Name a game with a better opening.
Name a game with a better opening
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I can't.
Fuck I loved this OP. It sucks the game didn't live up to it.
Dark Souls
The Belkan War
Shattered Skies
The Usung War
Final Fantasy IX
>the Suikoden franchise is dead
ZOE2's opening
And the HALO jump in MGS3.
>you will never figure out what happened between Pesmerga and Yuber, or see their final battle
>you will never see Viktor or Flik ever again
>you will never see Jeane or Viki again
>you will never see Harmonia, or the epic battle that was building up against the world's largest kingdom
>You will never lead a multi-national army against Harmonia and kick Sasarai square in the nuts
>Neclord will never make another appearance ever
All those characters in that massive, mysterious world are gone forever and the massive potential the series had will NEVER be fully realized.
Then again seeing what happened to Final Fantasy and Breath of Fire series I'm glad kinda glad at the same time
Chrono Cross
This and the DMC games had god tier intros.
Was also coming here to say Chrono Cross
ace combat is cool and all, but no.
mah nigga
This intro will grow some balls on you
Suikoden V is legitimately the best game I've ever played so I'm both happy and sad it ended there. Also this is a good OP, best VN OP.
Opposed to what? FF8? LOL
Demon's Souls OP is much better though
No Wild Arms mention?
>Opening of the game is just a spoilery as fuck montage of cutscenes from mid-late game
Why was that so popular in the 90s?
>literally no WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU in the entire thread
You and your 3 friends have 3 and a half minutes to get fucking ready. Prepare for bucket duty and sit real close so you can play chinese fire drill with the controllers during boss fights.
Dark Souls 2 had the best opening cinematic.
>I will never play 4 player crystal chronicles with 3 semi competent players
I'll do you better on the same console, same company.
Liberi Fatali > One Winged
this or sanctuary honestly
God it was so good. I got to play it with my brother. Fucking wish we could get a sequel or even another game like it.
It's truly one of my favorite gaming memories. The banter and tomfoolery was top notch. Whoever had the bucket was the butt of every joke and got shit on until someone else made a mistake and got punished.
It was fun trying to predict what everything in the OP meant while reading.
>back then you needed a bunch of carts, portables and a cable for each portable just to be able to play with your friends
>company still took the risk and made the game
>cue era of wireless capable portables and download play, where local play is possible
>let's not make any more games like these
When was the last time they did something like this? All I can think of is Triforce Heroes sounding kinda like Four Sword Adventures, and I ain't even sure of that cause I haven't played it.
This game is not best tier but it had a lot of great memorable scenes. People that lived and played this when this was new are in the same boat.
Don't you feel nostalgic especially when watching this?
Needing a GBA to get the most out of the game was kind of a dick move. Want to know the special conditions you need to get the best loot? Pay wall! Granted it wasn't necessary it was still nice to have a fucking map.
To this day I still believe this is good shit.
>people complain about amiibo DLC
>they forget when an entire console, a different game, and a link cable was needed to unlock content in some GCN games
Nintendo didn't just start doing this.
As much as that makes me sad user I frankly wouldn't trust current Konami to do it even if they wanted to.
Which is retarded, because there's no reason they couldn't just do split screen for CC or FSA
Despite all the rustled replies. I still really liked those days.
I like couch co-op depsite it being so hard. But I just wish devs would continue to make the couch co-op formula games but with online play.
Here, in glorious 144p
I believe FSA adventures would look like shit, or at least would be a game for ants if it was split screen. Also, going in and out of houses would be a complete mess.
The ZoE2 before main menu opening fucking spoils the whole fucking game. Still a cool intro though.
Drakengard has the best vidya opening of all time
Let's be real, nobody was playing ZoE2 for its story, we did it for the fast high flying robot action, and that's what that OP promised and delivered
I played it for the story. The climax is probably the most genuinely cinematic moment in a video game.
Shit talk the Silent Hill movie all you want, but they did right by using this song for the credits.
This is why I loved 6th gen. Everything was a 4 player game.
I don't even know which DDS opening I like better.
Might as well add this
>Both moonlight shines
>And sun shines down on us
>Implying you fags even know this