How do controllers get like this?
How do controllers get like this?
Niggers, my man
probably by being in a fucking mcdonalds
You mean having their protective tubing gored?
Children. Children beating on them, chewing on them, twisting them in ways they aren't meant to go, etc.
At least the joysticks survived
poor children and greasy food don't make a good combo
Are there still a few mcdonalds out there with gamecube stations in them? I remember they had that shit when I was like 10 way back in 2009
Hundreds of children touching and beating on the controllers day after day?
What the hell do you expect?
>mfw people stole gamecube controllers in my local McD's and now they are no more of these game stations
I want someone to take a swab of those controllers and see what kind of gross shit grew in a petri dish.
It's easy for a little kid to do this on his own over a period of time.
Throw in a few thousands who don't give a shit and it a guarantee
>10 way back in 2009
It's a piece of shitty rubber that gets over-handled by hundreds of hyper kids, every day for the last 10 years. Why wouldn't it look like shit?
>10 way back in 2009
Damn, I remember the first time I ever saw Mario 64 was at Mcdonalds when I was like 5 and it blew my mind
You have to be 18 to post here kid
You have to be able to calculate 2017 - 2009 + 10 in order to post here kid.
He is.
That's what's most upsetting.
Who cares the system reset in either 2 or 5 minutes so you couldn't even get far in Luigi's mansion or Pikmin
It's all about touchscreen mobile game tier shit now. Which is perfect honestly.
2009 was 8 years ago.
Whoa, people age as time goes by. This is truly the end.
I've wasted my life.
>10 way back in 2009
>get ready to hit report button
>realize that he's actually old enough to post here
>every snot noised kids fucking germs all over that screen
worked at a mcdonalds until recently and that bubblez game is the shit. The whole touchscreen device is pretty much just for advertisements though
I think the one near me still has it but I haven't been there in a while except for the drive through. Place is real fancy though, two stories, public computers, glass countertops, a fake fireplace.
americans have a bad a nigger infestation
>Replace complex games with simple remakes of old flash games
Ever evolving.
Some of them maybe
Your cold mask of ironic detatchment from your own mortality will only protect you for so long. We all have to grapple with reality of our own impermanence eventually
that was beautifully wrote user
Oh I'm all too ready to crumble to dust and my whole life totally forgotten by time.
I've simply accepted it.
Can you say the same?
now kiss
>dude we're all going to die lmao xD
kys please
That's what alcohol was invented for.
Are you implying youre not going to die?
This thread escalated fast
>g-god doesn't exist, morty
>i turned myself into a pickle morty
Uh, I'm pretty sure everyone will die eventually user.
the way i look at it, we are all already dead, it was set in motion the day you start.
not him but time simply goes to fast for me. 2017 is almost over ffs.
>he doesn't know
>any mention of existentialism now leads to rick and morty memes
I fucking hate that show for making this website so much worse than it already was
I am though. Maybe it might also suprise you that I was 2 when 9/11 happened
Buy being in a McDonalds for 15 years
Or I just don't care.
Even if you where somehow immortal, all reality would eventually crumble around you. All mass and energy spread evenly throughout the universe. Heat death sounds like a dull cold fate.
I'm honestly just waiting to die at this point.
The important question is do they still work?
chill put bro just joking around
legitimately good post
How much?
Fatass McD kids should go play outside.
Imagine how dirty they are.
If you don't feel immortal at 18 then either you have an illness that is going to kill you soon, or you are overtly edgy...
Aren't you technically dying the moment you were conceived, since every single day you're alive you get closer to death?
>thread about mcdonalds gamecube controllers quickly devolves into anons opening up about how they feel about their own inevitable deaths
I suddenly just remembered why I come to this website. This is the best thread Ive seen in months
I haven't been 18 for 9 years.
>grab a needle or toothpick and run it along the little gaps
>now have enough disgusting waste to make your very own Muk
No because your cells are being created faster than they're dying off. When you hit 25 you start dying for real.
This thread is garbo and getting forced hard. Mcdonald's game kiosks used to be very rare but I've seen 3 across two boards the past two weeks and this one is littered with underaged.
No. Natural death begins at around 40, when your cellular reproduction begins to fuck up.
Mcdonald's game kiosk threads, even.
Not him, but abusing marijuana and halluciongens made me grapple with my own fear of dying at a pretty young age. Made me depressed for a solid year before I came to terms with t
Please god no
2009 seemed like yesterday
I was in a car accident and was told straight up by a doctor it's a miracle I wasn't killed at 18
Felt weird man
I guess.
I dont promote use of weed at all, Im just stating what I did when I was 18
>tfw I remember about Terror Management Theory
>tfw I realize it's impossible for me to find a coping mechanism for death
>tfw terrified of the thought of my parents dying, and of me getting old and weak
I promote the use of weed
mcdonalds gamecube controllers
I am diabetic. The prospect of losing a limb because you ate too many cookies one day puts a damper on things.
>was 9 years old by 1999
>people said the world would end in the year 2000
>being a dumbass kid past me believed this and came to terms with dying, was pretty chill with it
>fast forward to today and now I fear death again
How the fuck does this even work?
>tfw you realize the only way to avoid dealing with the deaths of everyone you love is to die first
Now that we're irradiated, we may die faster.
That shits not going to work forever. Your luck will run out and you'll be killed in an accident, get murdered or catch some deadly disease. Murphy's Law
>10 back 2009
nigga i thought i was young
>lost 80 lbs
>got somewhat fit
>still go to bed hoping I don't wake up because everything I once held dear has been corrupted and tainted or is dead
How did this thread turn into a discussion about depression?
>he doesn't know
>Laying in my bed contemplating my life and accepting death the night the world was supposed to end in 2012
That was a surreal experience
People's pets
I take it back. I know I don't care.
To this day Im conviced its impossible to come to terms with death, and anyone who claims they have is lying. All you can do is train your brain not to think about death and focus on the present
Good god youre 18 years old
You were fucking 9 when i graduated highschool.
What the fuck have i done with my life
Don't lie.
If you knew you would care deeply.
>he knows
That doctor was full of shit. Statistics are on your side.
It's literally impossible for the human brain to comprehend complete, eternal non-existence
Any time you try to imagine it you would still be experiencing some form of consciousness
Tell me user, what the fuck did they expect was going to happen in 2000?
Try not being a normalfag.
because life is unhappy and unfulfilling for alot of people
>he doesnt care
The way people come to terms with death is to invent an afterlife where they live forever. That's what they did in the middle ages, and their paranormal bullshit has carried into modern times because people are perpetually frightened of a reality in which they no longer exist.