Any video games that will unironically teach me on how to get a gf?
Any video games that will unironically teach me on how to get a gf?
Fire Emblem Awakening.
Coming out on top
Mass Effect
>Your future gf (girlfriend) is on the line
Well don't just sit there, say something, Sup Forums!
just look for suicide simulators on google it should help you out.
Literally leave your house more.
Assuming you're not under a 5/10 , you probably just lack or lost your social skills.
Hang around in public spaces more , go with friends or start going shopping with your mom.
Women are all the same. I only show love for my brodies.
"I already have a bf (boyfriend)"
Are you a girl (male)?
No. And even if there was, it's hard to find a woman you could really love.
>Assuming you're not under a 5/10
Assuming a normal distribution, half of the population is under 5/10. That's a lot of people.
video game dating simulators and actually dating are mutually exclusive.
Why are you so fucking obsessed? Just live your lives, take care of yourselves, don't be a fat dirty sack of shit. That's all it takes, it will come naturally.
True , but you can always have some features that can bump up your level a bit.
>Good finance
>Nice home
>Great personality
>Fit body
The people who make these threads look like pic-related; I think you're asking a bitch much.
just act like an eroge protagonist and you'll be drowning in bitches, trust me
Love plus,but it's more like a replacement though.
I am a sissy faggot (male)
>good finance
My parents are rich as fuck
>nice hom
My parents are rich as fuck
>great personality
Only with my bros, around girl I sperg out like a fucking autist
>fit body
I'm underweight
Or I can leave this whole thing to Chad since he's better suited for it and I can stick to my dating sims instead.
Where can I get a bf like aniki?
I bet even these dudes could get GFs if they just fucking left the house and talked to girls
>just like, go outside and be urself bro xD it werks for me
fuck you
I look like the cashier and probably more autistic. The fat dudes probably function in society more than me.
>I'm underweight
Atleast we now have something to start from. Already looking for a diet which can make you weight/muscle?
That's what Chad wants you to think user. That akward cutie is waiting for you somewhere!
>Never leaves home
>Complains about not having a gf
Don't be such a prick and man up.
I leave my house all the time. I'm also an ubermanlet khv. I can count on my hand the amount of females I have spoken to outside of my family in my life. Fuck off already Chad.
>anime image
There's a reason no one loves you and it was right in your face this whole time.
Why bother. Even if I get a gf it's never going to be an awesome story like in my vidyas.
Katawa shoujo.
Fate Stay/Night
Don't bother breeding then. Get yourself a sexdoll or a virtual waifu.
What if I have social anxiety?
Only using these to piss you off norm. Now fuck off my board faggot.
>lol just leave home, bro
Leave home and go fucking where? I stay home exactly because I absolutely hate all that going out shit.
Die /qa/ retard.
>What if I have social anxiety?
Find yourself a gf with social anxiety and go live a cute autistic life in a house in the woods.
Don't get a gf then , you're not entitled to have one just because you're lonely :.(
/qa/ is literally the best board lmfaoing@urlife normshit
Eh, it sounds retarded but it does help. This is coming from someone who leaves their house maybe once a month if that.
Interacting with other people face to face is the only real way to improve your social skills.
>all of those normies ITT
>leave my parent's house tomorrow to move into my college apartment
>2 roommates and I'm sharing a room with one
>probably won't be able to look at porn and will be forced to find a gf
i'm gonna die tomorrow
>I'm a loser and a failure of a human being so everyone else is a normie REEEEEE
Fuck off faggot.
You will find a gf at college ,i'm sure of it!
>unkept hair/facial hair
>never leaves the house
>wears shitty clothes that are probably too baggy
>bad hygiene
>beyond awful personality
>reeee chads
>hate women
Why can't I get a gf bros?
I'm not the user from the OP. Also just going out like you suggest won't magically get you someone. Also answer the question.
Get a job.
Hang out with friends.
You can meet people anywhere. What do you hate about it?
>just-world hypothesis, the post
Go to the gym, get a dating app, work on yourself.
post your picture
i'm overweight right now and don't have the social skills to compensate for being a fatty so I doubt it. the only positive I can think of right now is I'll be able to only afford white rice and water so i'll probably lose weight this year
I look like that fat fuck on the right behind the ghost recon sign
still have gf
dont know what you faggots who look normal are doing wrong
>tfw got tinder but hate any picture of myself so can't bring myself to setup a profile
If you're not a loser or a failure of a human being you ARE normal, retard. Holy shit you're dumb.
alright fine I'm ugly
No there isn't.
Tidy your room, get a job, work hard, exercise, eat healthy and don't delay any of this stuff because the best place to start is now. Sort yourself out.
start with this
Why does anyone even want a filthy used up western whore?
Why would any woman want a 25yo+ male virgin?
You are here forever.
>wall of text pseudo-science Sup Forums shit
God fucking damnit I hate 8gag so fucking much. You have to go back.
I don't care where you go outside user. You have a million times better chance to find someone outside than behind your computer buddy. All you stupid pricks for some reason think you deserve a girlfriend while i'm sure you've got nothing to offer her.
>Chads always gets gf :(
>But i'm an introvert!
>I don't have friends!
IT'S YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT. Unless you're literally an abomination or have burn scars all around your body you don't have an excuse to be such a manchild.
If you really want a gf you should fix yourself. Get the fuck out of that chair , go to the gym , get yourself a job and find yourself a place to live , doubt your future gf wants to live in your mother's basement.
Eat less , hit the weights , start going out more.
Than i rather be normal than a fucking loser like you.
Can confirm this. My gf is more of a sperg than I am, we just live in our room together avoiding people.
>tfw grown man with acne
How do I get rid of chronic acne? I have pretty much zero self confidence and look like shit with pimples all over my face. My sister had acne too, so I think it might be genetic.
How would you define normal without saying what it isn't?