Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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Nah. Honestly, I like it more than X5.

I keep hearing X5 is the bad one. At least as far as the PS1 games are concerned. If you ask me, though, the only one you should avoid is X7.

>if you fail to save a hostage, they're gone for good
>hostages can hold important upgrades
>random stage effects, usually unavoidable hazards constantly raining on you
>a specific upgrade is required to beat the game with X
>the entire fire stage is literally just the same tedious miniboss copy-pasted FIVE TIMES IN A ROW

Yes. It is the only one where it is so broken main mechanics don't work. The warning system where the bosses will be red and have different stage hazards is completely broken.

Honestly, get good.

>random stage effects, usually unavoidable hazards constantly raining on you

So what? At most they're just annoying but nothing game breaking.

>a specific upgrade is required to beat the game with X

Only if you're using the shadow armor

>the entire fire stage is literally just the same tedious miniboss copy-pasted FIVE TIMES IN A ROW

Duff McWhalens stage is even more boring from X5.

x5 reused a song from 2. pretty lazy. also had a worthless duck move.

Nah. it's better (or at least less bland) than X5.

those stage hazards can make it impossible to 100% though because they change the stage layout and if don't go away if you beat the stage with them active.

You can control the stages affected at any time are based on the last stage you visited.

>At most they're just annoying but nothing game breaking
Unless you're playing in a room with any ambient light in which case the darkness makes the entire fucking screen impossible to see

No, people just suck and got dicked over in the game and called it bad



The problem with red donut miniboss isn't that it's boring, it's that it is COMPLETE bullshit.
ESPECIALLY the one where half of the fucking screen is covered in instadeath fire and you have to walk on tiny fucking platforms and get in the most awkward fucking positions to kill it unless you're playing Zero

>At most they're just annoying but nothing game breaking.
Except the mechanic literally doesn't work the way it's supposed to, as points out

>Duff McWhalens stage is even more boring from X5.
Duff McWhalen's stage is at least 3 different minibosses, not literally the same miniboss 5 times in a row

It goes

Did someone say megaman X6? youtube.com/watch?v=yl6QM4hUft8

fuck Metal Shark Player's stage the most because of how you have to hold the crouch button when roof starts closing in otherwise you're dead.

>being this bad

Am I the only one that's really bothered by the Windows Movie Maker level Maverick intros for X6? They look so cheap and jarring

>The problem with red donut miniboss isn't that it's boring, it's that it is COMPLETE bullshit.

Giga attacks fuck their shit up. Unless you're HideofBeast no one's making you fight buster/saber only.

>10 minutes

Wew lad don't get carried away now at-least X6 had a way better OST than X7 or X5

X6 was a fucking mess in almost every way, the only thing it managed to do well was the soundtrack.

Watch a video of Ground Scaravich's stage and all your questions will be answered.

I honestly don't remember enjoying the PS1 games. They seemed slow and floaty and the emphasis on the shitty story and dialogue kind of irked me.

X1 and the SNES games blew me away when I played them. Everything was fast and amazing to control and the upgrades made you even more mobile.

I'll give X6 its soundtrack, Sigma's theme in particular is really fucking tasty, but on the other hand X5 reused the best track from X2, so it's a bit better in my book.
Honestly the reason I'd put X7 over X6 is just because X7 is just so completely profound in how horrific of a trainwreck it is, it's worth playing just to see how badly someone can fuck a game up. It's also a lot easier and less tedious than X6, so it has that going for it.

>use shadow armor to get past the unavoidable spikes
>get to Nightmare Mother
>proceed to be decimated because shadow armor doesn't have an air dash

i liked it. replayed as zero earlier this year.

X6 was a big step down from the GOAT duo of X4 and X5.

the old "it's so much worse it's better" pitch. pretty sneaky, capcom

Only Nightmare Cubes appearing in Metal Shark's stage are annoying if you're not aware of it, since you might not be able to go down the secret path with 'em active.

Otherwise these are minor annoyances at worst.

Shit taste.

It's literally true though
What movie would you rather watch, Batman v Superman, or Fateful Findings? One's a lot more entertaining, even if it's objectively worse.

X6 is what happens when you put all of your budget on the OST

>blaze heatnix stage ost
>gate lab ost
>sigma second stage ost

Yeah, the level design was bottom of the barrel garbage.
Yet somehow I still feel like it was better than X5. X5 might have had more competent level design, but it was also boring as fuck. Also X6 has the best armors in the series.

>Heatnix stage
>4? 5? 6?? wheel bosses...

fucking kill me

Its a decent plataform. But looks like a step back from x1-4. The stages are very bland.

still better than Duff McWhalen

>you will never be this jaded

>Best game

X4 & X1

>Best Music

X8, Corrupted (Fuck you I'm counting it), X1

And for no reason whatsoever...

>Command Mission party you used the most

X, Zero, Cinnamon

It just sucks because Metal Shark Player had probably the best stage in the game. Maybe the ice stage, I liked that one too.

X2 remains the best X game.

all the budget went to X4

You need to dash jump off the walls. It can be a bitch timing it right, but it's doable.

is it possible to jump over the gap in the final stage before sigma without using shadows air dash?

i remember i never really got beyond that part without it.

but not only that, the stage design was like tetris on hard, especially with stage hazards. fucked me up so many times

>if you fail to save a hostage, they're gone for good
>hostages can hold important upgrades
>a specific upgrade is required to beat the game with X
you can only have this problem if you play as unarmored X, they made it very clear in X5 that the armor is the default now.

>random stage effects, usually unavoidable hazards constantly raining on you
X1 says hi

>the entire fire stage is literally just the same tedious miniboss copy-pasted FIVE TIMES IN A ROW
what is Duff McWhalen

>trading mobility for a perk
sounds fair in the context of videogames.

I did it recently, not sure if I had speedster/jumper/hyper dash equipped though.

At first I thought it was impossible but I eventually made it. Its not easy however since the armor clings to walls instead of sliding you need to get to the right spot...

>if you start with Zero you don't get Fourth Armor in exchange for a dinky gun, and can never obtain falcon armor
>have to get all pieces of an armor to wear it
I hate 5 so much

>you have to hit him with a certain move/weapon to hurt him
this guy is an rpg boss in a platformer.

The thing I really hated was Zero couldn't get all the armor pieces despite them all having unique conversations for him.

I used a fly hack and saw some of it but couldn't get him to smash blocks among other things.

this guy never heard of a boss rush.

>what is Duff McWhalen
His stage being bad doesn't make Blaze Heatnix's stage less bad. It is the worst stage in X6.

>X1 says hi
X1 did it far better than X6 did.

challenging doesn't equal bad.

and mega man games have a history of making the player fight boss after boss after boss, so why is Heatnix the black sheep?

>X1 says hi
That's nowhere near comparable to X6
>those fireballs
>those rocks
just extra shit randomly inserted into the existing levels to create artificial difficulty


>terrain changes for each donut
>difficulty spikes up
it might be the same boss but it isn't the same fight.

Flip 6 and 7 and you have perfect taste.

I'm not debating that X7 is the worst turd of the bunch, I just had a lot more fun playing it than I did with X6, and would much rather pick it up again.

It was miles better than 5.

>you have to destroy these 4 lights
>now you have to destroy these 4 lights while ducking in pits
>now you have to destroy these 4 lights with half the screen covered in instadeath
oh wow what clever interesting design

>the fireballs go down on a straight line
how is that hard to dodge? it's not even bullet hell level.

can't complain about the rock since they are a stage hazard, the nightmare effect (so called artifical difficulty) are the silver blocks.

Challenging doesn't equal bad and X6 did have some interesting challenges. Heatnix is gutter trash because the miniboss who you have to fight five times is gutter trash. Its AI is even more simple than regular enemies and the only donut that gives you any trouble is the one that you have to fight with rising lava.

>trying to spin the entire half of the screen covered by instadeath fire whole autoscrolling up as as good thing

>>those fireballs
>>those rocks
>just extra shit randomly inserted into the existing levels to create artificial difficulty
nothing new here

X5 is shit too, stop resorting to this defense.

MM5 is also usually considered the worst of the NES Mega Mans, what's your point?

My internet was cut for a month, it was only this,Brigandine:GE, Tenchu1, Donald duck and DW1. X6 wasn't the one i played it alot.

X and X4 are the only good games in this series.
If you don't agree, you're wrong.

I'm sorry where's the random stage effects in this?

Everything that makes X1 good makes X2 good also

Are you comparing it to the falling crystals? Those are actually part of the level and in set locations, so you can prepare for it. The X6 shit is randomly generated and lasts the entire level

>AI is simpler than regular enemies
I would accept this complain if the boss had a cheap full screen attack but it doesn't. the boss is already easy to kill and the challenge is in the area you have to fight him. it reminds me of the Quick Man fight with the uneven ground and getting cornered immediately.

nightmare effects are indicated by the red light over the stage icon. don't blame the game because you missed that.

Not always, sometimes they can take effect without the stage select letting you know it'll be there.

Fuck the nightmare dark, i could take the others,but fuck shit.

Ive played games that have angered me beyond repair buf finished em like Megaman X7 and Shadow the Hedgehog but this is one thats made me rage quit so many times I only got halfway through it and said fuck it and have never picked it back up since and its been about 5 years since the last time I played it. Megaman X is my all time favorate series of games but X6 is one that I could never recommend to anyone.

nightmare effects start after completing your first stage. going after Commander Yammark first never helped anyone.

Except it doesn't fucking work or make sense half the time

going after infinityfag last is the best.

>I would accept this complain if the boss had a cheap full screen attack but it doesn't.
Why would it only be valid if the boss had a cheap full screen attack? The donuts move in a largely preset pattern shooting easily dodged projectile. Other than the lava section the change in terrain offers no great changes in difficulty and the difficulty in the lava section largely revolves around tedium. It is easily one of the worst if the not worse minibosses in the series.

The gameplay is there and as fluent as ever but what does good gameplay do when the level design is fucking awful and the enemy placement is so obsurd that you could swear that the game devs just hate you and wanna screw with you.

How the fuck has nobody mentioned how cunting stupid the controls are? Like how Zero's suicide dive move is mapped to the goddamn christshitting UP BUTTON?

there's a shit ton of PTSD in this thread

That is literally shit, I don't get his move when playing with Zero, also what is with the circle thing from tortoise guy? it cancels the i-frames

And people try to say Megaman X7 was the worst in the series, yeah the game is ass but good god nothing will ever come close to the shitshow known as Megaman X6

this guy walks into the club and slaps your girlfriend's ass

what do you do?

>>random stage effects, usually unavoidable hazards constantly raining on you
>X1 says hi

The stage effects are not the same AT FUCKING ALL. Spark Mandrill's blackouts are regularly intermittant and still provide opportunities to see the whole screen at once, while the other changes are cosmetic (Sting Chameleon's flooding actually makes the stage a bit easier by allowing you to get the heart tank by jumping)

How is X6 worst then X7?

I'm playing X4 right now with Zero. I have no idea how to beat Sigma third form.

Get all up in his grill

Even MN9 was better.

Spark Mandrill's blackouts and the bug that beelines to your face while illuminating the room are just madness. Nightmare blackouts are all about hurrying your ass up.

all of X6 nightmare effects are designed to make the stages harder while X1 is the opposite, example being the heart upgrade in Sting Chameleon's stage and what happens to Flame Mammoth's stage after beating Chill Penguin. you can see it like this, X1 does something worse than X6 because it robs you of the challenge the original stage would represent. maybe I wanted to avoid the lava in Mammoth's stage but thanks to Chill Penguin I can't and there's nothing to do about it.

That's kinda okay.

Rainy turtloid and Infinity Mijinion are the only decent stages, rest has certain bullshit in one way or another that makes it a pain to go through.

slash beast move

Let him, as his hands are the only ones large enough to handle all dat ass.

No, at least X6 controls nice.

>They seemed slow and floaty
They were.

>X1 and the SNES games blew me away when I played them
>Everything was fast and amazing to control and the upgrades made you even more mobile
X1 is GOAT, X2 air dash/double charge were the tits.

X6 I thought had more fundamental problems then X7 with level design, the enemies and the fucking stage effects that just throw you off and you end up flying off into a bed of spikes or a plethera of the nightmare virus. X7s gameplay wasn't as infuriating as X6 to the point it wasn't even fun but I can't really defend X7 either. Just no other game in a series I love has ever made me say fuck this and never wanna play it again.