PC, while all my friend are getting in on ps4. I will shit my fucking ass if theres no crossplay

>Chameleos was a terrible change taking his invisibility and instead just making it a teleport with no actual application outside of just warping around the field until you break a part
He goes invisible and walks on the ground, then goes ultra invisible and walks to another point, it's not "teleporting"

shhh... don't prove him wrong or he'll start crying again! even though you can clearly watch Cham take off when it goes invisible before breaks by shooting a crag or slicing shot on it

I can guarantee you right now that it will not.

I could see xbox and pc having cross play, but with ps4 in the mix that's not going to happen

Post rooms.

The hype got me playing again and I can't cook meat for shit.


Getting remobra armour might have been one of the most pointless things I did (after vespoid armour). Dat ass though.

>Not the killer pickle

Is Nintendogaf still insisting this will be bad? I'm only more excited the more we learn about it, but Sup Forums still seems the be the only place assuming it will be bad.

I'd honestly prefer if neither got in.

What's the best style for gunlance in XX?

The style of picking a different weapon.

I want Narga leaping down from the treetops to scare the dung bombs out of newfags in the forest at night, kinda like Diablos exploding out of the ground in the desert.

I'm certainly hoping Khezu will make it.
No Khezu no buy

I play Monster Hunter for the vore content.

Will they introduce a new Rath subspecies?

>Actually would be using Hunter Horn since it gives you all the songs right in front of you at all times
Yeah I always sucks at Horn since I kept forgetting the different music I could play and had to keep opening the menus to see them.

The hypest moment will be you and the monster staring each other down, then simultaneously charging towards one another, leaping forward and taking it down.

This happened to me once and I will never forget it

Aisha best girl

In what universe?

Play more.

All of them.

I do that all the time with Lance
Although admittedly it only works some of the time due to >Hitboxes or making a bad gamble on when the next carge to the face is going to cause a flinch.

Fantastic thoughts, but completely false.

>big brach cock slut

it's trash

Your delusion is amusing.

Oh yeah, I can't wait to see this jackass pacing back and forth at mach 1.

How far back in the series do you have to go to see gunlance in its prime? Was it ever good?

>implying barreling down on enemies atop your trusty pet vicious attack dinosaur Tigrex won't be a million times more fun in monhun stories

World is for MUH GRAFIX fags who don't actually like monhun and are dudebro consolebabbys

Yeah cause all those people who are going to be buying it on pc are "dudebro consolebabbys". Next time learn how to make a proper troll comment before posting.

This was going to be a pity (You) but it looks like you actually did make someone upset. So congrats on that.

Do you actually get boners from the stuff in the trailers of one monster eating or constricting another?

Gunlance has never been a particularly good weapon, the only things it had going for it were style and fixed damage for certain breaks or white fatty's armor mode

Some people will try to tell you it was good in P3 because of the auto-guard glitch, but it was still pretty sub-par overall

>Implying mhxx is even in the same ballpark visually as World

Being on Sup Forums in the weeks after the announcement was fun. "IT'S A SPIN-OFF, MONHUN 5 WILL BE ON SWITCH LATE 2018" "IT NOT FUCKING MONHUN 5 SO WHAT IF THE DEVS SAY IT IS, IT DOESNT HAVE 5 IN THE TITLE 5 IS COMING"

>Sup Forums still seems the be the only place assuming it will be bad.
No shit. Any game is bad by someone's falseflag standards if you ask Sup Forums.

Do you think MHW will get mini wyverns?

Its not the same.