Post stuff about a videogame that most people dont know
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I'll bite.
It's more of an Easter Egg than trivia, but in Metro 2033, there's a blink and you'll miss it dead body fused into one of the walls of a tunnel late in the game.
The game is actually full of crap like this. Enemies that spawn for like 3 seconds and run away really quickly if you're looking at them.
did you know that Super Mario 64 actually contains parallel universes? If you build up speed fo 12 hours you can move between universes in game.
who is he reporting to?
from fludd
>building up speed for 12 hours
You, the player.
>watch that video
>the guy's brain clearly works on a level far above that of us normal plebs
>has such crippling autism that he channels this intelligence into useless Mario 64 bullshit instead of becoming an astrophysicist or some shit
>his father's face when
Is Luigi our /"guy"/ (female)
He's a STEMfag already
Mario and pencils are his passions
Pannen at least is an example of true STEM unlike all posers who work in front on a computer.
>But since we're already dead
>See someone smarter than you spending his free time however he wants because he's a big dick OG
>I-I b-bet he has autism
>I-I-I bet his d-dad is d-disappointed in him
But he has a good job already
If you enter Laura's real life name here you get a secret dialogue.
>We're already dead
did you know theres a secret level in mario kart
Haven't tried it in Morrowind yet but in Oblivion if you stack enough Fortify Speed spells you can move so fast that you phase through objects. It's very useful for getting through closed gates that are inoperative or phasing through "Locked with a key" wooden doors.
It happens even more easily in Morrowind, since unlike Oblivion it doesn't have a cap of 255 on movement effects like athletics.
did you know in mario you can play as luege
Oblivion actually doesn't apply that cap if you fortify the stat with temporary spells. 255 is just the cap for the natural base stat. I've gone up to 1700 Speed and Athletics on the X360 version.
If you press up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down on the title screen of sonic you can play as mario
The mushroom kingdom.
you can fuck peach at the end of mario 64 if you hack the game
if "crippling autism" means creating genuinely interesting content, i'd prefer that over whatever brain damage you have
This game spooked the shit out of me.
Did you know at the end of mario 64 you have to fight browser.
The manual for Wipeout Fusion for PS2 implies that two of the characters have a leaked sex tape.
>tfw you know tons of little facts and details about shit like Pokemon but you can't remember any of them off the top of your head for this thread beyond basic shit like the Old Chateau ghosts.
I just want to contribute...
He offered a 1k bounty for a emu log replicating some bug in SM64, safe to say he's already constructing cyber brains or some crazy shit.
In sonic 2 if you get 100 rings you can get a 1 up but if you get hit you lose all your rings and unless you get them. And you can press a button to jump but I don't know which one but I'm not lying.
*Mario and Pencils and Yuru Yuri
jnyx's hair is actually a wig
>that sad Nidoqueen
jesus this kind of things shouldn't hit me that hard
maybe it's a signal I'm getting old
It's the fact that she's happy for the Kangaskhan and her love for her baby, but that she'll never be able to know such joy herself.
Oh, wait, I do have this.
Kirila seems like an odd choice for a seeing eye poke.
The Gardevoir line is deeply connected to their trainer's and their emotions, forming a deep bond with them.
It's also a Psychic type, so for all we know Kirlia could be sending what it sees to it's trainer, giving them a kind of pseudo eyesight.
She's psychic
I know a ton of interesting and trivial facts for Doom but I don't feel like typing them all out, so instead I'm gonna copy+paste my own greentext explanation for how the BFG works.
>The BFG has two forms of dealing damage; the green projectile (orb) and invisible tracer rounds that emanate from the player upon detonation of the orb
>When the player fires the orb, the game logs the exact angle at which the player was facing when they fired the BFG; when the orb detonates upon impact, the tracer rounds then activate from the player at the exact angle they were originally facing, regardless of what direction they are currently facing
>For example, if the player fires northward and faces south-west, the tracer rounds will active and damage anything north of the player's position
>The orb itself deals 100-800 damage in multiples of 100, while each tracer round deals 49-87 damage; there are 40 tracer rounds in total that fire in a cone shape from the player and enemies can be hit by multiple tracer rounds at once, meaning that the tracer rounds on their own can potentially deal as much as 3480 damage [and a hypothetical maximum of 4280 damage] (though it requires extremely lucky RNG and a wide enemy hitbox)
>Ergo, you can actually kill the Spider Mastermind (3000HP) in one hit with both the orb and tracer rounds while standing at point blank, due to nearly all of the rounds hitting its extremely large hitbox, however it will more likely take two shots to kill it due to RNG and statistical probability; the Cyber Demon (4000HP) could hypothetically be killed in one shot but will almost always require two or three point blank shots due to its high HP and RNG
>The most effective way to use the BFG is to actually master the use of tracer rounds against groups of enemies or single targets; firing the orb at enemies or a wall and running up to enemies to activate the tracer rounds at point blank is a common strategy used by skilled players
>tfw the lakitu bros were just an undercover spy for bowser and is giving all the footage to him
>The black kid's disability is not being able to swim
He's majoring in computer science at a top tier university right now, this Mario64 stuff is literally just something he does for fun
I'm confused. Isn't she happy that the dad is spending time with their kid?
What's that video
I bet a lot of you always wondered how bowser got into peach's castle when her front door was way too small for him to fit thru. he used his sub travel under it into dire dire docks
That's not the dad, that's a Kangaskhan, an all female species of Pokemon.
The Nidoqueen is sad because, for whatever reason, Nidoqueen's are the only members of the Nidoran line to be unable to breed at all. The Nidoqueen is feeling bittersweet sadness because while she's happy for the Kangaskhan and her happy child, she'll NEVER be able to experience it herself.
The news station who are in turn broadcasting to the entire mushroom kingdom.
That's a Khangaskhan user, Nidoqueen can't have eggs.
I don't get it
a baby yoshi's life can be cleanly and evenly exchanged for a 1-up mushroom
>The decision to replace the Japanese version of Sonic CD's soundtrack came out of a desire to make the game's soundtrack stand out compared to the other electronic music that was produced around that time
>Spencer Nilsen was given less than a month to compose the US Soundtrack. He worked with a local group called Pastiche to create the music. The usage of a female group was apparently confirmed to be because of Amy Rose's introduction
>There are seemingly 7 by Spencer: All of Collision Chaos, Metallic Madness and the boss theme. It's worth mentioning that none of the time periods in those zones have any female vocals while all the rest have at least one track with vocals.
>One of the designs for the final boss of Sonic CD, the Psycho Egg, provided inspiration for the normal final boss of Sonic Mania, the Phantom Egg.
>Certain motifs from the Japanese soundtrack made their way into the Game Gear games. You Can Do Anything/Toot Toot Sonic Warrior was remixed into the theme for Green Hills Zone (Sonic 2), Mecha Green Hill Zone (Sonic Chaos) and the Invincibility theme (Sonic Drift 2) and the final line of the Japanese manual's storyline for Sonic Triple Trouble is "You Can Do Anything". Meanwhile, Metallic Madness was heavily remixed into the Sonic 2 boss theme which returned for Sonic Chaos' final boss.
I am not that interested in neither Mario nor speedruns but that video of his was really well made and really entertaining.
>kill a life to gain a life
>"""kids games"""
none of the mario characters are black..... Except yoshi
Yoshi is green though.
Gene died in God Hand at the beginning rest of the game is him confronting his vices and going to heaven
Zelda was inspired by Nazi's vs Jews
Hillary Clinton was the president of the USA in Vanquish where she colluded with the Russians back in 2012 or whenever the game was released
Sonic is about Communism
Glover is about abstinence and the joys of masturbation
>Sonic is about Communism
Communism vs the Ubermensch that is and how a complete person will lead others to being truly free
>Glover is about abstinence and the joys of masturbation
didnt play it, mind explaining?
There is a white glove and black glove
the White glove has a ball that it must protect. The balls can be used to get around and you need to take it from place to place slowly reaching your goal of rejoining with the Wizard.
Black glove shoots balls which can create evil life and actively corrupts things around it with its balls.
White Glove transforms his balls into different objects such as bowling balls and diamonds things typically important to men for different reasons. Bowling balls past time, diamonds for weddings, etc.
>Kids with speaking disabilities
Why does this always make my heart melt in the best way?
Alright what is the first pokemon
Is it
so whats this thing about masturbation?
I don't get Growlithe, is it intimidating the book so it's easier to read?
All of them are correct. Arceus is the creator of all Pokemon, Bulbasaur is the first one in numerical order, Mew was the DNA starting point for all Pokemon, and Rhydon was the first Pokemon ever created as a concept.
The game is about playing with your balls and being careful with how hard your hitting them
He's just being a good boy. Providing a non-judgemental audience and a friend.
Inaccessible enemy in the beginning of the game. It's supposed to get the player the idea to do whatever they can to explore the area.
He's definitely a weird guy, but simply assuming anyone with a strange hobby are losers seems like a loser thing to do. Most people do useless things for relaxing/entertainment (like posting on here), but his useless thing ends up as entertaining videos for us to watch.
Can I get a link, I have no idea who you guys are talking about.
You can't have been here for more than a few months
Watch for rolling rocks in 0.5 A presses
All of the ships in Hi Octane displayed different stats but under the hood they were all identical. Even the collision volumes. Didn't stop people adopting favourites based on their 'performance'. People in the Jugga would just assume they could barge people out of the way and people on the Outrider would feel good about threading the needle between two obstacles.
>0.5 A presses
An A press is an A press, you can't say it's only half.
its unique enemy with the same colors as samus and cant be touched
True, but it's an efficient way to denote contextual A presses that can be disregarded in certain situations.
>Meanwhile, Metallic Madness was heavily remixed into the Sonic 2 boss theme
Aww that pic is adorable
Gary/Blue's Raticate died.
have you seen A Silent Voice, user?
the tanabata festival
>yuru yuri
a man of great taste
whoa, bugs.....
take it easy on the carrots
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth is imo one of the best horror games ive ever played
Fuck, I'll try to remember more because I know a lot of dumb shit.
Anyway if you throw a curling bomb in splatoon 2 and leave your character standing there he'll do this little "Yes!" animation when it blows up
>implying she didn't fuck a ton being a Nidoran female or Nidorina in the past
That's bullshit, and you know it. She's just happy and maybe longing for her previous offspring
People generally say this due to the beat of MM JP sounding like the boss theme for Sonic 2 Game gear.
The Game Gear theme was, itself, remixed for the Sonic Chaos final boss.
If you stand in front of a Hammer Brother in the original Super Mario Bros. they'll start to chase you. Similarly a chain chomp will break out of its chain in Mario 3 if you leave him lunging everywhere for too long
haha id love to see luigi wear a dress just as a joke haha
i bet he'd look cute haha in a funny way haha