ITT: BRO-TIER Villains

ITT: BRO-TIER Villains

Fujin and raijin
The old sniper guy from mgs3

Nyx Avatar
Donkey Kong
Big Smoke
Kel' Thuzad and Anub' Arak
Britain in Victoria 2

did nothing wrong thread?

What exactly is BRO-TIER about him

I look abit like him lol



Walter from SMT IV.
Assuming neutral is the cannon route, him and jonas-man are villains and literally your bros.

By virtue of the story, he literally is the villain.
Designated or otherwise he is still the "bad guy".

He'll grant you a wish, as long as you pay him back whatever he wants and don't fuck with him. And he'll stick spoons in the eyes of people who annoy you.


>helps you find yen free of charge
>saves your life after olgierd's contract gets you captured
>only asks that you help him fulfill another contract even offering a reward
>helps you on every step of olgierd's requests
>saves you from being a puppet to vlodimir's ghost
>spares you from going mad by knowing his true nature
>happily rewards you once it is over
>even tells you how to get best ending with ciri
>or lets you win if you're a dick and smart enough at his game
Olgierd was the villain, Gaunter was on your side up until you got cocky and tried to break the deal.

He's just another victim of the system, he literally had no choice but to destroy everything and raise Arisens.

Don't forget
>encourages you to spend the night with Shani and have a good time instead of rushing off to the next quest

>helps Ashley more than anyone in his entire life
>Ashley even repays him

No argument but since the Cycle of the Arisen is essentially the Hero's Story ad-infinium with the ending of becoming what basically amounts to God.
I mean, yeah he's forced to do it but that still makes him the villain.

Let's just call him "villain" and we have an agreement my dear user.


>My might cannot be matched.

>saves your life after olgierd's contract gets you captured

Bullshit. He was the one responsible for getting you in that situation to begin with.


He's not even the villain. Dark mentor more than anything.

Guildenstern is the villain.


gone but not forgotten

This game doesn't have real villains but Sydney is actually responsible for killing a lot of people and meddling into politics.
Guildenstern is a ruthless asshole but it looks like they have a government full of them in that setting, he merely sees the opportunity and seizes it.

that fuck was not a bro.

he wasn't even a good character

But user, don't you like memes

>Wanted to restore peace to a world full of useful resources and alien techonology
>Gets betrayed by all his greedy friends under the premise of "B-BUT MUH FREEDUHMS"

not shitty memes spewed by obnoxious characters 24/7

>Wanted to restore peace
by being worse than fucking Hitler.

>Gets betrayed by all his greedy friends under the premise of "B-BUT MUH FREEDUHMS"
that did not happen in BL2

>names horse after you
>not a bro

That felt more like an insult than anything

All she wanted to do was make Gensokyo more than some podunk backwater by introducing outside technology and scrape up a little faith on the side.

>by being worse than fucking Hitler was Hitler bad?

figures a Jack fanboy would be a Neo Nazi from Sup Forums

villain my ass wtf

>grant you a wish
Monkey's Paw


Literally manufactured to be the greatest cunt imaginable.

Are you dumb-tarded?