>hire Abby, the improv master
>go to pax improv segment
>get BTFO by Dave Lang
KEK, how will Abbyfags ever recover?
>hire Abby, the improv master
>go to pax improv segment
>get BTFO by Dave Lang
KEK, how will Abbyfags ever recover?
>Sup Forums - Video Games
Shut up!
Please tell me Jeff went to PAX otherwise it means his wife has cancer.
I know Abby's cool because despite her dumbass reason for hating Bayonetta that every other team member disagrees with she's still funny and riffs on retarded dan and alex just as good as Vinny does.
He tweeted out a schedule for panels he'll be at, so he is there.
He did, and she doesn't have cancer, he tweeted it.
I cannot understand what the fuck he says
The what chemistry between them?
"Which is the no chemistry between us"
meaning he wants to cum in her curly hair
maybe her pusy too
this needs more context, is there a longer clip?
Why did he apologize?
It doesn't work with context, that how forming a narrative works.
The context is they pretend to be developers of made up games and improv for like 1 minute talking about it. Abby and Dave had shit chemistry because she knows nothing about video games so he made that comment at the end.
Nah, need more of the video.
Boy I sure do love these fat male feminists.
can that fat faggot at the end get a bigger fucking shirt? goddamn.
Don't speak ill of the dead.
I think he meant the other guy, user
maybe he is comfy
She literally took classes on comedy and the only she can do is talk about how millennial she is.
Because he pairs up the people and realized he fucked up.
that's more like Vinny setting her up for millennial content
Everytime he tries to set her up for something else she fails horribly. Even Bens accents are funnier than her
I don't really see it like that.
>Mario party is the only good "premium content"
Why does this paywall even exist?