>nintentoddlers think they will get any remotely next gen game on their 4GB tablet

Nigga what, those games are barely working on OG XboxOne and PS4 with 8GB ram each.

What makes you remotely think any of next-gen games will work on Switch.

Skyrim is last gen game worked on 256,512 mb ram.

Literally none of current open world games can work with switch.

Other urls found in this thread:


They'll just have to have more loading screens :^)

>Literally none of current open world games can work with switch.
i mean if you want to get really technical about it, zelda doesn't work on competitor's consoles either

To be fair the Switch doesn't have joint VRAM and RAM like the PS4 amd XBO do. That 4gb is all available for the system and game, wheras the competition has 6.5 total available to the game that the devs have to split the difference on.

Are you bored?

sure, 4gb RAM is the Switch's issue, of course

Drones won't understand what you are saying, they will just be like "I only buy Nintendo for the exclusive Nintendo games"
Drones are pathetic

They can just lower the resolution and the texture quality

>that bait

isn't Odyssey a 2017 game though?

Nice buzzword. No one buys Nintendo consoles expecting multiplats you mong. It's been that way since the fucking GameCube.

What games? If they make games specifically targeted for the hardware, they're still "next gen". What current games are nintendies clamouring on the switch?
You're a consolewarring faggot.

This is getting old.

Cutting the textures back by 1/2 on it's dimensions makes them 1/4 of the size, before factoring in things like compression.

I know this is some obvious bait though.

They all have a single cache, the reserve in those other devices is reserved for the OS, the Switch has 1GB reserved for it's OS, effectively it's more like 3GB of Ram vi 5.5 GB of Ram.

You're giving the Switch a bit too much credit. It wouldn't even be able to run Red Dead Redemption any better than the Xbox 360 version

I run GTA5@ 1080/60fps, everything ultra, and only have 4GB of memory.

>I know nothing about computers

Is this something that people don't know? Switch couldn't even run PS4 and Xbone launch titles. Multiplats like Fifa and NBA are already getting gimped versions and it's obvious that if new next gen games are going to be released they are going to be shit versions. It's basically the Wii all over again, at least nintendo have their own games so they will do fine.

>have at least three platforms for murliplat aaa garbage

you fags are bigger attention whores than women

I know it's easy to copy and paste but if you want more (you)s you should really change the reply and image after every 2nd post.


no ur not ok with it your just lying on the interwebz

4GB ram > 8GB ram

>sex genie is a redditttor
no surprise at all there

w-what?? how d-did you know? Could you p-please delete this?

>Literally none of current open world games can work with switch.
Um, that's not a loss.

>Skyrim is last gen game worked on 256,512 mb ram.
Didn't Skyrim literally die on ps3 after you played for more than 10 hours?

Didn't it also run at 25fps?


>implying ram is the issue

the issue is the piece of shit mobile hardware

>Skyrim is last gen game worked on 256,512 mb ram.
>256,512 mb ram
>256GB of RAM
You fucking what, mate?

>Literally none of current open world games can work with switch.
Zelda, Skyrim, and Xenoblade seem to work fine

go fuck yourself

clearly says 256 mb. MB meaning Megabytes.

current not ps3 era tier shit

They were/are being released this year so they are current.
>Current - happening or being used or done now.

>Literally none of current open world games can work with switch.

Good thing the Switch arguably has the best open world game ever made I guess.

Tell me about all those Nintendo exclusives you'll be playing user?

>its another "Sup Forums knows nothing about technology" episode
is this board just senile old men arguing about everything?

256,512(two hundred and fifty six thousand, five hundred and twelve)MB.
1024MB = 1GB
256,512 / 1024 = 250.5GB.
My bad, I forgot it's a bit off.

He's ain't using that comma as a decimal separator.

AKA, merely pretending to be a retard, I guess.

Probably a German fag (in Germany commas are used in place of decimals)

Why would i worry about multiplats when i have an oc'ed I7 and a 1080 SC?

This is a shitty thread. Let's clean it up!

RAM is the least important part when it comes the graphical performance you fuckwad.

It's common practice in finance as well.

$1,000,000 for example.

Why would you have an extra 0.512MB, though? When you're writing out a thousand, you'd write 1,000. If it's a million, you'd write 1,000,000. It splits things up a little to make it easier to read. If you type out 256512 then it takes a little longer to count properly.

you're a retarded aspie if you think that it's has any real relevance if a game like minecraft running on the switch is representative of modern open world games being able to run on the switch

switch can only runs last gen tier shit like skyrim

It's another 'Sup Forums is salty as fuck about Nintendo's critical and commercial success' episode.

Anyone got those webm's that compare Horizon and Breath of the Wild? "Next-gen" lol. It's the same gameplay with better lighting.

>512MB vs 4GB of RAM
>it wouldn't run any better
Stop your retarded brand loyalism and look for the facts.

>Good thing the Switch arguably has the best open world game ever made I guess.


Mario and Xenoblade are 2017 games.

>same gameplay
without climbing, without physics, without AI, in a land of closed empty corridors linking small arenas full of monsters

And no attention to detail.

>lol i didn't read the thread!!!

In Germany you would use "." In place of the comma like in 1,000,000.
It's so fucking retarded

Do you people really need a Switch hate thread every couple of hours? What the hell

I think he means it's not really "next-gen," but rather just the same type of game we've been playing for years, but with improved graphics.


Gameplay and graphics makes game "fun".
But what really makes you love a game, are the little details.

4gb of ram is actually pretty fucking high for a tablet. And unlike PC or other consoles, it can actually break the OS on purpose to use all of it.
You dumbasses would bitch about it being 400 dollars if it was a PC style 16 anyway.

Shit, wanted to quote you two

I guess people who like the Switch just enjoy it and talk about the games. Most others don't really care. Then you get a few particularly vocal people who hate it and have to constantly shit all over it. The same goes for anything well known around here, really.
I don't like to just claim that people have autism, but it's probably something similar. They just have to spend their time going on about something that doesn't even matter to them, rather than just doing something they'd enjoy more.

real issue is the 25.6GB/s bandwidth

What is a "next-gen game"?

developers being able to realize their vision without any compromises, partially caused by piece of shit hardware

Good enough to have fun games instead of 3rd person cover shooters, that serve as engine showcases.

So.....no game that isn't 2D?

I don't get it.
A world-wide shitty walking sim is a next-gen game and some well-made 2d-platformer is not?
Fuck it then. I want a good gameplay and I want it now


It's just a buzzword at this point, really. You could go back to any presentation of a game that has new features(AI, physics, much more advanced graphical features(like Doom 3's shadows back in the day, for example)) from before its release and say that it was "next-gen" at that point, but once the game or console is released then it clearly becomes technically "current-gen." People just love to use it to describe something that has good graphics or a mildly more 'advanced' something-or-other in it.

>Literally none of current open world games can work with switch.
Depends on the game. GTA5, Fallout 4, and MGS5 could all work with modest tweaks. Witcher 3 would need some serious dev work, largely because the game doesn't like to scale certain things.

Just Cause 3 is just a mess all around and would have no shot.

NinTendies and NinTendettes should be the first to go

Well, according to Aonuma, WiiU, not even Switch, was that console for ninty because it was powerful enough to make Zelda exactly as he envisioned it and not compromised by hardware.

I never knew that I would grow to hate anti-nintendofags more than nintendofags. stop shitting up this board.

that's why it runs at buttery smooth 30fps...

Nintongo haha only lameo dweebs like whatever nintendiaperdoody craps out for the ninbogglers

This, it's almost always a matter of optimization. GTAV is a big open world and it works fine on 360 and PS3, Alien Isolation is another game that comes to mind that looks incredibly good and works on 360 and PS3... then you have Shadow of Mordor which is smaller than GTA, looks worse than Alien, yet on old gen consoles it works like ass, looks like a blurry mess, has basically no FOV, runs in slow motion and even just navigating the menus requires minutes and minutes of loading screens, because the port was made by literal amateurs since WB didn't care

It's like Platinum said, "convince the publishers and we'll port Nier to the fucking SNES is necessary". The NBA game on Switch is the exact same as the other versions bar some graphical tweaks, they made it work. On the other hand some Who from FIFA made a vague statement about how the Switch couldn't handle their full yearly recycle. What am i supposed to believe, that the NBA devs employed dark magic to make their game work on the thing or that the FIFA ones are lazy hacks?


ok nvidia shield users


Drones are pathetic.
They sound exactly like Sonyqueers

mb is actually megabits
MB is megabytes

>On the other hand some Who from FIFA made a vague statement about how the Switch couldn't handle their full yearly recycle
Frostbite is just an engine designed to look pretty first and everything else third.

How retarded are you.

The switch forces developers to get creative, look at what they're doing with FF15, they're changing the whole artstyle to make the graphics not look objectively bad but "bad" enough to make it work on the switch. I don't think this is a bad thing

user, the pocket edition isn't for the Switch

Tabata said they are tinkering with the original game, not the mobile version. Plus mobile version has no controller support.

Isn't it ironic that Sonyqueers (of all """people""") are talking about inferior hardware.

The PedoStation4 is like a wristwatch compared to PC. So, shut the fuck up, you really have no place to be talking shit.


But it's not the pocket edition is my point

Yet another Sonyroach thread. Amazing!

It probably fucking is, let's be real here

Dev said its not.

Well, yes, but this is one of those instances where it is justified. Smoothness sacrificed for gameplay, not for lens flares, unnecessary reflections and meme resolutions.

and the cause is shit hardware

>Literally none of current open world games can work with switch.
well, at least we get our own open-world games
with shild-surfing, swordwaifus, and mindcontrolling T-Rexes

one word, cartrigdes

BOTW is the definition of wasted potential.

Just wait for them to announce the ""NEW"" Nintendo Switch with 8gb of RAM and the ability to use voice chat without a smartphone

it wouldn't need any sacrifices if it was on PC


>Hiro puts in new filters to keep kiddies from spamming their console wars shit
>They still do it
>Never get banned

just change senile old men with little kids, and you are right

You do realize they'll most likely use the nvidia chip newer than the tegra X1 to give it some value right.