Dissidia Thread

>get told there's no region free
>decide to play during japanese hours
>they're so good that the slight fun I had with this game jumped to extreme fun

Hot fucking damn this is how teamwork feels.
I gave gundam versus a try but as I expected, just because you like one it doesn't mean you'll like the other

It's similar to versus, but just different enough that the differences can cause a gulf in enjoyment. I like both but once you get into the real grit of the mechanics they couldn't be more different in approach.

Even as far as face value is concerned the tiny things, movement, methods of attack, reliance on teammates, and the bottom line information I have to be able to process is all completely different.

Then there's the surface stuff. I watched 3 and a half series and a movie of Gundam where as I've played every final fantasy. So the difference in attachment is an amazing stonewalling barrier

Surprisingly Gundam is the one with deeper individual mechanics. Even with the customization in arcade for Dissidia the tools available to a single unit in Versus is wider.

Dissidia, imo, has a better team game.

Luckily for me I like both.

Once the full release hits the states I'll give it another honest try, after all a few of my mates swear by it.

>We could've gotten a sequel to Duodecim, with more characters, game modes, refined mechanics and 4k graphics
>instead we got this 3v3 only mess, with a HUD covering half the screen, no assists, no ex mode, no customizable equipment or skills
The only good thing about NT are the summons, everything else just hurts to look at

So where'd you get this bait from?

His ass probably.

>we could've gotten a sequel to duodecim
Never would this have ever happened.

I poured 500+ hours on the psp games and loved every single one of them. I'm just very disappointed in what NT turned out to be compared to 012.
Perhaps I'm the minority, but I would've preferred something more similiar to the older games

Let's be real. There's nothing they could have done to refine Exdeath simulator.

>first game is 1v1, backdrop is one big team vs another, many cutscenes with group encounters but those fights still only 1v1
>second game is 1v1 with often present assists (to put it lightly) and some party mechanics where you make teams and do elimination or round robin fights, taking a step towards being more team based
>this game is 3v3, fully realising the team mechanics with the added power from being on console
Technically it did.

I guess. But unlike duodecim this game has a chance of doing well to people that aren't just diehard final fantasy fans.

That'd be pretty cool then. The previous games being on the PSP didn't help much despite how good they were.

Terra is best girl

Best as in worse

>title for summoning the worst summon for the entirety of the game

We did it bros.

no gabranth, no buy

How you gonna charge your saiyan form when you're getting gang raped

gratzo on letting your team down!

Are they ever gonna fix summons so its not 99% Naked Ice Woman

Only way they could do that is taking away the summon modifiers.

by making a build where I get shittons of ex essence by bullying people with my bump long stick and spinning my cool cloak

>making a build
Oh boy do I have bad news for you.
Customization (for the most part) is out excluding the single (for most characters) HP skill you can equip.

Teamwork is WAY the fuck up. This is a team game through and through

that's what I feared
so they removed the rpg elements (out of a fucking ff game) in order to make it an arcade, penny sink
this made me sad

It makes me a little bit said, but I still played duodecim until a year ago. I'd say I got my fun out of it. Less so when towards the end people stopped playing competitively.

Still, who knows what the home release will be like for it's single player

Lmao penny sink okay.

>who knows what the home release will be like
Certainly not anyone who assumes the Closed Beta thats an awkward mash of recent balance and the launch roster is the final game.

Arcade lets you build a custom load out of any hp attack available to that character and ex skills. I don't know what the fuck you're even on about.

Closed beta was just a cut of the arcade version as it was when it launched in the arcades, but with (most) of the updates to character balancing.

Given that they stated the home version will be different through and through, I can't even begin to muse

Don't be obstinate user, he's talking about being able to customize every attack, summon, skill, equipment, etc.

The game is pretty shallow. I prefer the original where you can customise all of your moves.
One bravery attack and 2 normals gets pretty dry pretty quick.

Weren't some Brv attacks clearly better in Duodecim anyway?

No equipment is a good thing, at least for multiplayer. Everyone should be on equal ground.

Yes. Oh don't get it twisted, duodecim was fucking broken as shit. The illusion of choice WAS there, but like you're never tanking Red Fang on WoL in duodecim ever never. Ever.

I would agree but the teamwork function is on point

I loved the feeling of progression
of course every character at max level will be the same
but being a little slow shit, then improving the character over and over to the point where you're sanic able to jump 10 times is fun

and while pointless, I loved to hunt for unique weapons

But now we actually have different weapons they just don't affect stats.

>be first place
>teammates are fifth and sixth


well now I'm kind of curious
I'll see how the final game will be

You play matches and shit. Earn gil. Get everything in the game as you level up your characters.

>when this shit happens
I didn't mean to say thank you. I meant to say sorry. When I play WoL I feel like all deaths my team mates take are MY fault

>think the beta will stop me from spending money at the arcade
>it doesn't

Guys, the full game is better. The beta is blasphemy.

>beta is blasphemy
>it's just the launch roster with all the current balance updates, levels, and songs

Same game, less content because it's a beta.

The beta has wet my whistle. I also learned something about myself.

While I like playing Onion Knight a shit ton for the ability to constantly swap my job in a fight and throw my enemies in a loop i.e; (when an y'shtola thinks you're still a sage and tries to magic duel you only for you to go punch her face in)
But I really, REALLY like Shantotto because she reminds me the most of Emperor.

I hope Emperor is cool as fuck still. Double bomb electric trap was my fucking shit.

Trust me. Emperor is amazing.

I hope Ace is as easy and super strong as he looks. I don't see why anyone plays any other Marksmen.

Does he still laugh like an asshole

Still waiting on Reynn and Edgar

Zone control my man

Wonder how Ramza plays. What with him about to pop up in ffxiv and all


I figured as much when I saw his rock toss

how is cecil in this game and rydia and queen when

What do you mean?

He ain't got no zone control that anybody has to respect.

I haven't looked at any gameplay of NT
Seems I shouldn't.
I probably poured like 600 hours into duodecim and a good 300 into the first one.

What about Towe Laser and those card tower things he can throw down?

it's like this, if you've played duodecim competitively you'll probably like every change. However if you only played it offline than you'll probably feel alienated.

>Jecht's theme is Overworld
>Isnt remixed at all
I guess they dont bite the hand that feeds them

More like it was perfect the first time around so there's no need to fuck with it

also I just saw what you did there you guy you

This game is ass.


They should have added 1v1 and 2v2 in this beta.

post webums please I don't have a ps4

>first to wall splat wins




Is Spiritus going take Jecht's spot in the game?

sorry for your loss but not sorry for the webum

How do you take someone who just got added's spot?

>you counterpick each other

Jecht's already in

Get the fuck off of me!

But his rock toss turns into holy laser under his scream form

You gotta charge your super saiyan aura first for that to happen. AIn't nobody got time for that shit

What even happened? Did you get raped by two enemies? How? What were your teammates doing?

They Chaos and Cosmos, so no. Just it's magic versus technology now with Spiritus and Materia, which doesn't make sense since materia was magic too.

This is me but with Zidane.

Me and another Squall were hit by Cross Slash at the same time. He tried to help at least.

>that feel when the game releases and all you see online are Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall, and Lightning

Judging by Platinum + ranks it'll only be them up to Gold then split into a wide variety.

Why are Sephiroth and Cloud so good? Is it a heavy class thing?

>Haven't won since reaching Gold B
I think I should just quit.


It's edge.

Gotta into teamwork. Watch footage of one group of japanese players and you'll understand everything you need to succeed.

>win 10 games in a row
>lose 10 games in a row

I have my ups and downs.

It's not that I don't know how to help my teammates and be wary of the other team, it's that I can't. I'm really bad at locking on for some reason and being a Zidane main I find myself whiffing a lot of attacks due to the short range.

My win ratio may as well be a coin flip

>Play Gundam
>Start attacking when I meant to switch targets or jump
>Play Dissidia
>Attack when I mean to boost or switch targets
Don't play these back to back.