So Sup Forums why aren't you swatting away hoards of girls while simultaneously shooting up a school?

So Sup Forums why aren't you swatting away hoards of girls while simultaneously shooting up a school?

Anyone own this game?
I'm considering buying it in the coming weeks.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm tempted to buy it for VR.

I got the non-VR one on Steam, nice game, cute girls but easy as fuck unfortunately.

It's super easy, but enjoyable.

I wouldn't suggest it. The most disappointing thing is that there are like 5 routes but only 2 boss fights. The twins and demons are exactly the same fight but with different looking projectiles and then the other one is a demon vore plant/ufo.

Is there a game where I can shoot up weebs?

Because I play this.

>shooting up a school
Is this the thread theme?

Is this fun? What can you tell me about this game?

It's left 4 dead with animu girls, you can fuck them between waves to restore HP, also zombies can rape them.
Barebones as it gets but hot.

Highschool anime GTA clone with SLIDERS ON EVERYTHING and extensive mod support set in tokyo when
Get your shit together japan

Is the full game free or do I have to find a torrent?

Torrent of course.

I hate to be that guy but link pleaseI got the RJ number but not sure if dlsite has the full game or not.

I pirated it. It was fun for 15 minutes, but it lacks lasting appeal.

Does this have VR?

>I hate to be that guy
Then don't be that guy. You got the RJ code, that's all you need.
>not sure if dlsite has the full game or not
Really? Do you think dlsite is for free downloads or something?

Yeah scratch what i said earlier. I already found it.

Also I wasn't too familiar with how dlsite works. I'm sorta new at understanding all of this. It's like for demos right? And if you like it you can buy the full if you want too?

Dlsite is essentially a store for all kinds of professionally and self-published shit. It's a store that will sell porn too so it comes with a certain reputation. It's not limited to games (also manga, audio dramas, etc.) and demos are up to the publishers and not always a thing.
They also accept foreign credit cards so you should be able to buy most of the shit on there as a gaijin pig.

Because the game is too easy. Seriously if they'd double the number of girls on screen and their speed the game would be GOTY.