*slashes your teammate*
*hides behind top of the building*
*slashes your teammate*
I hate that you are basically guaranteed to get hit by her at least once. I was lucky though and she was weak to melee on my first playthrough. Meant I could just dash and grapple after her and kill her quickly.
Is it good? I played and beat XCOM 2 on release and I loved it
only reason I haven't bought it yet is because it's pretty expensive for an expansion and I'm a broke boi
>Is it good?
Yeah. But 40 dollars is still a lot to ask for it.
YOu can get it on GMG for like 30 bux. Even less if you were lucky enough to use that voucher they sent out.
If its anything like the shitty DLC overlords or whatever those fucks were, i want no part of this expansion. That was miserable.
ACtually not 100% true.
If you see where she spawned then make a rough estimate on how many turns it would take dashing to reach your dudes. Right before that happens activate your scanner. Catches her with her pants down for the gunner/ranger bukkake gangbang
>Is it good?
No they still did not fix the *only 40% to hit despite being 1inch away from the target*
Reapers counter them really well. When they get close enough to your squad members they reveal themselves, so putting a Reaper between wherever they spawned and the rest of your squad lets you uncloak them before they can bumrush you
The chosen are the worst enemies ever. Sometimes they just sit there and let you kill them but most of the time you have to play a shitty game of tag until you have them cornered at the edge of the map. That's even before their shadows of mordor traits get stupid like getting increased defense for each person who takes a shot at them and stacking shields/reaction fire for each missed shot.
>people bought this ripoff expansion
No it's not worth it unless you are happy to play the same campaign again with what amounts to mods.
*disables DLC*
*alien overlords still show up*
Jake is one hell of a troll
they really need to drop this hero bullshit if they're gonna make eggscum 3
kill yourself, dont talk about "fixes" if you haven't played more than 2 hours of the game
>has no idea what he's talking about
>3DPD thumbnail image macro
go back to Facebook, Lucresha
>Can't trigger Overwatch
>Missed shots give shields
>Explosive damage doesn't hurt
>Weak to Reapers
>Weak to close range attacks
it's arguably worse, the Chosen that is. They're like Rulers except they dont actually die, and instead of reacting to your actions they just have generally absurd abilities (except for the sniper, he's fucking easy as shit)
>runs up to it with Templar that has bladestorm
>literally dies in 3 turns
I had one that has instant overwatch AND immunity to overwatch.
So it can literally run in to fuck with me and I cant easily approach without a unit that has lightning reflexes.
Are the Chosen the best villians in terms of design? I like how unique and threatening they look. Really got me sweaty the first time the assassin spawned.
Can't you break overwatch with grenades and flash bangs and probably some other later stuff that I haven't got to yet?
I don't know most of Sup Forums don't like their designs
I love that distinct alienish look to them, but also they got a sort of Orc vibe to them too.
Human-like but grotesque and sinister looking. The worst physical traits of humans we see exaggerated.
as long as you HIT them with anything it will cancel overwatch
flashbangs are the safest way to cancel overwatch and ensure they will miss in the next few turns
or you can get a grenadier to use Hail of Bullets to guarantee the hit.
>Xcom 2 is criticised for by lots of players for being really hard even at the easiest difficulty
>So let's make it even harder and alienate casuals even more
I don't even know what to think
Heres the trouble.
1. Its the Assassin so it moves in and out quickly whenever it feels like. So I cant even kill it, it just runs in grabs what it wants and buggers off.
2. If I dont have my Reaper with her ability to detect I cant see that bitch coming at all.
does war of the chosen make the game harder? i already suck enough just playing on normal without any DLC
Can I breed them ?
Shes gathering intel like crazy too.
She wants to invade my base early man.
assassin gets one move after attacking, all you have to do is make sure your guys don't stand a mile apart, it's really easy
user, try to gauge where she is.
Alternatively, Reapers or Battle Scanners.
Individual missions can be way harder because the chosen show up all the time and will just instantly wipe out low level dudes. If it isn't the chosen it's fighting the usual advent alongside hundreds of constantly spawning zombies.
Overall the game is a hundred times easier because your dudes are so crazy overpowered and the faction bonuses are just plain gamebreaking.
for me too, but I still didn't free the skirmisher, so maybe that's where she gets the intel
>does war of the chosen make the game harder?
Yes. Prepare to shit your pants every time Assasin drops.
Warlock is also easy as shit.
Only Assasin is truly dangerous and that's only due to absolutely absurd mobility.
I love this game now. I tried playing the original XCOM2 at launch and a few months ago, but both times I got bored.
But now there's just so much shit added. Maybe a bit too much is delighted to menus, but at least the strategic layer is interesting now.
Also the Horde are surprisingly fun, especially when they rock up as part of a normal mission and act as a threat to both sides.
Is it because they aren't cute anime girls?
the fact that assassin is twice as big as a full grown man is what sells it for me
good, I prefer it to alienate casuals
more companies should do that, fuck appealing to retards
XCOM 2 is piss in comparison to the shit before hand.
Gaming journalism is just fucked.
>mfw the alien's Teleporting Grappling-Hook-using Squadsight Sniper is somehow the LEAST THREATENING of the three
I'm impressed, desu. I find them fun as fuck to fight. Rulers are irritating with their reaction shit, Chosen feel like you are fighting an alien version of X-Com.
*Does nothing*
They just really remind me of the Butt Ugly Martians.
Chosen Assassin can fuck your shit up. Warlock can fuck your shit up if you are in a bad situation such as fighting other enemies.
But the new features make the game a lot easier overall.
Adding in more bullshit doesn't make it more hardcore, it just makes it more bullshit.
Shock lancers or whatever they were called are the reason I don't reinstall.
Just kill them first with a SS? Wow, problem solved.
It's good but pricey for what it is.
They've altered a lot of the base game, plenty of mission variety and slight touches here and there in the Avenger management.
The game is now filled with content and rarely feels like a hassle to go through with the variety of shit it throws at you now.
It's more XCOM 2 though they've added more stealth, more timers, more bosses, more cringey generic action tropes.
I can't imagine it persuading someone who hated XCOM2 originally to change their minds on it.
I think it's great and when modders get a hold of all the new stuff it's going to be worth another playthrough.
I really all the new changes that make all campaigns a little more different. More continent bonuses, more variation in what resistance orders you get early on, which covert ops you get, if you have lost and chosen intro off also changes which hero class you get first and which chosen etc.
Currently about to finish my run on Commander Ironman and only really struggled early with Assassin until I killed her as soon as I had mag weps and predator armor, Warlock and Assassin have been both pushovers (especially with melee and grenade weakness respectively)
Also having one continent bonus with the Advent Turncoat and one with Volunteer Army is sweet, starting missions lately with Elite Stunlancer and Resistance Fighter is fun.
>Shock lancers or whatever they were called are the reason I don't reinstall
Awww, did baby never try putting his Shotgun users on Overwatch?
Doesn't do shit when they miss
To do what, watch them shoot at target on the edge of their range just to miss?
so cute when rookie players try to educate someone on tactics
I posted this pic in an earlier thread and yes I eventually changed the nickname to Lemon, but this fucker made it captain with OVER 30 kills under his belt before finally dying to the fucking Viper King.
Fuck Boss enemies.
Buy a flashbang
Helmet mod name and possibly arm mod?
>80 will at SGT.
He was too pure for this world user.
Jesus Christ you people are fucking retarded, stun lancers are chump change
how do you deal with lancers then
And of course you dont get to bring colonels
Freezenate is better. They can still have a chance to mess you up when disorientated.
most problems can be solved with flashbangs
>priest/sectoid SITREPs
>terror missions in general
but they're cool, well animated zombies
I never got this order through my whole campaign.
Just useful "Recruits cost 15 supplies" and "50% excavation speed" (after I already had everything excavated. Fucking Reapers reeeee
This franchise is being ruined by the disgusting fanboys it has, they will say the most shitty expansions are good. $40 for this crap.
They are worse than blizzdrones.
Never had those, they were DLC nades yeah? Flashes have an xboxhueg radius and affect through cover and walls. EZ modo
Yeah but you can build flashbangs on day 1 so you have no excuses.
I miss mecs
No-one said any of the previous dlc was good though.
I wish they had a heavier version of the EXO, that'd be cool
only good DLC before WoTC is arguably rulers
Yeah I would love to have MECs back. Even if they just added like a junker faction with ghetto mec dudes.
You dont seem to understand the concept here. what you see on screen is only a rough representation of whats happening. Battles irl are not turn based. You have to imagine that when your an inch away from someone, your only an inch away from them for a moment as you are aiming, they are moving and trying to avoid being hit. Xcom is just an apporxximation of whats going on, you have to use your imagination a bit.
amazinga .
I'm not a robot
>Shitters have been being triggered by XCOM raping them for over 20 years
what makes it even funnier is that they usually give away they don't even understand the fundamentals in one or two posts
>thinks he's so smart
>is still on neetbux
Man, firaxis went so fucking far off the deep end with xcom 2 it's unreal
This game barely even fucking resembles xcom anymore.
I guarantee if the game had launched with all the DLC/expansions it has right now there would've been a huge backlash. This shit is completely uncharacteristic of the original games, let alone the first nu-com game, and worse - they never improved the fucking awful turn system or general gameplay.
When I see xcom 2 I see squandered potential; what a waste.
It's ok, Xenonauts 2 will most likely be released in the next 10 years :*
Icarus armor into point blank range.
Lightning hands - pistol shot - fanfire
Bring in the run and gun ranger for the finish
xenonauts is a game that genuinely put the gameplay ahead of dumb crap like player dressup, hollywood quality plots, and moustache twirling cartoon villain aliens
What a fucking trainwreck this series turned into
>mfw thought the same
>now I miss Lost missions when missions don't have them because they are fun as fuck
>great for levelling units
>you can use them to your advantage and have them swarm the enemy
>a fight between X-Com and Advent causing tons of explosions and having them swarm both sides is incredibly entertaining to deal with
>buying 60 dollar dlc
How about no, shill.
Losts aren't fun because they always target my operators instead of ner Advent. feels like bullshit.
>mfw Reapers gave me Construction Time -50% early in the game
>built up the Avenger's rooms at blazing speeds
>it's shitty because it's$40
Did you miss how people flamed Alien Rulers and Anarchy Children and outright disabled and uninstalled the mods?
Why Xenonauts when you can get Phoenix point straight from the creator himself?
Anyway, it's not that firaxis didn't want to make XCOM like X-com, it's something they tried in their vertical slices and at that time, nobody found the old ways fun. So they tried their own thing, found that it worked and decided to take it further while Julian and other imitators of old X-com take advantage of the revitalized interest.
Is War of The Chosen even canonical to the games? Or is this like EU where only vanilla is canon?
I'm glad Valen's alive. Missed you BB
>work a shitty deadend job for 30 years just so your wife can fuck Jamal and take your money and kids
Yet it'll still sell, I don't get why people are so pissy with 2 even though Enemy Within was objectively better 2 wasn't even close to shit. Gamplay wise it was more aggressive since timers help stop Overwatch camps which make missions more tense, or just get the reaper Mod that stops the timer until seen. Art wise it's understandable that they had to change the look because it was 20 years after the first game so it's to be expected. Plus 2 had objectively better weapon variety even in vanilla 2 then EW.
You need those special grenades, I forget what they are called.
I don't like the fact that you just have to take damage sometimes now
seems like bad design imo
The chosen weapons make whoever has them broken as fuck.
The sniper allows you to fire with 1 action...combined with getting most of the gunslinger tree and sniper tree (based as fuck training center) you can lightning hands -> standard pistol shot - > fanfire big target if needed -> teamwork -> serial and kill everyone else on screen with the rifle
My sharpshooter with the hunters rifle and pistol with Icarus armor killed 14 enemies in 1 round.
nothing like baiting the entire maps forces into that setup.
On legend none the less
>I don't like the fact that you just have to take damage sometimes now
But X-Com 2 is all about the opposite, wounds take forever to heal until you have a staffed infirmary.
>xenonauts is a game that genuinely put the gameplay ahead
Meh, Xenonauts have zero replay value. OpenXCom exists, though, so who cares.
and you don't get hit for free without any way to stop it in 2 either
what are you saying ?