This scene ends the DEX vs STR argument forever

This scene ends the DEX vs STR argument forever.

Other urls found in this thread:

>fictional fight
>written and choreographed by people

link for the uninitiated

who wins i don't watch annie may


guts is both str and dex though


That's melee vs gun, not STR vs DEX you faggot.

t. dex fag

But Guts is both max STR and DEX

More like it ends the Dex/Cha vs Str/Dex argument.

Guts basically has all physical stats maxed.


More like

Int/Dex/Cha vs Str/Dex/Vit

And if this was DnD, Guts would lose.

>And if this was DnD, Guts would lose

Could you say a few more things to make your post the most wrong post of all time?

It's mathematically impossible for Level 40 Fighter to win against Level 40 Wizard in DnD, straight up impossible.

>not Int

Griffith isn't a wizard

Griffith isn't a wizard though, regardless of his int.

You stupid as fuck you cant even tell their builds.
Griffith = Dex
Gatts = Quality
Zod = Str

Level 40 characters don't exist anymore.

Griffith was shown extensively as a scholar as well as fighter. There's the whole Kama-Sutra scene with Guts and all, and that's not even the only instance.

plus, he's a genius strategist, so I really agree with INT/DEX/CHA for Griffith.

Berserk has magic users in it. Reading books does not make a wizard.

That's cool bro. But Griffith still isn't a Wizard. Fighters (or Cavaliers or even maybe Paladin in Griffith's case) can train intelligence skills.

He is Dex/Int/Cha, though, whereas Guts would be Str/Dex/Con.

And yet he was never shown using magic once. Griffith was not a magic user.

>thinking this is D&D
>thinking magic is the only application for INT.

are you seriously this dense? first of all, not even in D&D is INT ONLY used for magic, and then, we don't know for sure the source of the magic in Berserk. From the wiki: "Magic is used through manipulation of the spiritual realm through Od, which lays inside spirits and souls." That could very easily be CHA magic, Faith magic, or whatever.

this might just be the most useless and pathetic thread I have ever seen on Sup Forums

>>thinking this is D&D
>Literally opens with 'And if this was DnD, Guts would lose'
Shut the fuck up.

It's Wisdom you ninny.

You stupid motherfucker, this started as a "Gatts and Griffith are DnD classes" discussion.

Your comment is completely irrelevant anyway. No one is arguing that Griffith doesn't have Int, they're arguing that he isn't a Wizard. If you want Cha casting, you're a sorc, but Griffith never uses ANY magic so the point is moot.

>there are people who say Guts won only because his sword was bigger
People like to forget that Griffith was blocking that same sword effortlessly 3 years before Guts stacked STR and this duel happened.
STR wins.

>Guts isn't DEX STR CHA CON

>anime and tabletop cringe losers together in one place arguing
This is the worst thread to ever be created on Sup Forums

>str is best

If that were the case than every world-class fighter would be a huge juiced up bodybuilder instead of a lean mesomorph which most are.

Griffith won in the long run though

So who was in the wrong here


Guts has high charisma though. Every girl wants his dick. People see him as a leader. They gravitate towards him.

Guts is strong and very well rounded in the rest of his stats.

Nah. He might have decent or good charisma, but it's not high. Griffith is high charisma.

He's never charismatic though, he's basically a cold weirdo. People are attracted to him because of his inhuman strength and endurance

Griffith for being a closet homosexual and not confessing his feelings to Guts.

but Dex won that fight. he just too stupid to finish the guy off.

This, hubris is what killed him.

Guts doesn't really have high charisma. He barely speaks. When he does talk, it's very simple. He chooses not to get deep with people he's not comfortable with; there's only been three people he's had really deep, emotional conversations with, and those were Griffith, Casca, and Godo (especially the one before Godo's death). He's had some good talks with Puck and Schierke, but nothing on the level of Casca.
Griffith was openly bombastic in the way he spoke; Guts keeps to himself. That's one of the reasons he's such a beloved character in comparison to other anime protagonists. He doesn't spew every thought or talk about the power of friendship. He just gets the job done, and only those EXTREMELY close to him know what he truly thinks on things.

Best fictional character ever, honestly.

Unironically right.

>t. dex fag
but ranged weapons use dex
so showing that gun>melee just proves "dex>str"

>Guts doesn't really have high charisma. He barely speaks. When he does talk, it's very simple. He chooses not to get deep with people he's not comfortable with; there's only been three people he's had really deep, emotional conversations with, and those were Griffith, Casca, and Godo (especially the one before Godo's death). He's had some good talks with Puck and Schierke, but nothing on the level of Casca.
Griffith was openly bombastic in the way he spoke; Guts keeps to himself. That's one of the reasons he's such a beloved character in comparison to other anime protagonists. He doesn't spew every thought or talk about the power of friendship. He just gets the job done, and only those EXTREMELY close to him know what he truly thinks on things.

If Guts has a 7/10 charisma (which he doesn't, people tend to just admire his strength), then Griffith has a 20/10 charisma. He's a fucking Christ figure. That's his whole thing.

>superior nippon steeru
>folded ten thousand timeru

Just because someone keeps to themselves and doesn't vocalize every thought going through their head doesn't mean they're Byronic.
Guts is definitely a Byronic character, however. I don't think the fact that he rarely speaks is indicative of that, though. Anyone can be shy, but that doesn't make them an anti-hero.

The real question is, who wins in a Def vs Vit duel?

except anyone wielding the sword is dex by default
you can't angle it to cut without dex

str is for hammers, and that it, even axe would require a lot of dex if stats were counted like in real world not by DnD canons or whatever

More like CHA vs STR

>not being both DEX and STR

why do we never have an INT vs WIS battle
who wins

is there a difference?

book smarts vs street smarts, user

There isn't. It should really be a question between intuition vs experience

Good books teach the most important lessons. Fuck off nigger.

Because Guts wins right? I haven't seen it.

>tfw berserk will never ever ever end

Did that user run over your cat or something?

Guts wins THIS fight against Griffith, but not many others. DEX vs STR results remain inconclusive.

>reading about muhammad ali inventing rope-a-dope will make me an expert at taking a punch!
this is what you sound like

Read Berserk you homo, it has universal appeal.

Speaking as someone who hates anime, Berserk is godlike, and you should read it.

Zod = STR
Skull Knight = DEX
Ganishka = INT

Don't remember the name of the fight but there was some sort of special event where a skinny MMA fighter was fighting this huge fat wrestler and he won by baiting him into getting on the ground for a submission and then just crawling out from underneath and putting him into one instead.

an anime

What's next? katana is powerful than longsword?

Don't say that, you're scaring me

>a sword is more dex than a gun
your next line will be
>I was only pretending to be retarded

>Dex beats Str so hard in D&D it's not even funny

It's just not fair.

who LCK vs INT?

Oh hey, my favorite fishing manga

Who the fuck draws this shit?

what does the quality of ones steel have to do with their dex or str stat?

is this the power of shitposters?

>Int beats everything
of course it's not fair

Int is the dump stat.

I do.

Guts won this because he realized the importance of balanced stats rather than a pure STR build.
Griffith was too focused on raising his CHR and hadn't made much improvement on his physical stats, he also had a debuff during the fight that killed a few key rolls for him.

Griffith isn't even DEX, he's fucking CHA

Griffith put pussy on the pedestal and started to skip the gym.

Guts told bitches to step, did leg day and still got his girl in the end.

maybe in the latest edition

How can STR ever recover?

>still got his girl in the end.
he got cucked user, don't forget it

It's easy to have high stats across the board when you house rule the ability to go into negative stats and dump LUCK.

The one that matters, yeah.

Reminder that Berserk is inferior to Blade of the Immortal, Vagabond, Vinland Saga, and Blame.

Hey man, you can play whatever edition you want, WotC isn't going to break into your house and burn your old rulebooks.

>he didn't pick grasses as starting item

I wouldn't put it past them.

Back to r/t_d, colonist.

Hey, give the DnD division some credit, they even put up basic rules for 5ed for free.

When discussing something that goes through frequent revision, with nothing else specified, the most recent iteration is assumed.

The STR build got cucked in the end though

>jump all over the screen swinging wildly and accomplishing nothing
Yeah, that's dex alright.

And pick a horrible background to minmax further.

You would say so, but plenty of people play older versions of DnD.

Pistols and other light ranged weapons are defacto DEX

Griffith got a sudden massive EXP boost and a hideously overpowered prestige class. In addition Guts was stuck outnumbered and without his equipment.
Fucking railroad plot is what that shit was.