>No confidence in your indie game
>Shoehorn in a Shovel Knight appearance
How much longer until Shovel Knight's cameos start to lose significance?
>No confidence in your indie game
>Shoehorn in a Shovel Knight appearance
How much longer until Shovel Knight's cameos start to lose significance?
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It already has.
I bet yacht makes a good amount of cash whoring him out
I bet haha enough to build a yacht club I bet haha
It already did, I'm sick of seeing him everywhere. It stopped being a charming nod like Meat Boy doing crossovers
I'm getting sick of it too, and I love Shovel Knight
I am somewhat curious about how No More Heroes will handle it, but pretty much on the merits of No More Heroes and Suda51, not Shovel Knight making a cheap cameo to say hi.
Yet you will still be ecstatic to see him in no more heroes.
We hit that awhile ago, user.
Ive never actually played Shovel Knight, for no actual reason either I just havent got around to it. Is the game that good? I see cameos and easter eggs all over the place.
It's the best Mega Man game in many years.
Yeah, it's very good, and surprisingly meaty with the additional campaigns
It's pretty great. Better than the NES Mega Man games.
The base game is pretty damn good
Plague Knight's campaign you're gonna love it or hate it
Specter Knight is incredible
>He shows up for literally 30 seconds
Fuck off kid.
>talked with the Yacht Club guys at SDCC 2013, they seemed chill and Shovel Knight looked fun
>didn't pick it up at launch, decided to wait on it for a Steam sale
>end up hearing about the physical release, figure I might like to pick that up, but at this point I'm a Vita fanboy and want a physical release there
>get Fangamer's Vita physical last year during Black Friday, finally played the game early this year, had a great time
>give literally 0 shits about him in other games, getting other merch
>literally the only thing I bought because Shovel Knight turned out well is the Standard Edition Vita physical copy for Undertale, to see how that actually stacks up outside of the indie circlejerk and Sup Forums hatecycle
He's in the new one? I know Hotline Miami is involved but I thought it was only going to be games Devolver published
>tfw when you actually make a great game
>and then you taint it forever with this
the roaming guest boss? why should I care about him
please let it not be like the fucking butterdragon in blunderfail
Suda took off his shirt several hours ago and it was a Shovel knight shirt.
So yeah. The new NMH is basically Indie battles.
It is exactly like that.
This guy is in like 5 different indie games because he or his father or whatever bought his original the character into the games.
What are the other games?
He's fine ingame. The only reason he's "bad" is because autists on here ruin it by telling everyone about the deviantart shit.
He's in shovel knight. Valdis Story. Star chaser story. I'm sure he is in more but I ain't gonna waste my time looking for it.
I'd like to point out the guy who made him is also a skinny nigger
how the fuck do these people have enough money to support this insanity?
In this case, its daddy's money
what are you talking about you can go buy it right now
>He still wants it.
Yooka's not on Switch yet, nor does it even have a release date.
Wasn't even featured in the recent Nintendo Indie showcase.
i thought you meant shovel knight jesus christ have some respect for yourself yooka laylee is trash
>being this contrarian
lmao I know this is Sup Forums but have some respect for yourself
I just feel sorry for you t b h.
as a retro gamer i really don't like shovel knight.
you can't just go "hurr pixels" and call it a retro game when there's no color/sprites/size limits at all.
shovel knight is the indie town bicycle
Someone had to save cabe story
What world do you live in where disliking Yooka-Laylee is "contrarian?"
It has the same vertical resolution as an NES. horizontal isn't though obviously for widescreen monitors and tv.
To be fair, they were right to have no confidence.