Whats the best free to play MMO out right now?

whats the best free to play MMO out right now?

Pick two.

ok decent then

Planetside 2 is good. A bit on the grindy side though.

Depends, do you want a WoW-style experience, a Korean Grind-Trash experience, or an off-beat one like which is technically an MMORPG, but not in the conventional sense.


i did enjoy WoW for many years but it dosntb have to be a WoW clone
and im ok with some grind but not some over the top bullshit

Then just sort of start trying them. Many are on the same par. Wildstar is alright and if you go Exile, you may see me while leveling. :^)

Dungeon Fighter Online.

I like to take a bowl and fill it with these rocks and enough warm oil to make them slick and warm. Then I stick my penis in it repeatedly with some up tempo music and a strobe light going at a rate that's about double what the tempo of the music is going. fill it with fruity pebbles and oj and eat it while I play tera.

Private servers of old MMOs
>Project 1999
>World of Warcraft Elysium

You are poor OP.

Vanilla wow private server

clash of clans


I like to fill a bowl of those with water so bees and shit can have a safe drink.

maybe this is what they need to do with gulf states


That's really cute, user.

Private servers of whatever MMO you like.

>Ragnarok Online for card farming autism, hats and animu characters
>FFXI for the quintessential MMORPG experience
>WoW for casual babby shit
>Everquest or Ultima if you're a badass
>Eve Online is free to play and honestly the only ships that are fun or worth flying are free anyway. Don't let the fags that fly capitals and do nothing but mission run or mine all day tell you otherwise, just get into lowsec in a Frigate or gatecamp with some mates in Destroyers and have fun

Planetside 2 is good I agree if you're looking for an MMOFPS. It's not "grindy" in the aspect that every gun or weapon is basically a sidegrade. 9/10 your default stuff is the best. Just stick to upgrading one class and you're good. Play Medic, get shield generator and revive grenades if you want to farm a gorillion points.

How does filling a water bowl with little glass rocks make it safe for bees?

prob so they can just sit on the beads and not drown from falling in

Guild Wars 2. It's more like a free trial though, once you get to max level you need to pay to compete

Sup Forumsscape

Yes, it doesn't bother me

>pirate server
pick one

Planetside 2

Good and free
