Whats you excuse for not buying one of greatest hames of this generation?
Bloodborne is in psn sale for 8$
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying digital
might as well be a pc cuck
I can't play 10fps games
>Be stubborn and don't release it on PC
>Despite many petitions
>Basically guaranteed money if they did
>They don't
>Fast forward
>Game is on sale for 8$
Tip top kek
Give me another build to go through the game with. Already did
>quality with driver and ludwig's
>strength with hammer and amygdala arm
>blood/skill with chikage and bow
>str/arcane with tonitrus and wheel
>pure arcane with the broccoli monster and beast transformations
>pure skill with pick and blade of mercy
is it just North America?
bought it at launch along with the meme machine
I go through phases of regret and complacency
Yo the sale right now is dank af.
Beast run? Seems like thats the only thing left for you to do
i legit want this just so i don't have to get up and put the disc in the drive... i did that with demon's souls
>mfw I'm going to buy this for the chance I ever decide to buy a PS4.
If I ever find one super cheap second hand, not really any other games on it I care about.
>be sony
>release exclusive that everyone wants
>people spend $460 on one game
>eventually sell it for $8
>this is somehow worse than an $8 steam sale
I don't own a bloodborne machine and don't plan to get one just for one game.
For me Bloodborne was worth the purchase price. Everything else has been a bonus. This was exactly the case for the PS3. Bought it for MGS4, and that alone made the purchase worth it. Everything else was a bonus.
I suggest buying it. I was never into the Souls games, but I bought Bloodborne at launch because the aesthetic was top notch and I fucking love it now.
I preordered the white ps4 pro Destiny 2 bullshit, I'll sell you my old PS4 for like a hundred bones if you live in Edmonton.
Sony could have salvaged some of its Sony Pictures failures by launching Bloodborne on PC now instead their most prestigious project for the PS4 is on sale for eight (8) fucking dollars. It's like they don't want money
PS4 is actually worse if you stick to disc media. You still have to install the damn game just to play it and make sure that your disc never scratches. Muh BB disc scratched during gaemplay so I had to trade it in for a fucking psn card and rebuy it digital. You're better off downloading.
I never used beast until postgame. What's the earliest you can get it? After amygdala?
Is TOH going to be on sale too? Because I've been meaning to get it for a while and haven't had the drive to spend 20 bucks on DLC.
>all these mad PC fags
Sale or not, I think the TOH dlc is worth the normal price
Sooner or later, just get base game for now and enjoy. In worst case, buy acc with dlc from russians, set it as primary and enjoy on yours. khe plati . ru khe
I think PS4 is a good buy just for bloodborne, nioh and nier automata.
That's what I've been hearing. I guess I'll bite then, after all from the sounds of it it's the length of a small game anyways.
Sony has commented on a possible pc port
>most prestigious game.
For gamers, most likely yes. For Sony, definitely not. Souls was never a top selling franchise.
>Play the game
>Finally reached forbidden woods after 3 months of trial and error
>Get my ass handed again
W-when will it get good? This is my first Souls-like game. I'm starting to think that this game isn't for me.
Another souls game is not even worth $8 to me the, maybe if it was $1
>release exclusive that everyone wants
you mean like 3% of PS4 owners lol
I can't handle the chromatic aberration in this game. I wish I could just turn it off because it actually makes my eyes hurt, it's too extreme and it looks like shit.
They nerfed it in 1.04 mate
That neogaf screenshot is irrelevant
Because it costs $278
I would seriously have done this too if it wasn't limited to NA, been thinking about a PS4 just for Bloodborne and Yakuza.
I don't suppose there's any way to purchase and have it activate on a console in a different region?
>3 months to get to Forbidden Woods
Mate, you really need to spend your blood echoes when you get them. Don't lose them constantly.
this is false
Bloodborne is the 5th best selling PS4 exclusive. That's not bad.
is the old hunters on sale too?
The PS4 can handle multiple accounts from different regions at the same time and the games would all be playable on the main account. It's the Vita that requires account juggling.
Will do, I'm still using hunter axe and hunter armor. Should I switch to something or just buy molotov and vials?
Different guy here, I bought the Kirkhammer immediately after the Cleric Beast, and it's been awesome. The two handed mode is great, but make sure you have the hand lantern.
you never need to change armor. it's such a nonfactor in this game.
I got to Shadow of Yharnam and died pretty quick to the fire attacks. Combine that with the long walk to the fight and I lost interest quickly.
DLC isn't on sale so who gives a fuck?
I already own it, physically, as games are meant to be owned for home entertainment consoles.
But the game is crap after Rom. Goes downhill so fucking fast you'd think the devs were inspired by sonic.
My op screen is from last year pal
not used it doesnt
Ofc you can, I have uk, na, HK and Jap acc on my ps4. Set them all as primary and you can play all your games on whatever acc you want
>buying used things
>admitting to being a cuck
>dying to the 2nd easiest boss in the game
yeah, you might as well quit since they're regular enemies later on
>Bought it for MGS4, and that alone made the purchase worth it.
That's some seriously shit taste you got there son.
>stuck on the Blood-Starved Beast
>16000 echoes
>first 30 seconds of the fight is always a mad scramble to grab my echoes before I get BTFO again
After two days, I caved in and watched a YouTube video. Gonna do the blood cocktail method tonight, I need those goddamn echoes.
I bought my first ps4 for 120$, saved more than 100$ for games. So whatever. Gave it to my brother later and got Pro
Stay near his feet and doghe, hes not hard.
Nice, will try that out. I only have a torch so I'll get the hand lantern.
That's good to hear actually. Looks like I just need to git gud.
>I saved money by buying TWO Playstations
i'd love to get bloodborne on PC
but how does Sup Forums not understand that it would be a terrible business move on sony's part
>person wants to play bloodborne
>buys a PS4 and bloodborne
>probably buys a subscription to PS+
>most likely buys more games for PS4 since he already got the console
>release game on PC
>person buys bloodborne
>valve takes 30%
and any future PS4 "exclusive" will sell like shit because people will just wait for them to come to PC
for all fags struggling with early game just dump echos into vitality. 40 Is preferable.
Yeah, the armour is more of a cosmetic thing. Which is great, since I can run around in my early 2000s goth top hat and cold steel trenchcoat as much as I want now.
>Old Hunters is still 20
>2nd easiest
Christ, Fromcucks are insufferable
Oh great, thanks. I already made a US PSN account previously to see if there was any way to trick PS Now so maybe I'll just get it.
Is PS4 Pro make any difference for Bloodborne or Yakuza?
>i'd love to get bloodborne on PC
same, it'd be cool to see it at higher resolutions and framerates but I already have a PS4 so it doesn't really matter to me that much.
Fire is effective.
As opposed to getting out the fucking disc every time you want to play it?
Remember beast.
You're in the know, right?
I am kind of mad. This game has decent artwork which could be displayed really well on a PC but Sony decided to shit on everyone
i have a PS4 too, but i prefer playing on PC
it's a great game and having it run at 60fps would be amazing
pc release would be cool just to toggle this gay shit
You watched the wrong video fuckhead
>be p-cuck
So im planning to buy a PS4 in December as a Christmas gift for me, to me.
How can i buy this? Honestly only interested in this and Horizon Zero Dawn, maybe Monster Hunter World but that shit is coming to PC too.
Is this legit, or a meme? I'm a noob and don't really know shit about builds so I've been stacking strength and vitality, wielding the Kirkhammer. It seems to be working.
it's been on sale a dozen times
I don't care for the opinions of sheep. Don't ever reply to me again.
>decent artwork
The entire games color pallette is red, black and dark purple. The whole game is an eyesore compared to DAS3.
It really was a dissappointing game. Too short, too few weapons, "armor" combos are superficial and for looks only, overly dark and morbid for the sake of being edgy, muh lovecraft etc...
Im an avid PS4 player and I have to say I was sorely disappointed with Bloodborne.
Ignoring the fact that it's painfully linear, has no story or music and can be completed in about 3 hours, it was so incredibly easy.
I don't know how you millennials can enjoy something so simple, especially when it's meant to have some sort of rep for being hard!
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
Reeks of beast.
But seriously, I'm gonna do the pungent blood cocktail/firepaper method tonight and be done with it. Instead of grinding a bit in Old Yharnum, I blasted right through to the Beast. It'd save me a lot of time to not lose them.
t. PCpony who hasn't played it
fuck I already bought nioh few days ago.
fix your taste, kiddo
You forgot your screenshot.
>Release game on pc
>Get no revenue because pcbros decide to pirate it anyway
>there will be lots of new players
cool, might invade in the forest with my level 43 wheel twink
wish I had an alien though
I have dude, I got it at Walmart for 20 bucks. Im not saying it was a bad game, its just not up to the hype that people give it.
You have to go back.
Vids like that make me realize I'm really not gud at this game yet.
stopped reading when you said swamp souls 3 looked better
More life is always good
Though having 5 more points in vit isn't going to make your life suddenly easier. Anything between 30-40 will do
More importantly level up your skill and str so you can try weapons, your first character will be a mess for minmaxed online play anyway
post again when it's 8 bucks on steam or emulated, faget
I don't own a Bloodbornestation. I might pick it up when it becomes a Bloodbornestationanddeathstrandingstation, but until then it seems pointless since DaS 3 is literally Bloodborne, but better.
Well, it uses more than three colors sooo....by default its an infinetely better looking game.
>Ignoring the fact that it's painfully linear, has no story or music and can be completed in about 3 hours, it was so incredibly easy.
>I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
whether you are actually cloud_ffvi or whatever the fuck your PSN name was or just someone meming, you were already 40 hours into the game when I found you in forbidden woods, at nearly level 80.
>painfully linear
Top kek
It's eight bucks dude, just buy the fucking thing.