>Raid: World War 2
What is your verdict?
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It'd be okay if enemies didn't constantly spawn wherever they pleased, had more than two damage zones (body and head), the music didn't sound like a 30 second loop, and if the shooting was tightened up.
It's literally just a worse payday 2.
im just gonna play team fortress 2 instead
I can only imagine how payday 3 will be
the fuck is this shit
Was interested until I saw that they're basically just making Payday 2 again
Was alright until it didn't work in widescreen, enemies just pop in and it just feels like it's not ready to be released yet.
It is literally worse than payday.
Every enemy is a sponge. They spawn out of thin air in front of you. The "sneaking" is almost impossible. It has less weapons, less choice and less customization. And it looks and plays like a game out of the 90s.
Its actually worth downloading the beta just to see how completely rubbish it is.
2/5 as it stands
The Good:
>Satisfying shotgun in a videogame
>Entertaining live action
The Bad:
>$33 launch price for a reskinned Payday2
>Buggy missions(Odin's Fall always decides to bug out while firing at the zeppelin)
>no depth to customization, just sheer upgrades locked by challenges
What is this shit?
There's a good game there but it's behind a lot of bullshit
>Guns whilst feeling good in terms of visual and sound feedback still feel weak as enemies take a fuck load of shots to kill even when headshotting
>Worse revive system than Payday 2
>Upgrade and progression system crappier than both Payday The Heist and Payday 2
>Fucking garbage stealth, somehow even fucking worse than Payday 2
>Grindy unlock system
It's going to take a lot to fix it
>Have to manually pick up ammo instead of walking over it
>even fucking worse than Payday 2
How is that even possible?
Leftist glorifying propaganda. Right on, my swedish pals.
You know how in Payday 2 you could atleast take out people from a distance with silenced guns and if spec'd into it can place ECMs to delay the alarm? Raid requires you to melee every fucking guard with the knife since as far as I know there's no silencers in the game.
Wasted potential/5
Also no ingonito mode or cameras
>Grindy unlock system
This. 500 hip-fire pistol kills for an upgrade is a joke
>saboteurs and raiders
>no Welrod
>no De Lisle
from what I've seen the only people that care about this game are PD2 players since overkill can't stop shilling it
>judging a game from a barebones content devoid 'beta'
the fucking thing only has one gun per class and the skill trees are nonexistent, guns cant be upgraded past the extreme basic first thing and the max level in the beta is 5
>had more than two damage zones (body and head)
overkill took like 3 years to change that in PD2
>the fucking thing only has one gun per class
yeah and its going to stay that way say so overshill can sell more dlc
Most Payday 2 players regard it as a pretty crappy barebones clone of Payday 2 in a WW2 setting
Have you ever heard of how first impressions matter? Compared to vanilla Payday 2 of all fucking things, there is shitty variety at all in both objectives and customization. If this game was suppose to replace Payday 2 once support ceased in October 2018, I'm not impressed at all
The guns are meh, the class concept does not really seem to help in any way, the grind is stupendous, the missions always seem to end in horde mode fighting bullshit..
Lack of stealth options, lack of gameplay options.
PD2 but in WW2 would be a pretty fun concept. Too bad Christopher Lee is dead, a cameo would have been appropriate.
Also, while the shotgun is not complete shit, ADS magically does tighten the spread. But that's not too big a problem since using the sights does not do much when shooting five nazis at the same time in the face. Pretty hilarious to see head get literally fly off rather than just disappear.
All in all, potential for a fun game if they polish the hell out of it. But its still flawed at the core and will never be great.
PD2 is great when the crew works well together and you take down the heist without any alarms and get away without a single cop ever arriving. When things go loud, it turns into a dull fucking generic horde mode shooter. At least the customization options are nice.
Looks like for The Raid, they stripped out the best parts of PD2 and kept the worst. What a dumb design decision.
>Satisfying shotgun in a videogame
does it use the same bullshit "shotgun" mechanics as pd2?
not the same user but it has the largest spread of any shotgun I've ever come across and that's not a compliment
Like you know the meth cooking house in payday 2? If you were to fire at the cops in the yard from the balcony of the house you would hit literally every single cop in the yard, that's how bad the spread is.
>can't disable Depth of Field
>everything is dark as shit
Jesus christ how bad this is
Is that John Cleese?
Yes. Probably where most of the budget went too.
so this is literally goyday 2 but with nazis. wew almir
I read that in his voice for some reason
Payday 2 but worse, which is pretty hard to do because payday 2 has sucked ever since the chivalry pack
This game is an absolute disgrace, massive step down fro Payday 2.
>same shit engine
>the graphics are far worse
>everything is very dark
>mixing and matching skill trees is gone in favor of linear class progression
>class restricted weapons
>stealth is non-existant
>practically useless Ultimates added because Overwatch exists
>if the host leaves you lose everything and get no progression, same as PD2
>music is nothing special
>voice acting doesn't hold a candle to the payday gang
I honestly think this is a shoddily put together cash grab. This is coming from a person who grinded the shit out of Payday 2, reached level 2600 and finished every single achievement at the time.
>OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead will be powered by Starbreeze’s Valhalla engine. The title is set to release in 2018.
Pretty sure this is the actual game they've been working on since forever, it was announced several years ago before Raid was even a thing. Popular IP and new engine too.
Really bad. The only reason they're even bothering to release it is to cut their losses I guess. Can't imagine this trash turning a huge profit.
>same shit engine
And despite that the game still runs like ass on my rig with all the possible settings set to their lowest, while PD2 runs alright on medium to high settings
Too dark at night, over-saturated t in the day. This is what a video game looks like when anti-post processing fags are in charge.
Is there even a daytime mission in the beta?
Bullet spongy enemies are a massive problem imo, granted that PD2 enemies can be bullet spongy if you have a shit load out but if you build your load out properly you could easily 1 hit the average cop easily. In Raid, the fucking bolt action can't even 1 hit headshot guys on Normal. Even COD understood that the bolt action is supposed to feel powerful.
I think the Camp could be played in day but dunno
Hunters can be played during the day and at night. Its random.
Unplayable shit.
It's going to be out in three weeks and it'll still be garbage made by slavs.
Shotguns are complete shit, so that's a no buy point for me alone.
Lion Game Lion made Raid: WW2.
They're based in Croatia.
this is by their Croatian friendos
Oh shit this explains everything. I remember they bought them or something to make DLC for Pooday. They let a life-support team make a standalone game.
I like it.
Legit question why so? Because to me it's a worse Payday 2 in every way.
I hated it.