Bought this game on release

>bought this game on release
>liked it so much bought the season pass
>10 months later and only 1 of the 4 promised DLC has been released.

What the fuck happened?

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The game is Battlefield 1 if you're confused.

People whining that the season pass was stupid and not worth it, so they added more content to the pass and the second dlc got postponed and now people are whining about it being too long between dlc's.

Doing the 10 hour Origin trial right now and the game is actually fun

Oh please, they did the same season pass as BF3, why would they complain NOW? They were always there just to get the 4 map packs at a cheaper price and in this you play them early.

Is this game still populated on PC?
Being an Australian is fucking rough, games that aren't PUBG and Overwatch are dead

The next DLC pack drops next week for premium players

you being a dumb nigger is what happened

>I gave money for a promise of unknown content being released at some unknown point in the future

I'm Korean American actually.

New DLC is out next week for premium.
BF3 is still best BF though.

I don't like what they did with BF1 but apparently they have made changes to make it like BF3 and BF4 were and made conquest the way it used to be.

>BF3 is still best BF though.

pfffffft hahahaha

The same game where people only played metro? Garbage maps and shitty guns. Post patch BF4 is objectively better.

They complained with bf3 and 4 too. People are sick of the season pass businessmodel. They'd rather have 1 map every three months like overwatch and r6 than pay for a decent amount of content.

DLC maps on pc are almost dead if you want to play anything else than conquest or frontlines.

It's populated although you might find difficulties finding matches for the dlc maps on certain game modes

>They complained with bf3 and 4 too
And it never mattered that's why they kept doing the same shit, people got used to it. No way a sudden jump in the people complaining would happen out of nowhere. If people were truly sick of it they would be forced to stop it.

>DLC maps on pc are almost dead if you want to play anything else than conquest or frontlines

Don't matter when you can host your own servers

what happened is you gave a billion dollar publisher an interest free loan

>What the fuck happened?

You fell for the AAA meme.

metro beats lockers.
not by much, but it does.

Because the 1st DLC was 6 maps instead of 4 and a new game mode that also got added to 4 vanilla maps.

I got really hyped for the russian dlc
I've never been hyped for a dlc before
what's wrong with me, guys?

You should try being an FGC fan, i played the same guy who was 10 ranks higher than me in T7 around 10 times before giving up altogether