These guys put their house on mortgage to bring you this

These guys put their house on mortgage to bring you this.
If you don't buy it you are quite literally the cancer killing video games.

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will you buy her game Sup Forums?

But I want to buy it you faggot, I have wanted to buy it for years. Has Microsoft been supporting them at all? Will it still be an xbone exclusive because I want it on my other systems.

I'll buy the PS4 version.

Been looking at this game for a while, definitely looks cool so i'll buy it unless the gameplay is bad

It's coming to pc

It has no PC online multiplayer, so fuck it.

It's just another platformer, not impressed.

It's just a shmup with forced platforming, isn't it? It's all style over substance. Yeah, it looks neat and that's some stellar animation, but it hardly has value as a video game.

inb4 w10 store. its on steam as well btw

I am buying it.

I've wanted it since it was announced.


Is this gonna be on Steam or GOG?
If it's Windows Store then no lmao that's a pirate

>implying shmups dont have value

>already pre-ordered

sonnyggers will never get the GOTY

Only if you post more pics of her.

I'll think about it.

yes to the first 2, i think the windoze store too.


>If you don't buy it you are quite literally the cancer killing video games.
That's like praising someone for getting the participation award. I'll buy it if it's good.

It's on gog

Game looks shit

Shmups are the single most tired and rehashed game genre. It needs to be absolutely amazing and outstanding for people to even remember your game exists.

Both Japan and the West were putting those games out every week during the 4th and 5th gens. They're one of the hardest genres out there, but it's even more niche than visual novels and rhythm games.

i wonder how many people will buy it on the windows store
probably like 50-100? not exaggerating
why bother

I lost interest


I want this game to fail.
I want people to realize that making game requires passion while also avoiding businessmen from involving in your project.

I'll buy it if it's good and only in that case.

Shit it's coming to steam?! I thought it was bone only. I'm gonna have to pick it up then.

no not really
i just don't think a lot of the audience for this game take the store seriously. or remember its existence.

The animation is top tier but the gameplay looks so mind-numbingly boring. 5/10, will watch a streamer play it for free and skip the boring side scroller parts.

This doesn't even qualify as a videogame.

How would that be the case? All it would do is discourage people from taking risks and sticking to making MOBAs and Rooty-Tooty-McShooties

The game isn't even out yet and its already garnered a terrible fanbase.

>All it would do is discourage people from taking risks and sticking to making MOBAs and Rooty-Tooty-McShooties
i said passion.
you require passion.

Xbros and PCfriends seem to like it. I wonder where all the shitposting is coming from....

the game has 10/10 style but gameplay-wise it looks boring/easy

This guy even made porn of the characters months ago.

Can you play it on Win7? If not, no buy.

I'm sure neogaf is working on a plan to sabotage the launch of cuphead as we speak.

>we could have had the successor to Alien Soldier
>whiny faggots forced the inclusion of platforming stages
There better be a boss rush mode that is essentially just the original vision for the game.

post old school looking animation

gog says it works on windows 7, 8 and 10.

This sums up my feelings pretty much
Sometimes less is more

When Microsoft saw the attention the game was getting they asked the guys to make it longer, hence the new mode. Hope there's a boss rush myself.

Looks interesting. Might buy. Thank god they weren't dumb enough to make it Windows 10-exclusive

Unironically this.

Platformers nowadays are just outdated and unrewarding. You have games with good gameplay/artstyle like that new Shantae game, but the game feels like it was overall meant to only be played once. Mainly due to the fact it's way too easy and the actual "hard" parts are filled with artificial difficulty.

Then you have hard platformers games that are design to simply be hard instead of feeling like an actual game.

Making a genuinely fun platformer with good art takes a huge amount of investment in of having those test your own product, like Sonic Mania for example. Taxman had so many obstacles placed in the level that you're obligated to learn the level in order to go faster in your next playthrough. Along with the alternate paths that are everywhere around the level. We need more of 'that' in a platformer, not just a game that 'looks' good but 'feels' like something worth replaying.

except in alien soldier the bosses have actual intelligence, cuphead is fucking boring contra-esque pattern memorization.

on their blog the devs even say they like shitty pattern bosses because you can't "take advantage of the boss by forcing the AI into the same series of attacks," even though sylpheed force and blizzard buffalo are the only instances i can think of where this happens

I wish I was her tight leather pants.

>If you don't buy it you are quite literally the cancer killing video games.
>you are killing videogames by not buying a game
what if i dont like plataformers?

cupdead on arrival

I didn't ask them to give out their house
It doesn't concern me

The game looks fun,
but adding platforming levels may screw it all up.

They should make a real cartoon series 2bh
I'd watch it

cuck head

Still no mermaid porn I'm surprised

so did these guys

Nah, that shit would be incredibly difficult especially for how small the team is. I can see them releasing some animated shorts though.

>forcing the AI into the same series of attacks
That's a shit excuse. AI that can be abused isn't actually "Intelligent". If you expect the player can abuse it, then you code in ways to prevent it. It's not rocket science, so what the fuck.

putting your private assets on the line to finance your company / product is never a good business practice.

what if it all works out in the end?

>dude 50s violence! xD
>art design really done by art students xD
fuck off with these new york whores

2017 and not a single developer made a better platformer than Super Mario World, released exactly 26 years and 6 months ago

I want normies and this jewish industry to die

>digital coloring
they had it in the palm of their hands. they were so close and then they just threw it away. a real shame.


I can admire all the craft that went into the game, but it honestly doesn't look that fun, and I've watched a few gameplay videos.

but the gameplay looks fucking atrocious

why would you mortgage your house for such a niche title

>team up with microsoft, get your house on mortgage for your great game
>team up with sony, get your shitty game endorsed, sells a fuck ton, and only make it playable a year later
Fucking microsoft curse.

I would rather release a great game that flops than have to make it into a shitty game to get it to sell to playstation cinematic gamers

But i don't have an Xbox OR windows 10


Exceptions, not the rule. You'd have to stupid to sell your house in order to finance an indie game, in the age where those games are sold by the dozens for a dollar.

>You will never hate a game that isn't even out yet so much that you try to falseflag and get others on a chinese carpet making website to hate it too
Suck my willy OP

It's called a run 'n gun. How the fuck do you not know what a run 'n gun, is or the incredible replay value of a well-crafted arcade style game?

>b-b-but just let the dev have infinite money and a 20 year dev cycle!!!
Is animation with great music ok too?

This game is only on Windows and Xbox. Microsoft is paying their bills right? Right?

Modern games only have replay value if subsequent plays have new content and the gameplay is good. Games whose replay values comes from improving your speed/technique are absolutely niche and don't sell at all.

Arcade games like this were very popular in the past(see NiGHTS for a good example of this), but it's just not to the taste of modern gamers. People will watch a gameplay of this on Youtube and say "oh this is neat" and that will be it.

Cuphead is a flop. As a fan of animation and retrogames, I am forced to admit this.

Fuck man, Sup Forums has really gone down the shitter. I figured you guys would be appreciative of a breath of fresh air like this. Apparently all you clowns want are shitty waifu games, mobashit, and tacticool shooters. Some even go as far as to say this isn't a fucking video game. Christ. How old are you fuckers?

Betty Boop is such a slut

You must be extremely bad at finding porn

i love the game's style minus the obnoxious shaders, but personally i just don't think the game looks very fun.
i feel bad about not buying it too because a ton of work seems to have gone into it and it really does look like a labor of love. i do hope it succeeds though

>local co-op


She's canadian. That automatically makes her less attractive.

>replay values comes from improving your speed/technique are absolutely niche and don't sell at all.
>looks at sonic Mania, which has been praised for its replayability

The thread is full of legit criticism. Please stop screeching, you're bother the other anons.

I meant good porn.

Those pants and shoes are amazing.

>20 bucks on steam
Is the game short or are we getting good pricing for once?

I knew this would come up. Sonic is an established franchise and relies heavily on nostalgia. That said, most people only played the game once with each character and then dropped the game. Each character lets you explore new pathways, but the reality is that people aren't playing the game over and over again like we would when we were 10 in the '90s.

And I should care why? It was their decision to put their house on mortgage. Not mine. Also, I'll wait for the reviews first. :)

With the incredible popularity of old-school gaming at the moment I don't believe that is a very accurate statement at all. Couple that popularity with local (and eventually online) co-op and one of the most original art styles ever seen in a game and I think Cuphead will do very well.

>legit criticism
>"I personally think shumps and platformers are boring therefore any such game shit"
Some groundbreaking revelations ITT. You go on stroking your e-dick thinking you offer profound revelations though.

What do you consider good porn?

This is a game that doesn't look good or fun at all but everything thinks they deserve to do well because they tried and because it looks like an old cartoon.

Old-school game styles are popular, but the design philosophies are absolutely not. Most things made to look retro play and feel like modern games, they only disguise themselves as retro.

You forgot your Joey pic

The aesthetic is really nice but the gameplay and level design looks extremely bland from all the gameplay I've seen.

Surprised they're not getting putting it on PC, Switch and PS4. Switch is desperate for games especially. I'm sure it'd sell really well on that.