So, where did you place, Sup Forums?

So, where did you place, Sup Forums?

I placed in the "playing a better game" section

>Playing OW
>Playing competitive OW

LMAOing at your life


High plat is the worst rank you can get


>placed in gold on season 2
>do placements every season
>always get 1900-2100 every season
>even if I win 8/10 placements
>can't climb out of gold because its gold and no one really plays competitive seriously in gold
since then ive really stopped caring about competitive
it does suck sometimes when shitters bring up the "you're gold so your words mean nothing" argument

Yeah, it's funny to talk shit to them cause they just use that defensive mechanism

I'm about to fall into silver because I can't carry stupid idiots by myself.

All I can do is force myself to play healer because no one else will and cry after every game because it's always a loss.



I here all dps mains who are good enough to 1v6 in QP are here but when it comes to playing in comp they're shit so I'm not looking forward to playing ranked anymore

Has the new season started?

>I here all dps mains who are good enough to 1v6 in QP are here but when it comes to playing in comp they're shit
That's because in competitive they actually have to face a challenge. Same reason you see cunts smurfing.


Sucks to be medicore all the time. I only managed to get to low diamond last season after many pains and tears. Couldn't play for 3 weeks so Blizzard dropped me to platinum again. Fuck it.

>always get 1900-2100 every season
>even if I win 8/10 placements

How is this possible? I only won 4 with one draw and got 2780.

Played 4 matches and gave up. It's just so boring.

Placements don't throw you very far from your last season rank. I lost 8 and got 2840.

I haven't played ranked since the first one. I was like lvl 83 or some shit. I played the shitty 8 deathmatch mode with pharah.
its like no has ever played quake. id assume high in ranked. but i don't bother.

same as every other fucking season, ~ 3300

ur the ownly won that cares about overkiddie onye thus site
ironic shitposting is still shitposting



Placements have zero impact on your placement. In previous seasons, you'd just start 150-200 points below where you ended the previous season.

>2800 last 3 seasons
>win 9 of 10 placment games
>get placed at 2000 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>low gold high silver is a dumbster fire
>win 2 games in a row
>3rd game alwas has a thrower or leaver
>lose more sr from one game then 2 game i won
I think im done with overwatch after this season.


>Start playing comp towards end of one of the seasons
>Placements go poorly
>Get placed in bronze
>Everyone is awful and can't switch off Hanzo if their life depended on it
>Next season, same shit
>New season, prepare for bronze hell, yet again
>Keep winning games
>Climb into silver
>Keep winning games
>Climb into gold
>Finally start to balance out in gold
>Still have teams that are 4 instapick DPS

Why is everyone too mentally inept to come up with the most basic of team conpositions? It's not that hard to switch off of Genji when Pharah is tearing up our asses and your ninja stars can't hit her.

yea hanzo does lots of sudden damage lol.
it's not until masters that this game reveals its true nature as a nightmarishly shitty FPS game.
until then its just cheesing retards with stealthy bastion plays and other high DPS characters.

In a bed. With a woman. You lonely fucking virgin.

The game rewards you more for playing dps then tank or healer. Even if you lose your more likely to lose less sr if you go dps and if you win you are more likly to gain more sr. Look at the top players. All dps+Winston. The game litterly punishes you for playing comp.

>With a woman

>Unironically not getting laid

3760 and I'm fucking bad, I'm perma stuck in master since season 3.

I don't get this game or any of the choices blizzard makes. I also can't stand how if your connection dips for a few seconds, you get booted off the game and have to log back in. Also, your stats are only stored on the client side so you lose everything you had in the match.

>2600 s2
>3100 s3
>3500 s4
>tfw getting markedly better each season

I went 30-4 every game and people picked 4-5 dps every game and there was nothing I could do.

Id just get 2-3 picks over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and then the game would end.

People dont fucking understand you cant fucking win games without healers or without tanks.
Its fucking retarded.

I dont think I can play this game anymore.

I got to 3700 in season 3 and stopped playing other than arcade for boxes once a week. It's crazy that after a year people still don't understand that they need to wait for their team to get back and continuously run in like lemmings. You sit back and wait and there's always one or two people that run in over and over for the whole game.