Holy shit. I know I'm late on this, but this "game" is really bad. This is portable tier shit. Even MGS V is better than this.
Holy shit. I know I'm late on this, but this "game" is really bad. This is portable tier shit...
Welcome to 2008, kiddo
Now watch as the rabid fanboys come in and pretend it's "epic" and "a nice conclusion to the series"
It's much better than mgs v though
yea but the rex fight and old snake vs ocelot/liquid was cool
and the online was goodand it's still alive
Better than MGSV in just about every way.
Snake ......, snake had a hard life..... );
>guise i think the fistfight at the end was so frigging win
>hehe and holy crappers!!! big boss shows up O_O and he gives a big nonsensical plot exposition
>so epic...
>this is good, isn't it?
>mgo 2 is good because i didn't have a pc to play real multiplayer shooters
What fate do you give this cancerous kind of MGS fan? Remember, a simple quick execution is too merciful.
Let fanfiction writers take over the authors of all their favorite series (that aren't my favorites)
>can't handle other people opininion
You can probably find more attention to detail in the first act of MGS4 than the entirety of Phantom Pain.
The first segments of the game are pretty great and what i thought that MGS IV was going to be.
However as the game keeps going, cutscenes, retcons and overconvuluted bullshit happes alongside some really lackluster boss fights (which on their own have the meaning of "no more heros like you snake" but just fabricated war machines) the game starts to drag.
MGS 4 gameplay is solid alongside great mechanics that are used very sparely thoughout the game while MGS V the gameplay is fluid as fuck but its the only thing carrying the game.
all the shit from 2 deserved to be retconed and explained.
Cyborg Raiden > Whiny PoS Raiden
The amount of nanomachine hand waving in this game is really telling of how little thought they put into the plot of these games. 2deep4u or just poorly written? You be the judge.
I'd rather have nanomachine handwaving than language parasites.
I should add that it shouldn't matter because only subhuman trash play games for the story but these games are typically 50% or more cutscenes and dialogue and the fans usually rank them based on the story for some reason.
>mgo 2 is good because i didn't have a pc to play real multiplayer shooters
Fucking this, even other console shooters were miles ahead.
The difference is that V is an actual game and IV is 1 hour of game and 8 hours of movies. I actually really like the parts of IV that you play it's just too bad they buried it under so much stupid bullshit.
Loads of filler = actual game?
I absolutely agree that MGS4 has an overabundance of cutscenes, but the gameplay it has is the best in the series.
MGSV is like the opposite of MGS4, except it kinda failed at even that. They removed all the story, replaced it with decent gameplay, and then put that gameplay into an open empty world with literally nothing to do, where every mission takes place in one of 5 areas that repeat over and over again.
It requires player input which is more than I can say for IV.
afghanistan is a huge place.
You're a baby
Also, plenty of MGS 3 got retconned too
Yeah, hence why you don't place a game there.
Military bases work infinitely better.
>but the gameplay it has is the best in the series.
All two hours of it
>except it kinda failed at even that
It didn't. The gameplay is better than MGS 4's because it actually exists.
>This is portable tier shit
Say what you will about the gameplay or the story, but at the time that game looked amazing.
>You're a baby
for hating a bad character and liking them after they got development.
>Also, plenty of MGS 3 got retconned too
I know the radio crew from 3 got rectoned to be the shadow organization that 2 introduced out of the fucking blue.
In the same post you said that MGS4 has gameplay, just not much of it.
I'd rather have 2 hours of gameplay with substance, than 50 hours of doing the same identical crawling in the same identical open world base with the same identical enemy spawns.
And before you say "W-well do something different!"; no, if you do that you get shit ratings, so you literally get punished for it.
And the supernatural elements from 1 and 3, don't forget those retcons too.
Fuck 4. Worst game in the series by virtue of the fact it ruined it with retcon bullshit.
>I'd rather have 2 hours of gameplay with substance, than 50 hours of doing the same identical crawling in the same identical open world base with the same identical enemy spawns
I agree with your hypothetical scenario, but it doesn't apply here because MGS V still has enough content in it to be worth a playthrough of at least 8 hours even when you take out the filler, way more than 4.
This is still the only game in the franchise I have ever played because I had a PS3 and it was hyped up.
I thought the gameplay was pretty good and found new stuff even after several playthroughs. Did not understand a lick of the story though, I tried to do some reading up with the in-game glossary but still couldn't make heads or tails of it.
Sometimes I try to play the other games in chronological order but there are so many different ports/exclusives and editions some of which are apparently terrible that I quickly get overwhelmed.
Anyone have a guide on which versions for which game I should play? I don't have the PS3 anymore, just a PC and a PSP.
The order is Metal Gear Solid 1-4 then Peacewalker, then MGS 5:Ground Zeroes, then MGS 5:The Phantom Pain. There's also Metal Gear 1-2 that came before on MSX/NES but they had pretty simple stories that were re-explained in MGS1 and most people who played the others didn't play those anyway.
If you still had a ps3 you could just get the legacy collection that has everything up to Peacewalker, but oh well. If you want to just emulate the original releases of 1-3 that's always an option. You can also get 1 as a ps1 classic on psp. Peacewalker was originally a psp game, so you can get it there. Both MGS5 games are available on PC.
1&2 had pc ports at the time but they didn't control great, and are kinda broken on modern systems. 3 doesn't have an official release on any of your systems. 4 was only ever on ps3 so if you were looking to play that again you're out of luck.
Don't bother trying to understand the story, it's total nonsense. If you come across something that you can't explain the answer is nanomachines.
If you want the story of solid snake, with bare minimum to understand the story:
MGS 3 > MGS 1 > MGS 2 > MGS 4
Story of Big Boss?
MGS 3 > Peace Walker > MGS 5 Ground Zeroes > MGS 5: The Phantom Pain > (Want the rest?) MGS1 > MGS 2 > MGS 4. Chronologically anyway. There's side games and shit, but no need my dude.
Playing these games chronologically is dumb.
Oh, actually don't emulate the original release of 3. Go for it's rerelease, MGS 3: Subsistence. It added a behind the back camera mode. The original only had an overhead view, and while that worked for the industrial enclosed settings of 1&2, it sucked for the more open jungle setting of 3.
It's pure kino, retard.
Oh wait, you're a brainlet. No point arguing with brainlets.
This board is for ludo only.
>This is portable tier shit.
That's literally the opposite of the problem it has though.
The gameplay is top tier, when it's actually there. The problem is you only really half like half of chapter 1 and half of chapter 2 where the gameplay is really there and works, the rest is either cutscenes/gimmick sections for hours on end.
If i could have played them chronologically i would have, but hey, different tastes.
I liked it
ok Ill look into emulators, thanks anons
>The gameplay is top tier
a generic TPS isn't top tier, sorry
>a nice conclusion to the series
It would have been a DECENT conclusiom to the series if it wasn't for the epilogue
Was fun though i preferred the other games
>an actual original soundtrack instead of licensed bowshit songs
>rex vs ray
>raiden vs vamp
>this is good isn't it
>microwave scene
>naomis death
>father and son
>eva's death
>ocelot vs snake
>girls are hot
>fun weapons
>snake being an old and wrinkled badass
It may not be very good but it's way better than mgs3
>this is good isn't it
It's not.
>and the online was good
it really was
>>microwave scene
This is stupidest thing I have ever seen in videogames.
Pretty sure it was kino. I'm surprised no one's really used the split screen thing since then.
I'm glad Kojima stepped away from the shitty MGS formula and made MGSV gameplay-centric. I also love to see all of you faggots cry for this. Delicious.
MGS4 is not a good MGS game but it at least is an MGS game. MGSV's both gameplay and story is complete shit. And the meme about gameplay being good in V needs to fucking die because the only good thing is control of the main character which isn't the entire gameplay.
I always thought MGS4 was going to be open world, from what I saw in the trailers. Snake trying to survive past his prime in the middle east. I was hugely disappointed.
The first two levels were fantastic. If the rest of the game was like that, it might be up there with the best MGS games ever. But from Act 3 onwards, everything turned into a giant mess, both from a gameplay and story perspective. The biggest problem is that MGS4 has no idea what the fuck it wants to be. Does it want to be about stealth, or noir, or action? It doesn't know, so it tries to be all of those things at once and then some, which means it kind of collapses under the weight of its own ambition.
pc remastered when?
MGS4 is a bad third person shooter
MGSV is a legit good game but an awful MGS game, it should have been a new franchise desu
Erm Shadow Moses is THE defining moment of last gen, that beautiful, haunting atmosphere coupled with nostalgia and seeing the series come full circle was just beautiful.
And then you have probably the single greatest moment in the franchise when Snake climbs into the busted REX,the camera slips back, carnage as the gameplay shifts gears, then the mechanics change completely again as Ray attacks. Best boss of any franchise ever, nothing else comes close.
Cringing at this, really hope you're trolling and you don't really like that fan fiction tier shit.
Bullshit. If MGS 4 ruins the whole series and somehow still manages to be considered an MGS game, then so is MGS V.
As far as I'm concerned, MGS ended with 3.
>press triangle to go to a wall
>press triangle to get out of the wall
No, no, and hell no.
play in release order, faggot.
>I'm literally illiterate and don't speak english!
t: (You)
The "whiny" bit was already gone by the end of 2, when he's forced to confront the past he'd been trying to ignore.
In 4 you just see more of the progression, and by Revengeance, he's completely given in to what his childhood traumas made him.
>I played it on normal
>legit good game with repetetive missions about nothing and made by kojima every 5 minutes
Fuck you
>look mom i posted it again, i may force an opinion this time
>Implying MGS 4 being shit is something that has to be forced
How can I relive the glory that was MGO2?
So what you saying that MGS4 had memorable moments than MGS5? I agree.
okay, redpill me on MGO2, what was so good about it?
Google up.
Fans found a way to set up their own servers via original MGS4 retail copies + jailbroken PS3s / PCs already months ago.
same thing with MGO1, though it can also be played via PS2 emus.
Consolefags didn't have any better.
stealth deathmatch. It was buzzword
>open world cancer
>bland enviroments
>worst villain in the series
>no character development whatsoever except for generic marketing stunt female
>the plot is horrible
>the absolutely failed tribute to the ladder part of MGS3 with the worst cutscene in the entire series
>chapter 2
>the """"""""""""""""""ending""""""""""""""""""""
>lots of lethal shit to use but the game punishes you for killing people just like any generic stealth game.
>Autism Snake
>Cardboard personality Ocelot
>Kaz Miller doesnt do anything
>Silent Psycho Mantis
>The operator soldiers of XOF in the prologue never come back on the game, even if their models were fucking 10/10.
>Assassins Creed 1- tier repetitiveness
I could go on, MGS4 may not be the best in the series but i prefer having cancer than playing MGS """""5""""" again
nigga, bosses was the only thing worth a damn about MGS4, it's literally Boss Fights: The Game
4 is worse