ITT: Pure bullshit deductions you gotta make in mystery games, that you will NEVER figure out on your own.
ITT: Pure bullshit deductions you gotta make in mystery games, that you will NEVER figure out on your own
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>Getting stuck on the tutorial case
>rock is bloody
>but there is no blood on his head
>clearly, he was doing a headstand and the rock cracked his nuts
>therefore, the word would've been spelled out upside down
>The killer must clearly be Sâ±OOM
Seriously, how are people not able to figure this one out?
I've figured this one pretty fast user.
Tell me about Apollo, why does he wear the coat?
His friend was a small guy.
Why does every game have to add up on Apollo's backstory to the point it becomes bullshit?
>AJ: son of the blind singer, famous magician's grandson, Phoenix's adopted daughter's half-brother
>DD: childhood friend out of nowhere, taught him the daijobu
>SoJ: comes from the same kingdom Phoenix happens to go, brother of the rival prosecutor
don't open it
delet this
Welcome to how Japan does mystery. They never explain anything, because explaining things would "ruin the mystery", and any sequel will just layer on more bullshit because Japan thinks that confusing and nonsense equal mystery.
apollo best character
Be honest. How many tries did it take you?
only 3 for me
1, because English is my first language. "Meat on the bone" is a common English phrase.
>not the fucking dying breath message meme again
>oh well it's just the first case
>I wonder if this is just a red herring pink herring hurhurhur, I mean, it'd be too easy to just go after him
>what the fuck is this 11037 the characters keep talking about?
>dear god someone please explain what the fuck does 11037 mean
>finally realize how normal people see this image
2 friends of mine saw it 'correctly' too, maybe I played too many murder VNs?
I need to consult the internet for this one, for this one only. What a bullshit.
ON THE MEAT BONE is totally valid answer.
IIRC they kept talking about the MEAT ON THE BONE MEAT ON THE BONE during the trial
The implication is that since the characters are all Japanese, it's a bit harder for them to recognize the message as Roman letters that are upside-down. That's kinda lost in a translation.
Still meant to be the easy first case, though.
Because the game that was intended to elaborate on Trucy's backstory (and connect to Apollo by extension, similar to Maya's story connecting with Phoenix in the original trilogy) never happened, so now there's a void they end up filling with goofy stuff, because AJ2 will never, ever happen.
I'm mad. Phoenix's time was over, and he really needed to be let go. Bringing him back was nothing short of a mistake.
It's not too late, Capcom. You can do an Athena game, or a whole new character, but just let Phoenix go.
>2nd best girl in the series was going to have a game devoted mostly to her
>gets canned
Truly the worst timeline.
>not gravel swimsuit
Don't you mean CAMERA ANGLE?
Pretty sure they hinted towards this.
>Not figuring out Shkanon by AT LEAST EP 5
Get out, Goat.
I want to be intellectually raped by this furniture.
I saw this one instantly. You can see the line connecting the 1s and no one draws a 7 with straight lines.
They referenced this in 2, code for the door
bone the meat *huff* *huff*
first try, I was annoyed at all the mentions of the MEAT ON THE BOOONE
Its been a while. Remind me.
You have to go to find a hospital, the image in the top left is the clue found in a robot
Noticing she wasn't supposed to know that was obvious user
Apollo didn't need to be there at all though. Why not just make Trucy the MC, she has the "raised by legendary ex-lawyer, who was fucked over by her real dad who disappeared" backstory.
Personally I don't think who the protag is matters that much, it's pretty much everything else that goes on around them that makes cases interesting or not. I'm not a Phoenixfag but I do feel that pretty much everything they've done with Apollo hasn't been that great for the most part, the character should not need this much constant personal motivation to just do his literal job.
That was the worst asspull I have ever seen.
>No option to leave with the key and leave the casket unopened
Honestly made me angry
Camera angle in Danganronpa 2.
I remember, every time I started to suspect Kanon, a friend would tell me that he was declared ded with the red
Also worth mentioning, Bern's purply mystery in episode 8
Is there a worse murder mystery trope than name written in blood
Once because there's an entire segment of the investigation where you, Twogami and the chef guy kept saying MEAT ON THE BONE in full over and over again during conversation for some reason.
I had the opposite problem with the astronaut case where you can piece together that they're looking at the wrong shuttle door from the FIRST FUCKING PICTURE but they won't let you point it out until 2 hours later when they SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU.
>When NWO kicks in
Rosa is actually the actual culprit.
Isn't that what you do in the Camarilla ending? You give it to Strauss and he puts the sarcophagus into storage.