Why are retro games objectively superior to modern ones? Is it because they were mostly made by the japanese? Is it because the music was not just filler like it is today?
Why are retro games objectively superior to modern ones? Is it because they were mostly made by the japanese...
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Are you this desperate for attention?
I wouldn't say that, I'd say anything developed between 1990 and 2005 has a really nostalgic feel to it just because that's the era you grew up in, and just the technology and developer tricks of the time feel comfortable. I don't know if they're necessarily better because strategy and RPG's from this time can be stupid difficult.
>Is it because they were mostly made by the japanese?
Yes. Also because the developers in the west weren't total fags employed by mega corporations trying to make as much money as possible without giving a fuck about the games themselves.
>Is it because they were mostly made by the Japanese?
Short answer. Yes.
Retro Western games > retro Japanese games
Please remove yourself from this board
Because you're only remembering the good parts.
>Why are retro games objectively superior to modern ones?
Honest answer? Because they didn't handhold or condescend.
Modern devs feel the need to cater to the lowest common denominator. Because $$$. Even a lot of indie devs are guilty of this. When have you played a modern game that DOESN'T have a half-hour-long tutorial?
I play more retro games than modern games and i know both the good and the bad,my point still stands.
The blind ignorance you foster by saying only one hemisphere of developers is capable of making good games would disappoint any proper thinking man.
What are the good parts of modern games again?
>le ebin centrist
Western retro games were a joke outside of some notable exceptions
>b-but muh Doom and XCom
More advanced gameplay concepts and choices, also graphics.
You don't gain a hell of a lot going back to Frontier: Elite II. Elite Dangerous has that whole series nicely built upon and expanded.
>only one hemisphere of developers is capable of making good games
Literally nobody ITT said this.
>proper thinking man
see pic
>He doesn't play cRPGs or Strategy games
Like I said user, your bias comes from nowhere and is born of out blind ignorance and nothing else.
Your reading comprehension skills are far below average. Go reread the thread again you fucking moron
Its just people saying that retro games were better because they were made in a time where japanese devs were making more games that the west (at least one machines that mattered,aka consoles),nothing wrong about that.
FTL is a good example of a game that doesn't do this, yes. In fact, it is with indie games that you'll Probably find the least amount of handholding (even if a lot of devs are still guilty of it).
>saying Japan makes better games is the same as saying only Japan makes good games.
You need to learn basic reading comprehension you pseudo-intellectual redditard.
The nuances of a 2d game are much simpler leaving little room to fuck up.
>Is it because the music was not just filler like it is today?
What did he mean by this?
That's a very generous and polite take on very short and direct arguments. I agree people in this thread think Japanese developers were better, I don't think the rest of your point was shared in any other post.
Pretty well. I've been on this website long enough, user. Arguing semantics doesn't impress me, though the replies I got on that post please me. If you guys got defensive it means I got through a little
Game? Is it Shinobi?
I love visiting the Japanese hemisphere!
Fuck the western one.
Psychic Killer Taromaru on Sega Saturn
Nostalgia is my first guess, but for the sake of fairness....
Vision - Teams were smaller so it made completing a game with a given concept far easier.
Complexity - Games were far simpler, so mechanics provided for far fewer game elements which makes design easier.
Art Direction - Realism in games was less of a push, so games tended to be colourful or interesting visually.
Creativity - Because budgets were smaller the risks of experimentation were reduced. So, you had oddities that sometimes worked and sometimes didn't.
Really, I think games have taken many steps forward, but many steps backwards as well. There was a lot of trash in days gone by. There are few truly irredeemable games made in the last 10 years versus the games of the 80s.
They were made by way smaller teams than the ones today.
Being so, they all put a lot of work into the games, and they knew they weren't specially cheap. So they'd play and replay and make things more difficult in order to extend how much enjoyment you'd get from it.
Nobody expected anyone to end a retro game in the first playthrough. You were supposed to play until you got a game over, learn from your mistakes and try again tomorrow. Today is the exact opposite of that. People want you to finish the game on the first time you play it. Even going as far as pointing where to go and what to do if you prove to be retarded enough to figure it out on your own. Because people today "don't have time to play the same thing over and over" or something like that.
Games used to be a product of love and now are mostly like some form of fast food entertainment.
>There are few truly irredeemable games made in the last 10 years versus the games of the 80s
Pretty much the entire Steam library is irredeemable trash,a mediocre NES game is probably more playable than a lot of games in there.
>Why are retro games objectively superior to modern ones? Is it because they were mostly made by the japanese?
>tfw the only consistent threads on /vr/ are about western retro games
Why are weebs so delusional?
>tfw the only consistent threads on /vr/ are about western retro games
Are you retarded? The only western threads there are Doom and the occasional nostalgia wank thread.
>perspective flips in retro games
I always loved when a 2D game would surprise you with a transition to 3D space, Contra, Yoshi's Island, TMNT Turtles in Time, DKC3, and Mischief Makers all did a great job with these segments.
I'm always disappointed when modern games fail to do this. Sonic Mania should have done this at least once for a boss IMO
What game is this?
It's a Sega Saturn game
That should narrow your search down considerably
Can I at least get a publisher or developer name?
Saturn had 700 games you philistine,around the same amount of games that the SNES had.
Because every pixel counted. I truly believe the more limited hardware the better games will be, because visuals arnt something the devs can rely on.