Why do you guys defend this game so much?

Why do you guys defend this game so much?

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Because I have good taste, unlike fucking monkeys like you

I had a good time watching that video

because it was fun to play
if you put more than 80 hours into a game that takes much less than that to finish, and come to post how bad it is, you are full of shit

It's the most comfy Souls game, and honestly even with it's glaring issues still is a good game compared to most shit that comes out these days

>if you put more than 80 hours into a game that takes much less than that to finish, and come to post how bad it is, you are full of shit
Just to play devil's advocate somebody with a ton of playtime would probably have a better understanding of a game's nuances than most others.

Because its the best Souls game right beside the first one and the greatest pleb filter that ever existed. The only reason to dislike it is if your IQ is lower than 90 (the average sonegro BB shill)

Defend from who? Sup Forumsermins with shit taste? It´s universaly considered the best one
Also sage

I figured it out Sup Forums. Mods just need to ban all threads that solely pose a question. There are 99.999% trash bait threads.

yea, but if you finished it and still played 50+ more hours it can't really be shit now can it? unless you are a fucking masochist

Defend this.

Sup Forums has been bashing it for years since released.
Played it and when I finished it i was in front of a masterpiece and couldn't believe i fell for it. It's harder alright but none of the complains i read are true in the fucking slightest and a real stretch and cherrypicking.

When DaS3 came out was a true dissapointment.

>/dsg/ loves it
>critics loved it
>some underages on Sup Forums that saw matthew video dislikes it for the sake of being contrarian

hmm I wonder why

Because its still better than 90% of games released in the last 5 years despite being the worst souls game.
The only people who needlessly hate on it are plebora tipping ledditors.

Shit is probably an overstatement, the game isn't that bad and even the worst souls game is better than 95% of other shit that gets released, I was just commenting how there isn't a magical threshhold of playtime that suddenly makes your critique invalid.

optional boss, you should be happy it's even in the game

Demon's Souls had 18 bosses, Dark Souls had 22 + 4 from the DLC.

Dark souls 2 (WITHOUT THE DLC) has 34

That was exactly my experience. I played Dark Souls and loved it, and then only played DS2 a year later because Sup Forums unmotivated me by criticizing it all the time. I played it and loved it, then moved on to DS3 and thought it was mediocre and very frustrating to play. The combat is fucked up and every enemy feels like it's designed to piss me off as much as possible.

The worst Souls game is objectively DaS3, its so bad it doesnt even feel like Souls game but a bastardized BB

Exactly this. True I bought Scholar and left Das2 on the side because the technical issues on release and truly looked like shit. But when the deal came around and had all the DLC and lightning engine fixed and so on I couldn't resist and got a very nice surprise.

I mean DaS2 release may have been kinda shitty but it was patched and then re released now.

It was shit.

>DeS: 18 bosses - 4 multi bosses / 22%
>DaS1: 26 bosses - 6 multi bosses / 23%
>DaS2: 34 bosses - 14 multi bosses / 41%
Defend this.

DaS1 set the bar too high, there was no way the B team could do something similiar and with the same impact again. When I started to see DaS2 as its own thing I loved it

You are shit

>DaS1 set the bar too high
This, no one could possibly make a worse fight than this.

I can't believe how much I played this when it came out at first. Replaying it now with scholar feels so trash

I hate this game and it's fanbase with all my heart

easy, if you remove the multi bosses, DS2 still has the same number of bosses as DS1, this without including the DLC's, if you do, ds2 wins again

>having hype for ds3 when fucking ds2 released
I don't understand your guys at all. If anything I was expecting it to be the most horrible thing ever and it was alright.

There must be a way to set that up in the filter; any comment that ends in a ?, Is less than a certain number of characters, and applies to the OP only


But you're still left with trash like this.

>you should be happy it's even in the game
Why would someone be happy about bad bosses being on the game though??? More doesn't mean better

Of those 22, a good number of them are memorable and fun to fight. Basically none of DaS2s bosses are memorable or fun compared to 1.

I can't even remember a single boss theme from DaS2, But I can remember gargoyles, moonlight butt, Quelaag, Artorias, Kalameet, O&S, Nito, 4K, and Gwyn's themes as if they were playing in my head. It sucks that 2 has shit bosses and bonfire aescetics and 1 has good bosses with no way to re do them.



Funny because DaS2 is the easiest and most fair one
You are just a nigger regurgitanting opinions that arent yours

You forgot the best one.

Seriously, why was DaS II's OST so shit?

>most fair one
Refer to , RRA is a garbage fight that is determined by whether or not you get inflicted with Toxin by his minions. Terrible and lazy design.

>let toxic enemy hit you
>woooow why am I poisoned

kill yourself


I forgot about Sif actually, that's another one that's in my head. I think Artorias is best theme but you also have good taste and I respect your opinion friend :)

Because you are literally a plebeian

One (1) song, when the first Dark Souls OST is an absolute 10/10 masterpiece.


Each song in DaS has its own identity, whereas DaS II's is incredibly homogenous.
Official OST ranking: BB > DaS > DaS III > DeS >>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS II

>DaS2 is the easiest and most fair one

Salt and Sanctuary did. Tree of Men says Hi, and Fuck you.


DaS2 is an improved DaS1, it is a good game but since people couldn't stop the love for DaS1 they had to trash the next one

Why do you guys hate this game so much?

>Didn't even feel like DaS game
Oh and DaS2 did?

Ahhh yes...
so soothing...
so relaxing...
I feel safe..


DaS2 is the same shit as DaS1, how the fuck do people think that it isn't a dark souls game?

You suck at videogames

because it's bad and a huge disappointment, also the most horrendous downgrade I have ever seen in my entire life

>this game is the easiest the others are harder, and you play the harder games
>you suck at video games



how the fuck it was a disappointment? it is the same as DaS1 but with extra stuff, at this point the hate for DaS2 seems like a meme


DaS2 doesn't even feel like DaS1 what the fuck are you guys even on.

are you kidding or you just never played the games


>I-frames are now tied to a stat
>World lacks the same vertical interconnectivity that made DaS so brilliant
>Soul Memory
>Designing things for the sake of being hard
It's pretty trash.

Baby's first game

>Seriously, why was DaS II's OST so shit?

It was more consistently good than Dark Souls 1 if anything.

>Main Menu
>Things Betwixt
>Old Dragonslayer theme
>Looking Glass Knight
>Ancient Dragon
>King Vendrick

>Taurus Demon

Are you fucking serious?

This user gets it.

DaS2 was a pretty good and fun game.
But it was a terrible souls game that shat on the series

i did and have only played DaS 1 and 2 unfortunately, but the 2 games were the same to me and i really like them and have played them a lot so i don't see why the game it is that hated when it isn't bad as other games who offers no replay value or challenging gameplay

stop samefagging holy shit man

because they fell for the "It was the B team" meme. Miyazaki directing it gave false hope

>no inspiration, lack of originality
>bland as fuck, even the map feels bland because everything is shameless ctrl+c and ctrl+v
>super low resolution 2d backgrounds everywhere
>npcs, bosses and questlines that are straight up copies/rehashes of npcs from demon's souls and dark souls, and no I'm not talking about just Patches

what the fuck do people mean with ''good game but bad souls game''

>That xylophone
>That brass section doubling it
>That ascending male choir
>That staccato on the violin
Seath's theme is a fucking masterpiece.

Not to mention Gwyn, Lord of Cinder is the best final boss theme in the whole series. Nothing even comes close to it, it's so good they had to reuse it in III.

I won't say I hated DaS2, in fact I put 400 more hours into it than the first game, it had more builds that were viable, more weapons, more bosses. Though like someone said more doesn't mean better. I had challenging fights that where memorable and fun from Das2, but I felt there was more disappointments with bosses. So many bosses where just humanoid +2 bosses, so many areas hurled absurd amounts of enemies at you. Though PvP I feel was better soul memory fucked it. Also I'm going to bring up the map design meme but seriously having things flow correctly and make sense is big for me. I also felt DaS2 easier even with the enemies everywhere all the time. I feel DaS is better cause it all worked together so well; the story, the bosses, and level design. I just wish Giant Dad wasn't in every invasion ninja flipping a mile and back in two seconds with 99 stamina.
>tldr I liked the first game better

it is hard but not impossible and after playing the first one the second wasn't as hard as DaS1, are you the same kind of person who thinks "anything>gameplay"?

Nice try faggot. Kys

dark souls 2 world map, and the freedom it gives you, is the best of all souls games

I don't think so.

I thought it sucked when it first came out and dropped it at shrine of Amana because it was too broken. Got SOTFS last year and really enjoyed it, loved the last 20% of that game too. Also went full knight mode and rocked the double edged rusted sword, I was a monster.

>implying it's a meme

It sounds like a joke bruh

Because its a meme to defend this game, which is universally reviled. Masses of forgettable bosses, shockwaves and windmills leading up to floating lava castles ruin anything interesting this game could provide.

I'll fix that for you
>ancient dragon

your version is very incomplete

I am pretty sure that a lot of people that played DaS1 didn't understand or know what the story was about

Simple, I strongly agree with all your points.
However I enjoyed the game whenever I made myself forget it was meant to be a second dark souls game.

Had DaS2 been the first souls game I ever played, by having no reference point to another game, I'd have thought it was pretty fun. Since I had DaS 1 as a reference point, I couldn't help see the flaws and how inferior it felt


i think it's more a meme to hate the game with the amount of hating threads for the game and how much people get triggered because other anons actually enjoyed the game

You're the Chosen Undead tasked with ringing the Bells of Awakening, you then go to Anor Londo to receive the Lordvessel and need to fill it with the four Lord Souls. While you are there Gwynevere tells you that you are to succeed Gwyn by linking the fire, you then offer the souls to the Lordvessel and face off against Gwyn.

There, that's the story and its amply told to the player.

>le bad fight automatically has bad music

Aldia and Nashandra have GOAT ass themes. Doesn't matter that they're awful fights. Old Dragonslayer is also fairly strong on its own.

Because it's my favorite Dark Souls game, and I started with Demon's Souls.

It's the perfect example of how to do a Souls sequel, if you ask me.

are you him ? the chosen one ?

i know the story but as far as i remember the first time i played it and most of people didn't know what the fuck the world was about, it took me 3 playthroughs to understood everything and their characters and why i was killing everything

Name one (1) song from DaS II as good as this one.

I didn't enjoy mostly because of the shit animations, hitboxes etc, the gameplay was just broken. Also, the PS1 looking areas were a huge turn-off and ruined the atmosphere and immersion

You're getting baited. Ignore the autist. Everybody knows DaS 1 music is by far superior

DS2 is the best mechanically. That's just about it honestly

Nier took me take 2 play through till I knew why I was killing everything...

Bad roll?

>I-frames tied to a stat
>Best mechanically

That's not how opinions work, shortbus.

I can't knock your taste here, but imo O&S and Priscilla were both better themes from the same game.

Although I didn't list DLC Dark Souls 2 themes... youtube.com/watch?v=yKsmApkryNY&t=

>needing i-frames