Which one should I get?

Which one should I get?

They don't sell the N3DS normal size anymore so that goes out. The 2DS XL feels like cheap shit you should rather go for the N3DS XL.

N3DS XL gives me hand cramps when I play for several hours.
Dunno if its better with other models

I heard 2ds is the comfiest one. Are new specs really that important?

new 3ds xl is the best. fact.

False, you need to unscrew the backplate to get to the SD card.
N2DS XL has the best build quality, easy SD card access, and is overall the comfiest and undeniably best

Can't speak for the others, but the 2DS is pretty solid and comfortable.

if theres games you want to play that benefit from the N2DS get that one I guess

How often do you need to swap the SD card and how often do you not have a screwdriver in immediate vincinity? Answer to both is "rarely".

N3DS is the best quality/portability console but it's virtually impossible to obtain it in North America.
2DS is cheap as fuck. You'll easily find one for

This. Was waxing nostalgic for my original DS that I pawned a long time ago and went and bought a Doorstop 2ds and it's plenty comfy. Your right thumb and index finger will get calous AF from it. It's not perfect ergonomically but it works. It's a bit awkard on old DS games that have you reading primraily from the bottom screen (FF3 I'm looking at you) but for the most part it's pretty comfy, and everybody ends up turning off the 3d anyway.

If you're a piratefag, you'll often have to remove the backplate. Even when using the appropriate screwdriver, I managed to chip one of the screw from the plate. I don't really care tho since replacement plates only cost like $10.

>The XL meme on the DS series.
Top lel. Same native resolution. You're literally paying for the exact same number of pixels. When you stretch them over a bigger screen you're paying for inferior screen resolution if you buy an XL.

Still rocking that OG black 3DS. Shame that the right shoulder button doesn't work anymore

>inferior pixel density


Anything that supports a circle pad addon for MH since the nub is awful

I hacked mine and the only time I needed to take it out was during the actual hacking, you can just use the built in network transferring.

>They don't sell the N3DS normal size anymore

1cm of the non XL screen contains less information than 1cm of the XL screen.
The native resolution is the same, but because it's being displayed on bigger pixels for all intents and purposes the final image projecting onto your retina is of lower resolution on the XL. Unless you were to hold the XL further from your face or the non XL closer. In which case there was no point in buying the XL to begin with, unless the ergonomics happen to work better for you.

They stopped producing them alltogether.

err I worded that fucky again.
I give up. it's too early for this shit.

> produce = sell

Nintendo 2DS if you're on a budget, New 3DS XL if you're not.

N3DS > N3DSXL >= 2DS >>>>>> 2DSXL

>mfw americans call entertainment control decks "consoles"

It's really not that hard. The other user had it right, you're just trying to apply resolution to something that it doesn't describe. Resolution is always, regardless of physical dimensions, the width and height measured in pixels. Pixel density refers to the ratio of those pixels to a physical measurement. You ever look at old videos on a newer screen that you've seen before on older screens years ago? Look super fucking small now, don't they. Because physical screen sizes largely remained the same, width and height-wise anyway, but resolution has gone up.

For the XL lines, raising screen size while not raising resolution results in lower pixel density. Which results in the image being larger, but looking less crips. Just like those older, lower resolution videos on those old, lower resolution screens. Resolution does not describe, and has never described, the actual physical dimensions of an image you're viewing. How it actually looks to you is completely incidental. The screen could be 100 feet long with 320 x 240 pixels in gigantic, inch scale physical measurements of each pixel. And it would still be the same resolution as the lower 3DS screen.

Meh, I'd rather unscrew the damn thing and get a transfer speed of 10MB/s rather than using the built-in network transferring and getting speeds of ~500KB/s (and I'm being generous here). I don't have an hour to waste everytime I want to transfer a large game onto my 3DS.

2ds made from cheap plastic and xl feels too big

>2ds made from cheap plastic
that's part of the appeal for me
very gameboyesque

>british "humour"

Hi I'm also totally a different person.

New 3DSXL is super easy to hard mod.

its also too brittle

that's what the wrist strap is for

>the smallest interval measurable by a scientific (especially optical) instrument; the resolving power.
the degree of detail visible in a photographic or television image.

You're objectively wrong. Your understanding of the word is skewed by the compsci usage of the term. Your eye is the final optical medium. An image on a larger screen with the same native resolution will appear of a lower optical resolution.

Nothing personal kid. But this page is 18+

>I knew what you meant but
go fuck yourself

The meaning of words doesn't matter? is that seriously your argument, lad?

no but trying to argue with people about it on v when you knew exactly what they meant is petty

If you could "correct" him to begin with you knew what he meant. He was able to effectively communicate. The words meant exactly as he used them which just leaves you as a pathetic brainlet with nothing of value to contribute.

My New 3DS XL is falling apart so I'm going to get a new 2DS XL.

It doesn't matter anyway. He/you are just butthurt americucks mad they can't get a regular N3DS.

how is it falling apart? are you a child?

If only the network transfer wasn't so shit that it actually takes more effort than removing the SD card.

Try them in a store before, they are quite different to hold.

That's even less of an argument. You must be the life of every dinner party.

>can't get a n3ds
they're like $100 on ebay but ok

>You must be the life of every dinner party
That's even less of an argument, normalcuck. Besides, people only go to parties for free food and alcohol.

Wow. I surrender. My wits are insufficient for this battle.

>My wits are insufficient
You got that part right.

I lost track of who was trolling whom.

you must be the life of every discord chat room

I'm not a pcück

n3dsxl and hack that shit

I said I'm not a pçuck didn't I?

You can't them in Australia either, you condescending ignorant fuck.

You can just clip/unclip the back plate without having to unscrew/rescrew each time, you know.

I have an original 2DS, it's cheap af and has a really comfy design
BUT make sure you buy a case for that fucker if you get one
The screen on mine is fucked up because it doesn't fold and so if it rubs against anything in a bag it scratches easy.
Tbh if I get the money I would buy a N3DS now.

2DSXL is the definitive 3DS revision

>condescending ignorant
You from Melbin or something? Besides, Australians are the biggest americuck dicklickers after Israel so it's not that surprising.

>worst pixel density
>mono speaker
>no 3D
Definitive revision...

who cares about 3d

>t. a pathetic child with no argument who has to baselessly attack others to feel like they're not entirely worthless
I feel sorry for you.

Different user, but some (earlier) games actually use 3D in a functional way. I also like how you completely ignored all of the other (more important) points.


I'm obviously a guy, mate. No need to be politically correct here, this isn't reddit or your liberal arts uni.

>getting triggered by a pronoun with a >400 year old usage

Two 2DSs and a new game costs roughly the same price as a New3DS XL by itself
Makes you think...

they were straying away from anything related to video games to avoid the negative stigma they had at the time. That's why it's called the 'entertainment system'

hello newfriend

>the definitive revision of "3D"s lacks "3D"

>high tech black woodgrain
