Chapter II > Everything else
Chapter II > Everything else
>chapter 2
>walk from person A to person B with no combat whatsoever and just read shit
fuck you nigger
I'm playing through witcher 2 right now and I gotta say it just isn't as fun and comfy as witcher 1. I just can't put my finger on why.
I would say completing the quests just doesn't feel as rewarding, there seems to be less of a focus on monster slaying, and the UI is so PC unfriendly.
Anyone else feel the same?
Yeah, even the combat feels like a Xbox port
Jesus H. Christ, this game has pacing issues. I'm up to Chapter IV, waiting for something decent to happen. They obviously learnt a lot from the first.
Comrade! That makes the two of us. I love my detective stories in RPG. Also Chpater 2 is the most atmospheric city in RPG since Gothic 2.
Not really, they all have their moments.
Best way to play witcher is in the row 123dlc.
Same deal with Mass Effect, 123 in a row is a great ride if you consider them as one game pacing makes perfect sense in 3. No delays, it will take 2-3 weeks but it's great when you are done.
>this game has pacing issues.
if you got ADD, maybe
I like how you can go with what the detective tells you or make your own investigation
>muh combat
fuck off nigger
The only good part of the first Witcher game were those sex cards. Everything else was boring. I played over 20 hours waiting for it to get good, but it never did.
>playing the first Witcher at all
this is "codkiddies" we joked about several years ago
they grew up and have all sorts of opinions now
5 hours of chapter 2 are easily spent just walking between the same handful of quest givers, there is slow burn and there is unnecessary bloat
Kill yourself retard
collecting drowner brains is bloat
learning useful information is not
dat azar javed detective story mmmmmm dat plot twist
epic post my barely legal friend
Chapter 2 literally killed the game for me the first 4 or 5 times I tried playing. It wasn't till I was able to grit my teeth through it that I was able to respect the witcher 1.
ADD is a bitch
Why? I remember doing Chapter 1 and 2 in one day
> I just can't put my finger on why.
Its not made by the same crew thats why.
Is it okay if I think COD and the first Witcher was boring?
Not him but I still play Cod4MW once in a while and I finished Witcher 1 twice on hard.
Now what.
Also dont forget that there are two DLCs that are made by CDRP that are not that known.
>Side Effects
>The Price of Neutrality
Can be found in the Enhanced edition in the new game menu and pick adventures.
i thought the first game was better desu with you family
i mean sure technically the combat kind of improved in the second/third game (i mean really it was still pretty basic.. swing sword once backpeddle repeat)
the first game had
-better alchemy system that was actually necessary
-inventory management that wasn't a consolified fucking backwards nightmare
Crafting was dumb but the level up system, while far from perfect, was much better than the worst stat allocation ever devised that got used in 1, the new combat also stopped you from being an unstoppable death machine
actually never played them, are they big? next time I replay I will
two words:
quen abuse
I like crafting, it's a problem only if you want to min max, and I don't get difficulty in single player games, it's always easy whatever you play
any game is designed to be completed
want difficulty play multiplayer and bitch about balance there
This game is slow
> LEL you have ADD XD
Witcher fags will defend this.
I liked the atmosphere and I liked the investigation and the characters but you gotta admit, it was pretty slow and easy to get stuck in don't bully
They are created by the studio so they look and feel like the proper thing and I would say you will finish them in 3-4 hours more or less depending on the difficulty.
Among those adventures there are 10 other but they are created by fans and not really that good,I played and finished some of them and they are meh.
Play on hard and notice how fast you will go from "lol slow" to "lol wtf why do i suck"
integral part of TW1 is doing your research before the quests/monster fights, gathering shit for adeqaute potions and just preparing for all of it.
people bitch and moan because its not pseudo Dark Souls lite combat
forgot to say how none of prepping is obligatory at all on anything below hardest difficulty
I will add that double effect alchemy potions are only mentioned during the tutorial but the become essential on high difficult.
Most people over look them and never experience the benefits.
Instead of blasting one cat and one swallow and having 90% toxicity you can create swallow potion that has cat effect on top if you pick the ingredients correctly and have something like 30% poison in you total.
People also dont read their journal nor they make an effort to find or purchase the monster books that give out all the intel you need.
Millenials just cant grasp that RPGs arent meant to be open world action games with fetch quests.
Chapter IV = maximum comf
Chapter 2 separates men from the retards while Chapter 4 will never be matched in any other RPG.
>People also dont read their journal nor they make an effort to find or purchase the monster books that give out all the intel you need.
that's a bit far, also I don't read journal most of the time because I simply remember the quest and events
but I don't think there are people that miss on essential mechanic of the game
>but I don't think there are people that miss on essential mechanic of the game
Literally everyone misses on it unless they go for the hardest difficulty. Which rarely anyone does in RPGs.
>that's a bit far
No its not and you can see this in MassEffect threads where people arguing over things that are explained in detail in the codex(journal) with voice narration.
The response is always that they dont have time for it "lol"
I feel the same. The games get less interesting with each sequel, with witcher 1 being the best.
I do think W3's expansions were terrific tho and pretty much saved the game for me.