Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off and kill yourself.
Isn't that the shemale fucking pornstar?
>be a decent fucking human
>pic of consuming alcohol
>a fucking white male with a job he could give to a black person
What a racist asshole.
What got Sessler up in a tizzy, and what action of his transforms someone into a 'decent person'?
Modern men no longer desire big breasts.
Are you a real man Sup Forums?
Does he still sniff coke and invite trannys to play Overwatch with him while he is naked?
What happened ?
What's he salty about this time?
>Adam "if there's coke I'm gonna be broke" Sessler
>decent human being
What happened again?
>decent person
>cokehead who throws histrionic temper tantrums on twitter for the most trivial reasons
Who is this guy?
It could be water with little bit of lemon.
>Well my gamer internet, I am rather befuddled about your recent boner. My deduction from all this heresy is that I will go mingle amongst real gentlemen, IE become an average homosapien.
>does hard drugs
>fucks trannies
calls himself a decent human
Gamergate. Coincidentally, the last time he was relevant.
Can we just Nuke LA? There's not a single redeemable person living there.
He probably read something he didn't like, then decided the reason why he is insulted because it was 'subhuman and cowardly', then he announced in twitter that he's going for a walk or to run some errands while daydreaming the entire time about how much of a loser he guesses people on the internet must be.
>what action of his transforms someone into a 'decent person'?
What else would a modern far-leftist think is decent action but physical assault?
lol if you don't do drugs in TYOOL 2017
Is this cokehead manlet dwarf thinks he's a decent human bean?
>Be a decent fucking human
>*snorts meth*
>implying alcohol consumption is indicative of degenerate human behavior
Next thing I know you're gonna say that sex is a sin and pot is for dummies
>gets a shirt with a picture of a literal shit eating cuck assaulting someone for having different opinions
woah, so this is the power of cocaine
He looks Nazi-like, he should be punched desu
It doesn't matter if he's a Nazi or not, the action of destroying a Nazi-like symbol (white skinhead) is more important than details like that.
The last one died Dec. 2015.
Well we all know the true measure of a man is in his immediate willingness to believe any woman's cry of misogyny, especially when they're using it to explain why no one believes their ex-boyfriends' claims that her free browser based text adventure about depression is the greatest video game ever made. Just gotta keep pushing that context, though, like Fine Arts teacher said. It's okay because nothing is real and words are for manipulating, so they should let her have this one for free.
Is he off the coke yet?
>go outside and be a real man.
Wow the toxic masculinity ugh
it fucking is, I became total degenerate slowly after starting to drink at age 18
This 'punch Nazis' stuff is so weak and toothless. It's like a little catchphrase. I don't think I'm being biased when I say it's like a childish little saying, can't they at least muster up some libertarian vocabulary or something? 'Punch Nazis' is like a half baked chant designed to be sold to college students pacifists to feel like they're activists just for using slightly bold language. It just lacks bite.
>be a decent human being
>proceeds to snort coke while he gets pegged by his tranny gf
That man is anything but decent, but that's a strange thing to hold against him.
>wants his race to die
>consumes alcohol and drugs
>fucks prostitutes
yeah, what an saviour!11
if you haven't realized the right is getting educated and the left is shutting down education in favor of propaganda, it's like polar opposite of 30's (or exactly the same?)
why does yang look so funky here?
No, actually.
Because they're unhealthy as fuck, cost you dickloads of money, and basically just fuck up your life.
Even caffeine and alcohol really ought to be cut out of your life as much as you can stand.
Sex itself is not a sin but fornication is.
Early LOGH has some pretty good QUALITY. Animation improved substantially as the show went on.
>humans were degenerates 5000 years ago
great argument
>going through life without tasting vice every now and then
life is shit and then you die, may as well spice it up a little bit. I'm not advocating being a retard and chasing a high though, you can casually do shit and not become a junkie, its the dumb asses with no self restraint that can't do this. People on the straight and narrow that fear monger drugs like yourself are probably such folks.
oh look it's a hedonist episode
anybody who has to refer to themselves as a decent human being usually isn't
Why would you need drugs if your life is not a wreck?
I certainly wouldn't begrudge a man his drink, but it's hardly a shining example of being a decent human, that is to say, a virtue. It's like holding up being a glutton as a virtue, it simply does not stick. It might be a minor and perfectly okay vice to have, don't get me wrong, and in moderation it is perfectly all right, but I really don't see how it could be put up as an example of being good as such.
Sessler is such a coked-up faggot though that his standards are warped beyond anything human, though.
You were probably a degenerate before drinking. Don't be a pleb and blame alcohol for your problems
Sorry heathen them's the breaks.
careful gamer nerds this man is coked up and he has every right to dox you
>This 'punch Nazis' stuff is so weak and toothless. It's like a little catchphrase. I don't think I'm being biased when I say it's like a childish little saying, can't they at least muster up some libertarian vocabulary or something? 'Punch Nazis' is like a half baked chant designed to be sold to college students pacifists to feel like they're activists just for using slightly bold language. It just lacks bite.
Its a trigger phrase to stop them thinking. They don't even understand World War 2, they just want to play hero.
>roll on what niggers call "molly" once every 3 months
>somehow more dangerous than drinking yourself into liver failure every other day of your life over 30 years
straightened arrow faggots, everyone.
Do these people sincerely feel no conflict of interest when they say things like this? Adam, you yourself are an asshole, you're misrepresenting people and issuing a context to attack them and try to ruin their lives RIGHT NOW. Does he really have no feeling that this term 'asshole' could be turned around on him, or does he think he just needs to call the other guy an asshole back?
Virtue and vice have no overlap though. You're right; simply identifying as someone who drinks doesnt net you any points, but understanding motive gives better insight. Not everyone is looking to "escape from reality," no different than gamers who game for fun.
To flip it, you're essentially saying that if someone identifies as a gamer, you don't see how that could be positive. The difference is that you aren't familiar enough with alcohol to make the distinction of whether or not a person drinks (plays) the equivalent of Call of Duty or Monster Hunter.
Anyone who unironically uses the word "degenerate" is described by it perfectly.
>"his" race
Sessler is a jew m8.
The receding hairline, beady sunken eyes and really grating and nasal voice are indicative traits of Semetic physiology.
How have you normalfags not noticed this pattern? Carl the cuck and aids skrillex are more examples.
Yes of course my little degen friend. And homophobes are close gays, arachnophobes are secretly spiders and agoraphobes are large empty spaces
Why does alcohol in practically all forms taste so disgusting to me?
The taste varies from a heavy syrup of rusted old copper coins to a nauseatingly puncturing shot of dentistry chemicals. And yet I see people actually promoting varieties of alcohol to consume foods with, as if it were in any way not going to immensely detract from the enjoyment of said foods.
Is there a secret to enjoying the stuff?
I certainly understand the temptation to lose oneself to inebriation, having found myself more than once in a puddle of post-comatose sick, the blissful reawakening of my faculties stirred with hazed visions of the night before only mired by the stinging taste lingering on my tongue and the endless dull throbbing in my head.
>Why does alcohol in practically all forms taste so disgusting
Because it is, that's why cocktails exist
People drink for the intoxication
>mfw when I dont drink, smoke, do drugs, drink coffee or even drink coke and shit
You're the le degen xD one, I don't use shitty meme terms unironically.
>homophobes are close gays
Closet - the word is closet
And yes, it's statistically true
You subhumans love to shittalk blacks for having low IQ, but then suddenly say that science is a scam when it proves that your love of the dick is in fact, love of the dick. And when it proves that racism correlates heavily with low IQ.
fucking tranny fucker
you just drink to get drunk, except that it tastes like shit while you do it, drugs are a little better because you don't get a disgusting after taste. Both kill you if abused, its just that alcohol is socially accepted.
When I want to get out of my mind and don't have actual good content like drugs to use, I just drink straight vodka to get it done faster so I spend less time drinking horse piss
coffee is actually good for you though
We need a pure club for us pure people who never have fun.
Basement and virginity are my anti-drugs.
I wish I had real drugs to do, though.
If they could muster up a 'the individual has a responsibility to police the morals and behaviors of the society' then I'd believe these people knew what they were talking about, but instead here we have a bald-headed coked up gym rat wearing a t-shirt that merely says 'punch nazis', talking about how manly it makes him and to do anything less is his idea of subhuman.
Dude molly is worse for you than alcohol. Stop kidding yourself.
Like it's something to brag about.
i meant to quote OP you get my point
tranny fucker coke drugs how is he not dead yet
Out of those, only alcohol is truly despicable.
This revolting hard drug is one of the most destructive substances on the market - both legal and illegal.
Ethanol is a fuel for cars, not humans.
[citation needed]
Funny joke. You come up with that yourself?
t. Butthurt addict
Damn you're cool
Life did ;_;
I bet you have a great social life.
Only two out of three of those is bad for you
I dont need a citation. I used to sell it before i found out what it was made of. Its a cocktail of bad shit. Its great you dont abuse it, but its really not helping you any.
Interesting how anything that involves social skills or interaction is "degenerate" and anything that involved being a boring fuck isn't.
only if you are a retard about it, and you still disregard that doing molly more than once every 2 months minimum gives you almost no returns, thus really limiting the damage you do to yourself since its hard to abuse. I'm talking casually here, not stupid ass ravers that go out and die in the desert to dehydration. Molly dumps all the serotonin in your brain and it takes months to replenish, virtually no fucking reason to abuse it unless you are stupid.
Meanwhile people that even casually drink will drink more than once every 3 months. Just because something is dangerous doesn't mean that it adds up the same way.
Taking prescription drugs for pain can give you heart attacks, doesn't mean people don't take it anyway, this is literally life, if you are so afraid of every little thing, its no wonder you are a shut in, in your moms basement.
why do you guys keep saying he's coked up? what did adam do?
when it's black coffee yeah, it's the stuff you add in it like sugar, cream, and other toppings that make it bad for you.
What exactly happened where he tweeted this in response?
Nice passive agression, normies.
Actual scientists disagree with you. Pure MDMA anyway. Though once it's cut with shit it's closer to ecstacy.
>Molly dumps all the serotonin in your brain and it takes months to replenish,
>Is there a secret to enjoying the stuff?
No need to force yourself to try to like it, but there is a trick to learn to like just about anything. Exposure. Simple as that. Have enough of it, over a long period of time.
I like curvy THICC women so yes.
I may be a boring fuck, but at least I'm not a le nazi meme buzzword.
On le day of le rope, no one will invite me to the executions.
>involves social skills or interaction
lol nigga, if you need to get shitfaced just to talk to another person, this is social skills or good interaction?
You need social skills to get invited to the party in the first place.
>what did adam do?
>what is caffeine addiction
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but m-m-m-m-m-muh m-m-m--m-m-m-m-moderation w-why are mmmm-y hands shaking
Nah I think his name is Christian or something
Coffee reduces the risk of developing liver cancer, dementia and diabetes.
That shit is just straight up good for you unless you drink way too much.
>any stimulant
>good for you in the long run
Honestly big tits aren't high priority for me. A flat stomach, nice hips ass and legs trump it.
>this entire thread