>see you soon man thanks for playing tonight :)
>last online 657days ago
See you soon man thanks for playing tonight :)
Other urls found in this thread:
>brb, just need to check this telegram
>last online: April 30, 1945
he didn't die so good
>cool, calm, and intelligent schemer sets the entire plot in motion as if it were a chess game
>at the end is reduced to "SHANSHA PLEASE DON'T GILL ME"
He made a new account because he doesn't like you
I stay away from Sup Forums because I don't want to be reminded of the worst scene in TV history, and you bring this shit here?
People should boycott season 8 for this shit
It would be like Batman begging the joker to not kill people or Samus being afraid of Ridley
>Okay bros, you convinced me, I'll do it, I'll ask her out!
>last online 1573 days ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks season 7 is dicks
GOT has been dicks ever since it ran out of book material
has this every happened outside of that shitty tf2 greentext story that gets tons of yous
You sound like a small guy
I agree that scene was bad but to be honest I can see why they'd want to kill off Littlefinger, if they had kept him alive they would've been forced to continue with his schemes which would be too complex with all the other shit that's going on. Their major mistake was not evolving him at all from taking over the vale to arriving at Winterfell.
No I don't care about the rest of season 7
I can let everything slide, even the godawful idiotic suicide mission that made no sense
But I cannot forgive what they have done to Littlefinger
This man was supposed to be the final boss of the show, not killed by 2 little girls
And the main reason they were able to outsmart a mastermind? using Bran god-like ability, a fucking cheat
Had they let Arya play "The game of faces" with him and make him confess, I would probably let this one slide, but they pulled a cheap move and it sucked
>dunno, just cba playing anymore
>last online 29 days ago
>brb gonna hunt some boars
>last online: 60 days
So that was the last episode? Where are the other 3?
Hey, that's me.
Gods I was strong.
Killing him was only logical in the context of the writer's being too mediocre to flesh him out further from what had already been written about in the books. Which, while logically, is still shitty.
The reason LF seems so aimless post season-4 is because in the books we know practically very little about his actual plans as he hasn't had a POV chapter. It's quite vague, and too complex for D&D to figure out.
What a fucking trainwreck of a show. Its just sad
>still watching Game of Thrones
You only have yourself to blame.
oh fuck off
What a great 'trial' this was. Really fair.
>just got done binge watching all 7 episodes
it was an okay season. the special effects were cool RIP dragon but nothing was surprising and the writing was only okay. i want that fat fuck to release the next book already
>Go to Sup Forums to escape GoT
>GoT appears in a Sup Forums thread
>Go to Sup Forums to escape Sup Forums
>Thinly-veiled redpill threads everywhere
>Go to Sup Forums to escape Sup Forums
>ebin futbol posting everywhere
>go to Sup Forums to escape /x/
>go to /k/ to escape weebs
>meetup thread is full of Touhou cosplayers brandishing slavshit
>I'm sorry user I just need to be alone and think things through myself, but thank you for always being there for me
>no responses back for a week
>ask his sister what's going on, find out he's in a psych ward for cutting himself
Don't show Colbert that, he'll have a malfunction.
Getting caught was not part of his plan.
he was obv going to die at some point, and even tho he's intelligent he also was a coward
pleading for his life when all his options ran out was perfectly in character
Hey look at me, I am the person that drove the entire plot into motion!
I am responsible for killing a character that was as close to a main character GoT ever went (before Jon season 6+)
I am responsible for screwing Cersei over more than any other character in the show by killing her eldest son which was also a king and got her captured by the sparrows
I am pretty much the only character besides Tyrion to fuck over Cersei so much and yet she never got me for it
But I can't deal with 2 little girls LOL one of which is a guilible idiot that only acts tough because she got raped
>brb door
>last online: 756 days
He never will, unless he really wants to kill himself.
The show fans will tear him to shreds because Dany is 100% a villain who literally can't accomplish anything without the aid of men in the books.
what exactly caused this specific reaction ?
Maybe it was you OP. he didn't want to talk to a spaz as soon as he saw what he was wading into..
>brb we have a Marconigram coming in from New York, something about watch out for ...bergs
>go to /k/ to escape weebs
>meetup thread
this is your mistake
The worst part about that """trial""" was that Sansa effectively admitted to the lying that she did in Season 4 when she was at the Vale. And the Vale dudes didn't care at all. Fucking retarded.
Not it wasn't
When did it ever showed he was a coward?
When he fought in a duel to the point he could die but decided to fight even more?
When he got theartened by Ned, Cersei and Jon? that was all part of the plan to make him look weak in their eyes and act as the underdog
>Friend last seen day before major disaster strikes struck his city
Uhh, Victor? Buddy? You still with me?
This is why I don't make friends with stupid autists. They're flakey as fuck and have no sense of loyalty. You could have been talking to them for 10 years and they'll abandon you at the drop of a hat for no reason, and take the coward's way out at that
I hope you're wrong. If that's the case, then i want brandon sanderson to release the third book of stormlight archive already
How do you make friends
get a cropped doujin avatar
>that's it I'm done with video games I want to have a job, a house and a wife
>currently playing : CS:GO
gimmicks and buzzwords.
leave the basement
>Ex gf on steam
>last online 125 days ago
> talk to people
Was getting caught part of his plan?
no baelposting
You don't
I fucking hate that goblin so much. Fuck Arya. Literally the third worst character.
share in similar interests and hobbies. bond around those hobbies, discover new hobbies together. repeat
perhaps you are right, but what else could he have done in that situation? can't lie yourself out of it when you're up against hax
Gimme a cropped sauce
After Dany and?
Arya is such a fucking Mary sue
be lucky enough to interact with someone that you get along with and discover you share similar interests with
Salsa ofc
this guy knows what's up. I saw this phenomenon happening quite often. Like what's wrong with those people?
>Get the big guy kneeled before you
>The big guy kills him
>Get kneeled in front of the small girl
>The small girl kills him
So is Jon and Dany, fuck this show only panders to normies I miss the times when they killed favorite characters just to shock you.
>ebin g4m3r gurl adds you on steam
>check her library ready to be outraged
>Hearts of Iron 3: 437 hours
Why the fuck did the smartest character in the show, who secretly backstabbed every faction multiple times, not get the FUCK out immediately after realizing one of the Stark children was a fucking psychic time traveler?
Salsa is nowhere near as bad as Dany and Arya.
That's not girl then
ebin g4m3r gurls have
>Borderlands 2
I don't care if people call me a cuck I hate violence even if it's done by a woman
Nah, it was pretty clear he was a little bitch at heart.
Perhaps too much of his plot relied on being able to manipulate sansa, perhaps he wasn't ready to accept such a thing being possible
Yes, but 80% of them are clingy sad fucks who actually got blocked indefinitely because the other person didnt have the balls to tell them to fuck off.
You always appear offline to the one who's blocked, for obvious reasons.
Hell i think even the egyptian guy could've done that. Knowing how pathetic these Sup Forumsirgin fucks are.
wanted Sansa too much
Holy fuck.
There's a much larger group of people this describes. Flaky as fuck, no sense of loyalty.
None of this ever happened. There is not a single sheet of proof.
>Ned throttles him in the first season
>shits himself
>tries to outplay Cersei
>commands her guardsto slit his throat
>shits himself
it's like you don't even watch the show
Cropped porn posters should choke on a BBC.
Artist is most probably Itou Life, doujin only has a sample on sadpanda, full thing will probably be there in a few days/weeks.
So what was that shadow that stabbed that gay king and why was it never used again