If you could only choose to play through one of these two source games and never play the other one, which one would you choose?
If you could only choose to play through one of these two source games and never play the other one...
HL2. Because I haven't played the other one and HL2 is amazing.
I haven't even played VTMB and I'd still choose it
probably bloodlines
hl2 is basically a gravity gun demo
vtmb if standalone game
hl2 if mods are allowed
Half-Life 2 was one huge tech demo
VTMB by virtue of being almost as good but having far more replay value.
So if it was only for one playthrough you'd choose hl2?
Bloodlines easily.
VtMB is unplayable, literally, without mods.
>So if it was only for one playthrough you'd choose hl2?
Vampire. Because I already played the other one.
VTMB because it's actually a good game, unlike HL2.
HL2, but just because I've never played that other game before so I don't know how I would like it.
Half Life 2. Only brainless Sup Forums contrarians would answer differently.
VTMB looks pretty interesting so I'll go with that one. I played the first Half Life but dropped it halfway through, have no interest in the sequel.
>'le option c XD"
kill yourself
Bloodlines no question.
HL2 while having a decent sci-fi plot for modern day entertainment still is pretty fanfic tier storyline with as many plot holes,debates,and unanswered questions as Inception.
HL2 was more about game play and showing off the Source engine than anything else.
Post your favorite vampire clan.
neo-Sup Forums
Baali just because of their embrace ritual and overlap with every other gameline
I've beat HL2 like 10 times. I can't even get past the beginning of this vampire shitter
Half Life 2 because twintails are a fucking shit hairdo.
wrong and i'll fight you
Bloodlines, especially if we can mod it.
HL2 is just a source engine tech demo. I'll take Bloodlines and play the superior Half-Life 1 like any man of taste would.
this. fuck valve.
Lasombra because their powers seem amazingly terrifying, still not really sold about the Sabbat
Meet me in Texas once the sword ban lifts.
if i'm going to die in a sword fight then i'll have to import a kimono so that i might die the way that i lived
make sure you buy actual glorious nippon steel folded 1000 times and not some tourist trinket
>all this shitting on hl
>literally nothing on why vtmb is better
I unironically didn't enjoy HL2 or 1.
Vampire. HL2 was just a Source engine tech demo
I was in high school when they came out going to LAN parties every weekend. HL2 was fun for a run through, but only because the source engine was brand new so it was neat seeing all the gravity physics. It doesn't have much staying power though because single player FPS are dull, and the MP was fun for the first few times just because it's fun chucking chucking sinks across the map. VtMB was a buggy mess, but it was great experience because it was completely new kind of experience. It was like Morrowind with guns and super powers, except the combat didn't suck and the NPCs didn't look like ass. Vampire also has more nostalgia for me because I also used to play the P&P games and HL is just a meh franchise to me because I prefer other FPS
VTMB has the far greater replayability, and in many ways is the better game, I'd only pick VTMB if I could get an official patch that fixes it's bugs to make it more akin to play HL2 on current hardware, and adds an official up to date SDK.