
What went wrong? And where now can we turn for a WWII fps that isn't a relic like RO2 or some janky early access shit on steam? MOH is dead.

What's the top game?

This DIVERSITY stuff is being forced at the moment and that is what makes it feel annoying, but it is necessary. In time it'll be normalized and everyone will be included and it won't cause brainial dissonance. It is just growing pains but eventually we wont process or notice. Just let it happen so we can get over it


It'll likely be the opposite and people will look back on entertainment from this era the same way we look at totally rad and extreme stuff from the 90s.




I want to go back to the time where stuff like this was considered to be an obvious joke because of how absurd it is.

>upper picture has awful maps
>every round will have at least one person camping
I would rather take the black nazis and female troppers if that means the map design and balance isn't fucked beyond believe, thank you very much.

is that a nigger or aryan pajeet?

I don't really see the problem if it's just the multiplayer. Just let people customize their looks more. Nobody plays a CoD game for historically accurate multiplayer.

If there's black Wehrmacht in the singleplayer that's a different story.

can i play as loli nazi?

>Complaining about multiplayer customization
wtf there weren't any black soldiers in operation capture the flag?!?!?!


This, it's okay to be a nazi loli cause it's multiplayer

Nothing went wrong, get ready for the CoD of the millenium

>red dot in WWII

At least they should show an attractive niggress,

I actually saw somebody arguing the other day that because they used giant reflector sights in aircraft that made it ok.

fuck all that cowadooty noscopeakimbo mallninja customization bullshit.
I just want a WWII fps that's challenging and historically accurate.

It's just a bad storm, eventually all those fucks who can't read a history book are going to stop making games. Hopefully.

>historically accurate
Why the fuck would you look towards Cod for that ? Just buy Red Orchestra 2.

I do but it's only getting older and the dedicated fan base shrinks over time.
Won't be much longer before there are only 2 servers fulla grumpy fucks playing on custom maps.

Don't you nazi loving fucks always post a photo of a black guy in a german uniform to prove that nazis fucking loved blacks?

Just because RO2 is dying doesn't mean that you should fuel the retarded CoD circlejerk.

While in the context of the COD debate that picture is posted to prove that a small number of blacks did serve in the wehrmacht (although that guy was in the arabian legion that fought in NA)
Otherwise it's usually used as one of many examples of the fact that you didn't have to be a 7 ft tall blonde haired norwegian to fight for the axis and support natsoc ideals.

good goyim, just let it happen

Those troops were recruited as a result of proximity in North Africa. Same thing with Cossacks/Slavs. You wouldn't see them outside of the region in which they lived, and especially not in fucking Berlin or the Western Front. Dumbass.

Because I didn't want the WWII fps to die like...this

So if
>the fact that you didn't have to be a 7 ft tall blonde haired norwegian to fight for the axis and support natsoc ideals.
What's the problem with op pic?

You confused me. Did nazis actually loved niggers/slavs or they got them into the army out of necessity?

Go play an arma mod then you fucking autist.

>If you don't want to play as a black nazi woman dual wielding 1911s then you should play milsims
Kill yourself, my dude.

Is that multiplayer match set in North Africa? If not, I have a problem.

no, it will always be mocked when a lefturd company thinks it's acceptable to force niggers and women in the armies of WW1 or 2

>I just want a WWII fps that's challenging and historically accurate.
>ok, go play something else with a modicum of realism

So you just want to bitch and not play games? Good thing you're on Sup Forums.

>lol dude why would you ever want CoD to be historically accurate like it was for decades? why do you think it's acceptable to point it out when there's an obvious left wing globalist "muh diversity niggers wuz always in Europe!" agenda being forced into your video games? fucking racist poltard

hang yourself

Are multiplayer battles historically accurate otherwise?


>CoD multiplayer
>historical accuracy
Can you please give me an example of historically accurate CoD multiplayer mode?



focus your efforts elsewhere like being mad about 0 content in every game these days.

I'm sure quickscopes and and germans using the PPSh and regenerating health and nazi zombies were historically accurate. COD was never historically accurate, in fact the modern COD formula has only been relevant for a decade.

point out where cod forced blacks and women in their multiplayer modes set in WW2 ill wait

why dont they add sharknados and wacky hitler rollercoaster rides while they're at it?

jesus christ, stop getting triggered

Point out where cod was 100% in their multiplayer modes set in WW2 ill wait

those are small alterations for the sake of gameplay and fun, not for the left wing agenda of rewriting history and forcing niggers into everything for no reason

funny how they won't use the swastika isn't it

Zombie mode exists.

read what you write before posting

it's its own setting moron, nobody will actually think zombies were produced by the nazis

kids playing this game might think that blacks or women fought in WW2 in any significant way which is sick, and it also takes away from the immersion of the experience

War dogs were pretty much sharknado tier being one hit kills and no limit to how high their could jump. You're arguing for historical accuracy in a shitty video game series that was never a paragon of accuracy

Good thing Wolfenstein The New Colossus has swastikas, but you probably wont play that. It's not "historically accurate", even though the Nazi's should've won WWII and killed the jews, despite the holocaust being a lie:^)

>It-It's so everyone can self insert and feel included in multiplayer, goys, that's all!
Why would you want to self insert into a fucking WWII game anyway

>kids playing this game might think

>dogs are sharknado tier
lol no, they are just dogs you fucking faggot. OP in terms of how the gameplay is designed but they fit the time period and theme. CoD was dedicated to accurately depicting the events of the time while making it a thrilling ride.

>oy vey muh nazis might use swastikas :(( GOD i hate they have free speech let's rewrite the constitution
the gulags are coming back, comrade, but they're not for the kulaks this time.

left wing subhuman

Yeah, why would anyone want their avatar to resemble them?

>dude let's just subject children to left wing brainwashing and excess

because it's the best war.

Um, no sweetie. You seem like a bitter white male virgin who blames society rather than himself for his shortcomings. The white race is ending and it's ending with a whimper :)

Good night, alt-right. Your statues are destroyed, your leaders mocked, and Sup Forums is today's Sup Forums.

OH NO a couple games feature BLACKS and WOMEN, how White Race even survive this RELENTLESS GENOCIDE?!

>no argument
>point out a mistake
Since you're clearly retarded, I'll repeat myself.

Point out where cod was 100% historically accurate in their multiplayer modes set in WW2 ill wait

>kids playing this game might think that blacks or women fought in WW2 in any significant way which is sick
And then they will read a history book and know what actually happened. Or they won't read and grow up dumb, but at least they won't grow up into racist fucks.

>the immersion of the experience
I feel so immersed when I noscope a nazi in a historically accurate uniform, then hide behind a crate waiting for my health to regen!
Go play RO if you want immersion.

>a couple games
Stopped reading there

>at least they wont grow up racist

lol did you know gen Z is the most conservative in decades? they love Trump

enjoy deportation comrade

Day of defeat 3 when

>Axis and Allies use same weapons
Now you fucks are just looking for anything to complain about. You could do that shit in WaW

>lol did you know gen Z is the most conservative in decades? they love Trump

I'm sure all those 5 year old transnative non-binary genderfluid queers are huge supporters of the biggest presidential joke in US history.

you do realise there were blacks in the wehrmacht, indians in the waffen ss, etc?

What bugs me the most is they couldn't count up how many names they would have ahead of time and evenly distribute them among two columns.

>the biggest presidential joke in US history.

Uh, no sweetie. That would be /yourgirl/ HRC.

>buying cod after MW2

>Airborne patch shows a M3
>Trooper is carrying an M1
Hope Airborne 2 carries a M1 Carbine like a real Airborne fireteam

t. 12 year old

Political beliefs always swing from generation to generation

>10 AAA games
>out of 1000 released each year
games are doomed, white race is dead.

>Gen Z is more diverse than any generation. Frank N. Magid estimates that Gen Z is 55% Caucasian, 24% Hispanic, 14% African American, 4% Asian and 4% mixed race or other.
>Generation Z is more liberal in areas like marijuana legalization, and transgenderissues, according to a study done by The Gild.
56% of 13-to-20-year-olds said that they knew someone who went by gender neutral pronouns such as “they,” “them,” or “ze,” compared to 43% of people aged 28 to 34 years old
>75% of Gen Z support same sex marriage. They’re more likely to have grown up around same sex parents, and therefor don’t see this as unusual—or illegal.
>76% are concerned about global warming.
>It has been reported that Generation Z are, “the least likely to believe that there is such a thing as the American Dream.”
>Having grown up bombarded by mass shootings in their own country, and terrorist attacks overseas, this generation more likely supports gun control.

Houston, we have a problem.

No fuck that. Historical accuracy is important in everything. There should be zero customization in a ww2 shooter. May as well start throwing swasticas on the American side.

But she's not president? How can she be a presidential joke if she's not presidential?

>he thinks things will ever swing back to the left

>fake news polls that oversample the children of bourgeoisie urbanite roach children

same polls as my pic

leave your libarts campus safe space and you will find that the real countrymen and their ilk are ready for a revolution

not just camping. but doge chaining as well

but if historical accuracy was everything you wouldn't have a shooter in the first place

>F-fake n-news!
Surely you can find me a true redpilled studies approved by Sup Forums?

sure here you go

I don't see stats about gen z in that pic.

Jesus fucking christ. This cultlike behavior. You drink the kool aid, and you're actually happy about it.

it's why we need neo McCarthyism to remove the new communists (democrats) from Western society

Is he wrong? Is respecting people of different nationalities and skincolours is bad?

so when are we making a game about a war in 18th century Africa but with half the characters white people?

>he thinks he can predict the fucking future
Seriously kid just wait till you take your first college level history class.

>Grass and Cows should count as much as human people
Fucking reds.

Nice dodging of my question.

history cannot teach us so many things about our present day. people have unparalleled access to information, technology and sustenance. they are figuring out what's going on on their own accord. this means that leftism, which is based on lies and guilt tripping, can not succeed


there's that meme again

you too

Not at all. And I don't understand the freakout r/thedonald is having, honestly.

>people have unparalleled access to information, technology and sustenance. they are figuring out what's going on on their own accord
So globalization is bad, right? Do you think you would have access to any of that if you were living under a right-wing dictatorship?

how does globalization have anything to do with what I posted?

why are you replying to a question with a question? are you a fucking kike?

Great. Let's take is a step further.
Is it wrong to represent groups of people different from white males?
Is it wrong to let player customize his charater to better represent his race/gender?
Is it wrong to ignore "historical accuracy" in a mode that did have any "historical accuracy" to begin with to allow player said race\gender customizations?

why can't you ever win an argument?

The fact that you don't know just proves to me how unedecated you are on this subject. Try getting some political/historical knowledge from somewhere other than Sup Forums so you will be less biased in the future.

WTF I hate pepe now im #MentallyHill now

>Is he wrong? Is respecting people of different nationalities and skincolours is bad?
Yes, he is wrong.
No, respecting people in general - regardless of their nationality and skin color is generally a good idea.

Misrepresenting history and compromising artistic integrity for the sake of illusionary value of "diversity" is not a show of respect to anyone though. In fact it's a tribute and pandering to anti-humanist, destructive, racist ideology: one that believes that human problems can be blamed entirely on their group identities.


I care little about your politics and indoctrination. I'm asking two simple questions

>Is it wrong to let player customize his charater to better represent their race/gender?
>Is it wrong to ignore "historical accuracy" in a mode that did have any "historical accuracy" to begin with to allow player said race\gender customizations?

I fail to see how different skins in multiplayer in a videogame misrepresent history.

>Is it wrong to represent groups of people different from white males?
>Is it wrong to let player customize his charater to better represent his race/gender?
Yes, in this situation, it is wrong. It compromises the actual setting and narrative dimension of the game, which is also one of it's main selling points.
>Is it wrong to ignore "historical accuracy" in
Yes. Yes it fucking is. You are compromising the narrative aspect of the experience, as well as the actual historical background you were exploiting to begin with, in order to pander to a FUCKED UP idea that people are somehow being actually abused by not being given the representation that directly fits them.

The doctrine and the whole philosophy revolves around the idea that people have moral claim or entitlement to being represented in the game according to their wishes.

>this thread

You fail to see how using black characters to represent soldiers of the Nazi Germany misrepresents the historical events the game uses to sell itself? Really?

Already answered these in a different post, but the answer is YES IT IS WRONG.

>the historical events
20v20 MP matches are not historical events