I'm starting the Evil Within soon

I'm starting the Evil Within soon.
Any tips on starting that will make the experience the best? Things I should invest in, stuff I shouldn't miss?

No, go play the fucking game.

Really? Nothing like "don't upgrade this gun, you get a better one later" type of stuff like for RE4?

No, not really

Cool, going full shotgun and pistol as always then.

Do NOT invest in punching or whatever it's called in game. Physical combat is useless. Upgrade weapons and health.

upgrade hp and stamina , use stealth , use matches when you can , conserve ammo early , play on hard at least , have fun

Put $5 aside everytime you play the game so that you'll have enough money to buy part 2 when it comes out

Upgrade running (you'll run a lot), critical + damage for whatever weapon you fancy, matches but not to 20 (10 or 15 is best) and health.
Do not upgrade melee, or the bomb bolt radius (the game is filled with hallways so it will end up hurting you).
The game gets very shooting oriented by the end so always stock up on ammo and get a hard hitting weapon at max damage (like the shotgun or rifle).
Also, one final thing, you can potentially bypass a lot of stealth sequences by running to the objective or avoiding the enemy, remember that so you dont waste resources.

Noted. No memes and no bomb radius. Thanks guys

So far I'm digging this game already.


don't try to figure out the storyline. it's irrelevant anyways.

The story was actually pretty nice. Nothing too fancy or complex but it was still cool.

Play it on hard since you probably wont replay it too soon. The other difficulties are either way too easy or just total bullshit.

The first half is a great survival horror. The second half is a mediocre action shooter

>Stupid trial and error, instant kill boss fights
>Every time you die you have to watch the fucking cutscene of the boss again

dont bother levelling sprint up

Time your matches right and you can burn more then just the body on the ground.

What? Sprint saved my ass many times. It's pretty much this game's only way of dodging.

Only use melee to interrupt an enemies attack to buy yourself time to get some distance between you.

Its still a completely worthless thing to level up.

The first part running from the chainsaw dude was horror kino

Yeah I'm digging this first part a lot. It's like the last of us but a lot more aesthetically pleasing.

melee is a trap skill

level up sprint ASAP

save ammo, use traps, torches, axes and shotgun to down a lot of guys at once and then use a match to burn them

invest in ammo capacity, critical and damage

blind shots are your most reliable crowd control, lvl 3 and you can sneak kill groups easily

health upgrades refill your health, save them for a rainy day

by chapter 10 you need to have lvl 5 harpoons or you WILL SUFFER

Do weapon capacity upgrades refill your ammo? This is important

no, but you will feel horrible if you need to leave ammo behind in a game like this

Your movement speed isn't even that fast when running. And controlling stamina is piss easy.
On nightmare I didn't even bother upgrading sprint for over half the game and only upgraded it near the end because there was bugger all worth upgrading and green gel lying around

Cool. Thanks, that's the kind of answer I want.

this game is so shit. I honestly don't know how people like it.

i forgot once you have the magnum, upgrade dmg to max and always save one full clip for ''that'' part on chapter 14

Get the FOV mod so you don't get sick from the narrow FOV.

its a great game, too bad they casualized the sequel for people like you

it's a shit game. i own it, played it at launch. It plays and feels like a very (VERY) bad resident evil 4

why dont you just play for yourself and find out?

>sequel still has forced stealth sections

but RE4 isn't even that good to begin with

Even worse than in the first one because of the large stretches of nothing ('open world").

OP, I've played TEW to death. 100%'d it even. Not bragging, just informing you I know my way around it.

If there are any tips you take away from this thread, be sure these are among them:
>upgrade sprint
>upgrade your base revolver in crit and dmg
>upgrade ammo on matches, pistol, and agony bolts
>once you acquire the magnum in the late game DO NOT use it on mooks, save it for the bosses later on
>upgrade the dmg and crit on said magnum
>disarm all the traps you find for scrap
>setting a corpse on fire with enemies next to it is a great way to get easy kills and conserve ammo
And here is a tip that will allow you to absolutely cheese your way through the whole game
Upgrade flash bolts

Heed my words and you will prosper.

seriously fuck those faggots in your pic

Thanks, I will keep all of those in mind.
Last question, why burn random bodies? Does it do anything? Will it be explained later? I'm still on chapter 2. Made sure to upgrade amount of matches I can carry.

*angry static screaming intensifies*

Only burn bodies on the ground if:
1) You can kill other enemies in doing so
2) The enemy on ground isn't actually dead yet

So to answer your question, don't burn random dead bodies. Matches are just another way for you to save ammo in the long run.

>Any tips on starting that will make the experience the best?
Play the DLC FIRST -- it's the most survival-horror-y aspect of the package.

This game is actually good?
I don't know why, but I wrote it off as a meme game and never looked into it.

I had always confused it with Dyling light even though they are completely different games. The box art always confuses me.

Shit, I think I might have done the same.

Don't upgrade melee damage ever, it'll always be shit.
Shock bolts are godlike because 1 match will light up every enemy caught in it even when they're a bit spread out.
Flash bolts are ridiculously powerful considering how cheap they are., fully upgraded they stun for like 16 seconds.

Melee is shit without weapons. Don't bother upgrading it.
Learn to chuck bottles at people's heads and then "stealth" kill them when stunned.

Freeze bolts disarm bombs, but this is mostly useful for AKUMU.

>story is broken man saves his daughter

pls stop.