>350$ for the console
>70$ for THE game (Zelda, anything else so far is just shovelware)
>70$ for a proper controller

and now...

>you also have to buy an additional SD for every game that requires additional data in order to function

Why do people allow this?

try harder, seriously

they didn't learn from the fucking vita fiasco holy shit

Why do Europeans shitpost all day? This same thread it the bump limit about 15 minutes ago.

It takes regular micro SD which are cheap as free nowadays and interchangeable between all your devices.

optimization is dead

What does this even mean? one SD dedicated entirely for that one game?

>70$ for game
What the fuck is this shit
This is why i pirate

they support 2TB SDXC cards but they cards are not out yet

>cant afford a cheap as fuck micro SD card

Europoors are such an entertaining species, wouldnt you say my dear?

>you cant pay to eat shit, what are you poor?
every time



>believes shit is food
Literally a shiteater.

enjoy wasting your life

Anyone pulled the carts apart to see how much capacity they have in those?

Surly they are 32gb at a minimum, and the leap to 64 is trivial in terms of cost.


Literally Vita 2 as people said.

>He doesn't drink coffee made from beans shit out by Civet cats
Utter plebeian.

Read the rules, retard.


Oh yeah?

The Vita at least works like it's goddamn supposed to

Dont you have some food to eat?

Read the rules.

>bought Switch
>enjoyed BotW
>didn't touch Switch after I finished it
>have to spend for more bullshit now
End my fucking life already. I could've bought whatever fucking else and earn thrice the fun/enjoyement.

128gb is more than enough for your switch for years to come.

Also stop buying digital only all the time retards

The rules say NO FOOD ANALOGIES.

you can't patch read only media

PSP and Vita did the same thing and nothing happened, I guess it's ok when Sony does it.

If it means devs can port big games to the Switch, I'm okay with it. I already have 3 64gb micro SD cards laying around anyway.

False, it means that your mother will buy an X-Box in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post

i have last count 4 64 gig SD cards
3 32 gig
around 20 8 gig
and at least 4 1 gig from ages ago

tell me how the hell this is a problem?

>will have to buy an additional SD for every game that requires additional data

the article says no such thing just that you need an SD card

>Blunder or ACfag at it again

The internal flash memory being 32GB is good for a $300 handheld/console. This was inevitable with shit companies like EA not giving a fuck about compression (or quality). Be glad you don't have to format the microSD to be used with the Switch.

I've got 12 Switch games downloaded on a 64gb SD card and I've used maybe 13gb.

I think the largest game is actually that snek simulator at like 5gb. Splatoon 2 I particular is tiny, as is Fast RMX

It means NBA 2K18 has a mandatory install because 2k didn't want to pay for a 32 gb gamecard.

It took 3 months of good boy points just for the Switch. I might not be able to to earn a SD card on top of that.

We all said this was the inevitability. You didn't listen.

Are you aware you're holding a giant "im underaged please ban me" sign right now?

I was joking user. sheesh.

>i love being nickel and dimed for every little thing because the storage specs of 'handheld console' were sub par to begin with
To each his own I guess.