>there are people on Sup Forums right now who unironically think MGSV is better than MGS4
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who unironically think MGSV is better than MGS4
And they are right
>Everyone on Sup Forums dumps on 4 for being a "game" heh
>5 comes out
> Wasn't 4 amazing guys.
Way to follow the trend faggots.
They're both shit but at least v was fun
MGS4's not very good.
5 is still shit but its less clunky so its better.
MGS1/2 > MGS3 >>> MGS4
MGSV isn't even an MGS game and shouldn't be mentioned in any MGS rankings.
Just because he's the black sheep doesn't mean V wasn't the best from a gameplay perspective. I love Snake Eater as much as the next guy, but that's based on story.
thats a pretty natural development
shit man, there are more and more people fondly remembering MW2
Alternatively Raiden has a ten inch throbbing cyboner
I always liked 4 but I have pleb taste.
4 had flaws but it's ethos was just too powerful man. I still think it's great
>not liking a game just because it was popular
well said my fellow redditor
Doesn't reddit hate CoD?
Every time someone says V has good gameplay I cringe a bit more. The controls of main character were great but the entire gameplay is more than just the movement of your character.
but like most people that were underage when CoD MW2 came out they suddenly love it
>brainlets can't process the kino that is MGS4
their loss. could care less what subhumans think.
How would you know that? You don't happen to be a redditor do you user? :^)
I'm not saying I hated 4. I loved almost every game i've played except for a choice few. Loved every RE loved every MGS. I don't rank them because the height of my enjoyment is always fucking top tier when I get a favorite game in the series. I'm just saying i'm tired of 2-4 years of shitting on a game and then when the sequel (prequel) is released with much updated gameplay, we get the the whole " This new one is shit i wish it were more like the old one" group.
On a second note the Dead Rising 4 was the only game that has truly ever disappointed me.
Nothing like walking up to a rack and realizing that is doesn't give items. It kinda made me cringe.
When you look at 4 and see how short the actual gameplay is, you have to wonder did all the time and money get spent? I know the cutscenes couldn't have eaten the whole budget despite so many of them. There just isn't as many rooms or props or anything as in MGS2 or 3.