>sorry i was afk, baby was crying.
Sorry i was afk, baby was crying
>sorry I was afk, my dad was crying.
>sorry for afk, my dad was fucking my sis
>sorry I was afk, I was crying.
>Sorry I was afk, it slipped out and I had to put it back in.
>sorry I was afk, the Jews were crying.
>brb smoke
>Last Online:426 days ago
>sorry guys g2g my goldfish is drowning
>BRB gotta kill that fagot downstairs.
>brb wife aggro xD
>brb heard a noise outside
>last online 1029 days ago
He was a big guy wasn't he.
>sorry i was afk, smoking weed lmao
Your baby is more important than a video game, and any whiny cunt who wants to complain about you stopping to take care of him or her should get dragged into a dolphin rape cave.
why play an online game when you have a baby to look after? who does it benfit having to leave games? guy loses out cause his kids crying, everyone else playing loses their match. nobody wins
>BRB monkey ass niggers next door being loud again.
Do you think some dolphins decorate their rape caves? You know, with like shells and seaweed and things like that? Do you think that maybe that makes the human struggle a bit less? Just wondering.
Babies can fall into a deep sleep and still wake up at the drop of a hat. If you're lucky they can go back to sleep with minimal interaction. Sometimes they don't. Just because a person has a baby, though, doesn't mean they should be restricted from online games. I have a baby, I play online games, and sometimes I have to get up to deal with her. I come back, apologize, and everyone moves on.
T. Dad
I hope they decorate. If I'm dragged to a rape cave and will surely die there, I'd at least like to see a pretty sight in my final moments.
>sorry I was afk. I sensed a disturbance in the force.
>BRB smoking a bowl real quick
>3rd time in under 5 minutes
>AFK real quick
>Sorry about that dryer belt caught fire
>sorry i was afk, i had to post another le ebic memetext thread on Sup Forums
>brb smoke break
>sorry wife aggro xD
> brb fucking your wife
> ok im back
>tfw I kick people for this shit
Don't inconvenience me with your shit life decisions
Congrats you've become like one of the innumerable, mediocre drones that drag their spawn around in cities and restaurants and make others' time miserable because they think they're entitled to do what they want while also having a whiny kid with them. Why not just play single-player games that you can pause? Or are you too addicted to P2W shit to quit?
it must suck being a parent in this modern age
when you gonna quit, sucka
>Actual arguments in this thread
>brb bio
>every 30 minutes
>Report for afk
>They are banned
I know you're baiting, but I'm bored. Having a baby isn't a shitty life decision. It's one of the only ones that makes sense. When you're sitting alone every night and staring at your monitor you'll eventually start to realize that everything feels pointless. You can live your life alone and only supporting yourself. You'll feel happy even, but also empty.
Eventually, maybe you get annoyed enough by that and actually do something about it. And it isn't some Chad shit about fucking bitches. You have a baby because it makes everything mean more. Everything matters again. I love my wife and daughter, and I can still do everything I did before except I'm not a "tired gamer." I enjoy my family, I enjoy my hobby again, I enjoy being important to my wife and daughter, and I'm genuinely just happy. I have so much more stress about my responsibilities, but I'm happier than I ever was before because everything matters again.
Get a better attitude about babies. If a baby being upset makes you that miserable then you probably need to figure out a way to relax some. Besides, I've never seen a parent both fail to pacify the baby and also fail to exit the area when it's unsolvable. Also, I've never spent a cent on F2P / P2W.
Nah, it's great. Never going to quit.
>teammate throws a bitchfit because he isn't topscoring and teamkills you
wtf I hate players like that
>mute mic, take off headphone and just sit there for a few minutes collecting myself
I'm not I run with friends if we have a random that afks for a shit reason we kick them. You're shitty life decision is inconveniencing others when you know you potentially have other things to do. Also enjoy your inevitable future of divorced and paying alimony/child support.
Not sure why everyone's bitching at you for being a Dad. There isn't anything inherently wrong with just letting the baby cry itself back to sleep though.
>brb someone's at the door
>last online: 46 days ago
Fuck you David, I just had the damn kid. Esssssscuse me if I can't play destiny 2 beta with you
The beautiful irony of this song beginning as I read your post demands that I post the lyrics:
You see the world through your cynical eyes
You're a troubled young man I can tell
You've got it all in the palm of your hand
But your hand's wet with sweat and your head needs a rest
And you're fooling yourself if you don't believe it
You're kidding yourself if you don't believe it
Why must you be such an angry young man
When your future looks quite bright to me
How can there be such a sinister plan
That could hide such a lamb, such a caring young man
You're fooling yourself if you don't believe it
You're kidding yourself if you don't believe it
Holy fuck you cant be THIS much of NEET lord cuck.
I had a friend that prioritized his "vidya" and "raids" and all that weak non-life progressing bullshit and said stupid shit like you did.
He is nowhere in life, doesn't have a social life and can't even afford to go out to dinner/gatherings with family or friends.
Fuck user, Stop being bitter about people living a life outside of a simulation. The one making shitty life choices here is you.
Real talk.
Should parents or anyone with sort of responsibility be playing online multiplayer games? If you're playing an online game you're committing to the match. Someone at the door? If you're not expecting company you are not obligated to answer it. Don't play if you have pets or children. Don't play if you live with family and they call you to do something on a daily basis. Don't play if you're working later (sometimes your boss might call you to work earlier)
They're young, jaded and don't yet realize that they don't know everything.
thats better than "sorry, smoke break"
I don't care about whatever you consider "life progressing" if you're wasting my time you get kicked it's that simple, you have a kid you know it's going to cry at some point, set up a group at that point that knows at some point you'll afk not waste strangers time
Just play single player games if you have to constantly inconvenience your team.
Not him and that sounds all fantastic, but a kid is the last thing I want. And it goes beyond 'muh vidya' and I'm not a basement dweller I just know I'm not equipped for that shit at all.
>I think I put enough money into my pension to actually retire on it
>other people having kids isn't the only reason I won't work until I die
The best part about you retards is that I'll be there to laugh when the bubble bursts.
>BRB, these losers think they can win an argument against me about babies and social life.
>brb gotta go drop off child support
>Sup Forums never shut ups about how having a family and "prolonging your bloodline" is the most important thing in the world
>Everyone shits on that user who's actually a parent
>>Sup Forums
I belive you mean Sup Forums, no one else cares about breeding to preserve the white race or any of the other shit they spam
>if you waste my time
>I'ma kick you from my video game
Son that time is already wasted, and you thinking it's not is rather pathetic. Nobody gives a fuck how seriously you take it.
Your time isn't important to me, and I don't think anything when you kick me other than either, "Eh, that's fair," or "Man, what a little bitch." Then I find a new match. Obviously I play single player games, but you can't tell me that I don't get to play online games too.
Babies cry because of a need, might be cold, might have gas and need to brap, might be hungry, once they're toddlers it's fine to let them cry.
I stopped playing online games for a while because of it, better to have something to pause than inconvenience other people, but maybe that's because I'm not an asshole.
Depends on, I have this dude who I used to play GTAV with for a few years and he had two kids, both pretty young and it rarely got in the way of anything, I mean sometimes he'd have to go but it wasn't a big deal, mind you we mostly played co-op and if something was that pressing pretty much anyone in the lobby can solo the missions so whenever something came up one man down wasn't shit.
For other things I mean it's an inconvenience sure, like bigger raids and shit, really if you don't have the time to set aside do some of the shorter content until you know you'll be free, some people besides the parent have things to attend to and might be wanting to get it done before that for instance.
So really it depends on the game and shit and how frequently they do it like many things it's a case by case basis IMO.
>Your time isn't important to me
And your real life shit isn't to me hence the kick
why do babies even cry
if u let them do they shut up on their own?
if this happened to me id just put headphones on and increase volume let it cry
>Wasting time
Answered here
I think you still think I care when you kick me.
having a kid is optional
life has no meaning regardless
for me, I live life for myself
society may see that in a negative light, but that's fine
i'm happy, and since my world is my own and the only reality that actually exists subjectively, their opinions don't matter
maximize happiness, and you will live a fulfilling life as you, not others, define it
The drones don't accept this. Their thinking capacity is limited.
>push to talk
>fucks girlfriend while hitting the bong coughing and laughing
You know people are already wasting their time by playing? fucking useless neet scum worse than the libcucks
>sorry i was afk, my bladder was crying
You're obviously still mad when you kick someone. When people say "we need a purge" people like this are why
>Open mic
>Eating potato chips
>Doesn't even talk
>sorry brb, mom got into an accident
i'm sorry my friend
>he thinks I'm a neet
People who go into games knowing they have other obligations are the one that need to be purged just play a single player game at that point
>some new faggot to the guild
>joines teamspeak
>every time he talks loud music is blaring and you can barely understand him
>get told to turn off the music
>"but music is my life"
same here now i just need to find happiness
for that i need to finish uni and get a job to get money
can really find much hobbies without money spending dont want to bother my parents since they already pay for food and rent and shit
>baby was crying
>playing wotlk back in the day
>leveling alt
>get random invite from some spam guild
>hit accept
>their voice chat is advertised in the guild message
>loudly ate potato chips into mic until they kicked me
unless you're playing something absurdly long and team-based like dota who gives a shit
how do u even keep laughter in that situation
like when people react to the chip eating u probably have to chuckle a bit and then that ruins the meme
You won't stop there. After getting a job you will be asking for a family of your own.
If you aren't content with what you have you will never be satisfied.
So take off the mask of the pious human.
>sorry i gotta go my frog got tipped over
I hope the dolphins kidnap+rape the babies of the shitty parents ITT. Serves them right for being normalfags.
>muh slippery sloap
One has to have income to pay the bills. Not everyone is content on leeching off of others.
>Posts dead women
You proved me right.
Jesus Christ it's a fucking game
If you're taking it seriously you're doing it wrong
>Weebs are retarded
wow who knew
its not to be taken seriously but its the inconveniance of it user, reddit spacing
what game haha
>brb wife's bull is here
>sorry I was ark, had to dilate
volafile org/r/dk16rhf0
No game.
>normalfag thinks his opinion matters
Shouldn't you be looking after your kid?
pretty hot
imagine this with VR now
all your fetishes will come true in some years lads
>weeb thinks his opinion matters
>he in any way thinks he can trashtalk anyone else
Also I don't need a kid to realize how retarded you are.
>join party
>leader is eating chips and has the game on speaker
>turn mic on, let the feedback build up
>they turn their mic off after the ear rape becomes unbearable
>used to have one dickhead hipster faggot with no self control in gaming group
>dropped out of college twice, used all his money to buy weed and alcohol and would cry to us that his life was a mess and do nothing to change his lifestyle
>on a near daily basis "gonna go meet with some friends and smoke weed hur hur ill be back"
>doesnt mute mic, even tell us hes not going to mute himself, and then leaves
>constant white noise, distant conversations, etc. from his end
>this would go on for several hours until he got back if you didnt mute/kick him from chat
>"hey guys invite me to the call i got kicked for some reason"
>someone has a mechanical keyboard and a desk mic
>sorry i was afk, dad made pudding.
Are you 12?