It's over. He's done

It's over. He's done.

Other urls found in this thread:

? ? ?

He's leaving the channel.

No he isn't.


He was arrested for pedophilia

sauce or it didn't happen

Keep an eye out these coming days.

>Not Pat or Liam

Sleep apnea finally did him in?

>channel comes down to the original two main characters

He and Pat are the only ones that I hope succeed outside of the channel. Liam thankfully fucked off and has hardly any viewers on twitch. Matt would be doomed without Pat.

Wow, nothing.

Woolie is actual best friend. If he goes, I lose all interest in BFP.

What, did shit go down in Amsterdam?

I completely forgot they made a website

>Matt's solo channel
>Actually novel format with his "Bug Report" series
>"Wii Remember" series also interesting

He actually might have a good eye for innovative content, it's a shame about his cringey Bible Black LP and his newest LP co-starring his wife (which is probably a one-shot but still)

>Bible Black LP

When is that shit over? His other stuff is pretty entertaining like that Final Fight and Bug Reports.

Woolie has been bringing the channel down for years. They desperately need to go back to JUST Matt and Pat.

>He actually might have a good eye for innovative content

Well, he did start the channel. The Shitstorm was also his invention and that's their series most people seem to like. People who don't even watch them anymore seem to come back once a year for it

I haven't minded Woolie really although I often remember liking him most for being the butt of Pat and Matt's jokes.

It's a pile of shit. The video player got improved somewhat but there's still no playlist support and the LP pages are horribly out of date.

OP almost gave me a heart attack!

>It's another literallywho e-star thread

Just because you live under a rock doesn't mean the rest of us do.

I wish he'd do another solo LP for his own channel. Naruto's taking forever.

You must be atleast 18 to post on this board

Why is woolie such a poser fraud?

I'm sure if you asked someone down the street who this guy was they wouldn't have a fucking clue.

Favorite SBFP groups? Mine personally are

>S tier
Matt, Woolie, Liam, Pat
Matt, Woolie
Matt, Liam

>A tier
Matt, Pat
Liam, Pat

>B tier
Woolie, Liam
Matt, Pat, Woolie

>C tier
Pat, woolie

user no one knows your internet friend simulators

Seeing a bit of a bias here, Matt.

He really wants people to think he's cool, he's the ultimate try hard.

Matt is also a bit of a try hard but he at least admits to being a loser manchild, he just wants people to like him.

>mfw I live in Madden Town.

So did they

I just really like matt

What happened to Liam?
I remember I used to enjoy them shitting on his taste in vidya, he was like the actual otaku guy

>A man who cannot control games for the life of him
>deserving of being on the channel

Can't wait for him and Matt to have that GoT spoilercast. There's something perversely enjoyable in listening to them being stupid and wrong.

no, they didn't

>Woolie's solo channel get as many views, sometimes more, than the original Sw1tcher channel

God dayum Woolie really is the best

Matt is like an autitistic child, put him in front of a screen of something he likes and hes got good energy and can normaly do some good commentary, if he doesn't have good firsthand expereince, like bloodborne, or just doesn't like the subject material, he just kills the momentum and energy of the whole lp.

Left to work on an indie game project and stream stuff on twitch. Its somewhat comfy but he still an overbearing apologist of stupid shit.
Without anyone to banter with hes really only bearable if its weebshit he knows

Increasingly crippling anxiety which was interfering with him working with the channel according to him. However I think he didn't want to be overshadowed and lumped together with the sbfc group, and decided he was better off solo.

>he still an overbearing apologist of stupid shit.
I bet he would defend wb for their shitty micro transactions in shadow of war

>tumblr faggot

No surprise.

That's the thing, I usually like what Matt likes. I rolled my eyes when woolie made a separate channel, and I had kind of a kneejerk reaction to Matt's, but his Flophouse Funsies series and The Bug Report are comfy to watch and listen too.

He left the channel. I think he streams on Twitch now sometimes. It's all over the Internet.

>S tier
Pat solo
Matt & Pat
Pat & Woolie
Pat & Liam

>A tier
Matt, Pat, Woolie & Liam
Matt & Liam

All others are C-tier

Yeah, taking away much needed space from fascinating discussions like
>What the FUCK was his problem?
>Will you buy her game?
and groundbreaking reevaluations of Dark Souls 2.

>no Persona 5 LP
>no BoTW LP
>no ME Andromega LP (lots of material to make jokes)
>pretty much no LP of any game released this year yet

They are going bankrupt or is Matt really that big of a contrarian trying to avoid games everyone is playing

>Starts DS2
>In september
>Doesn't even bother with DS1
Sure can't wait for all the shit about Issacs wife to ruin any impact when they finally get around to busting the glass on 1

Literally what

But we can all agree that "Pat Stares at Japan" is their best series, right?

I wish they would've done Nier Automata seeing how hard they were gushing over the demo.

Did they say why they did 2 instead of 1?

whoa he did tenchu
thanks! never knew matt had a channel

He's saying your use of a short looping .gif implies you're a Tumblr user.

Fuck him. Worst friend as he's always wrong and hyperbolizes everything in that annoying voice.

They did Dark Souls out of order so why the fuck not

Persona 5 didn't happen for obvious reasons. Would you really want a BOTW LP? Andromeda would be good but Matt would probably hate shitting on a game created by "diversity".

Pat said on a recent stream he felt too much pressure to do Nier so he went solo on twitch instead and Matt and Woolie have no interest in doing it.

>when they finally get around to busting the glass on 1
They already did 1 though. How can you not remember this?

How was Neir? Liam carry the whole thing?

They said 2 pretty much covers what 1 was about

>superfluous use the word "literally"
Not helping your case.

>"That is the WORST"

I used to like Pat but I guess he is that kind of guy that really tires you out the longer you listen to them.
No wonder he is anti social, I imagine he would get punched by a lot of people with his attitude.

>The one moment of sincerity in the entire LP
And they just started Dead Space
Are you fucking shitting me

>for obvious reasons

More like they used the Atlus bullshit as a chance to not LP the game and play at their own pace back home.
A lot of people did the LP and literally no one lost their channel or anything for that.

You have to be at least 18 to post on Sup Forums.

Their excuse was they'd have to edit out the grinding and god knows putting effort into an LP if you aren't named Liam is out of the question

woolie playing nier would be good to see
pat's playthrough was alright.
liam cried. although it was a sincere playthrough, he speedran it again. they did this with gestalt before and pat came off like an ass sometimes

Hes not too bad just don't let him anywhere near the controller if its not a fighting game.

When he tries to black it up it is pretty cringe.

>Their channel started in 2011

Assuming somone started watching them when you were 12 you are already target demographic for this website

>woolie playing nier
>woolie playing a game where you are required to read
wew lad

>caring about the nigger who got brawls canceled
>caring about the nigger who forces bottom of the barrel mugen clones on FNF
>caring about the nigger who ruined Dark Souls
>Caring about the nigger who is constantly put on controls but cannot tell left from right

Funny thing is Pat had Paige try this as well and Tarkus got his ass handed to him by the boss.

That LP was actually okay and convinced me to buy the game. And I hate Liam with a passion.

>just found out Pat never finished Persona 3
You know, I can get the fags who never finished Persona 1 or Persona 2 but this is just bullshit.
That goddamn dwarf made himself look like a Persona expert ever since that P4 video they made several years ago.
Fucking poser is the worst.

>no Matt and Liam playing the new LiS game

I don't care what others thought, I loved watching that playthrough. The game actually suited those two pretty well, Woolie or Pat would just be annoying cunts the whole time.

>>no Persona 5 LP
Thank god. JRPG LPs have always been painful with them, it would have taken 5 ever and it would have been just gushing non-stop. I like Persona, but they seriously give it too much credit.
>>no BoTW LP
That might have been fun, but I'm not especially disappointed.
>>no ME Andromega LP (lots of material to make jokes)
It would have been fun for a bit, but they tend to get bored of bad games sooner than they used to.

Personally I'm happy with DS2 seeing how I don't wanna watch Policenauts and I'm not a huge fan of "Woolie and Matt pretend to be gangsta for more than 20 seconds".

Matt is a decent businessman, he's a manchild but I don't really get the hate.

SS tier
Pat and Paige

Liam always felt like some unfunny fag who won a contest or something and got to be on the show. Hearing he left was a blessing like no other, I hope he chops off his penis and falls into depression like the rest of the internet's worst specimens.

that just a cherry picked comparison look at his views, most of his high view vids are him going over announcements or having guests. His LP and Kingdom death vids do not have competing views against the main channel. But I guess if you need any victories his most watched vids get a bit more views then the main channels bottom tier vids which are usually the ones where hes in.

inb4 the pat is not a real persona fan pasta
good to know
LiS was good up until the finale where Liam lost his mind to the muh rape culture shit like a retard during a fucking hallencenation
>Matt is a decent businessman
Which is why all his employees have quit or started side businesses, they're locked into a contract with machinima for the next 20 years, and fucking woolie of all people had to be the first one to invest in new mics

wait what he didn't finish 3???
but he knows about it. is he exempted? at least woolie went through it though...
i just realized i watched through all that LP as the episodes were released. i don't even have a tumblr

They ARE going to be playing it.
It'll be on Matt's channel.

They tottaly are tho, on Matt's channel there will be a full LP. Liam tweeted it and Matt says it on his stream constantly

Pat said they're going to play it on Matt's channel.

If you care about and watch e-celebs, you need to leave Sup Forums. This is not the website for you.

>People who don't even watch them anymore seem to come back once a year for it
Apart from certain things, this is me. I listen to rhe podcast, but the Shitstorm is the only thing on the channel that is consistently quality content, and they even know it.


>Star Fox Adventures LP still has mislabled and out of order episodes on the playlist
Fucking Christ

>they're locked into a contract

>youtube is literally having a complete fucking meltdown and every single individual youtuber feels it and is getting royally fucked by it
>except the best friends play because they coudn't give a single fuck due to their 40 year contract

tfw matt predicted the future

This nigga gets it. Paige and Pat streams are fucking gold.

If you don't care about vidya culture, Sup Forums is the wrong board for you.


>E-celeb personality and rumor discussion is video game culture
No. You are underage.

>Hurr durr stop discussing vidya on my vidya board

This your first time off Sup Forums?

>>youtube is literally having a complete fucking meltdown and every single individual youtuber feels it and is getting royally fucked by it
What happened this time, more ad changes?

So if you play a video game, everything about your life including your personality, private life, day to day actions, tweets, etc. are all video games?

Where's the next Policenaut ep?

Pat is the type that will quit a game halfway and watch the ending on Youtube and pretend he can give opinions about it.