It cant be stopped. The biggest game since minecraft. You play it too dont you?

My pc can't run it
Why bother upgrading to play 1 game

I don't play shit games.

What the fuck Sup Forums you said it would be dead in a week

Why would any self-respecing and intelligent adult play anything on that list?

Those games are for the 3rd worlders, underaged, autistic and unemployed.

I didnt play Minecraft

Is it any fun? How much skill is required to actually enjoy it? I haven't played multiplayer only games in forever.

It's still early access, right? If it lasts until release, I might get it if I can convince a friend to buy it too.

>How much skill is required to actually enjoy it?

Generally very litte, which is why it's popular.
Any shitter can get kills and do well due to RNG and the nature of the game.

Considered getting it but then all the casual normie streamers picked it up. Also they lied about cases being monetized and that just ruined my trust in the company. They are trying so hard to make it competitive, when it's still buggy as hell and mostly RNG based so competitive holds no merit. It probably won't leave alpha status because they've made bank off it and technically haven't even released the game.

You have failed me Sup Forums you said its just fotm.

It's like call of duty but with bigger maps and vehicles

Stay mad sony cuck

It can be enjoyed without much skill desu. But when you want to win you need to be somewhat decent.

What? I don't even own consoles.

It has the early access meme going for it, but at the same time it forgoes a lot of other memes. It's so nice having a simple UI at the corners of the screen and a crosshair at the center. No hit indicators, exaggerated blood splatter works just fine. Pic related is the shit I'm tired of when stepping into most shooter games.

It's like a genetically superior thug dominant black dick. At first you feel mad because it commands all the attention in the room, but eventually you want a taste yourself.

You know a game must be terrible when the only threads you EVER see are about it made by this one single guy going "MANY PLAYERS. YOU'RE MAD AT ALL THESE PLAYERS!"

>You play it too dont you?

So with all the "stream sniping" bullshit going on, and people getting banned for killing apparently "famous" streamers at random, is it even worth getting into right now?

It doesn't look terrible, it also doesn't look very good though.

This is the most blatant shilling for a game I have ever seen on Sup Forums. This place doesn't give two fucks about PUBG and never talks about it, every single thread is all HURR YOU SAID IT WOULD FAIL when Sup Forums doesn't even pay enough attention to even shitpost about it.

This "stream sniping bullshit" is a meme. People never were randomly banned. Its just Sup Forums lying to shit on a popular game. You will be fine.

ARK is still alive?

I'll wait until the game out of early access.

that massive powergap, dang

what other games have +500k playercounts outside steam?

Yep. If the only thing that you care about it how many players there are. It just can't be a very good game. I know it's mostly just shitposting to get attention, but still if there's nothing else about the game to say that there's many people playing it. Then I don't even know

People werent randomly banned. Its surprisingly playable in its current state. But if your pc is not that good i would wait till its out of EA.

probably league

Its evenly weird that people here shit on it cus its popular. Its a decent game which has its flaws.

>he doesn't go to the "pub"
>he doesn't drop into frog bog
>he doesn't get dinners

"""Hardcore""" gamers on vee everybody.

Well people here shit on everything.

Can you fucking stop talking about how this game is "the biggest next thing huehue how do you feel now Sup Forums" and talk about the game it self and not how successful it is? because no one gives a shit but you keep doing it.

Post yfw valve gets away with 30% out of it

honestly i understand them making steam and all but fucking 30%? thats way too much in my opinion , 10% is too much for something that you didn't make at all and you dont even really market it...

Yay for what is essentially a monopoly

30% is below average for a retailer. Massively so.
Why do you retards bitch about this?

The sad thing is that the game is popular because it's popilar, not because it's a good game

Because Polygon told them to

Is this like the first time in forever that corporate tried to unabashedly copy a trend and actually suceeded?

Retarded logic, as expected from frogposter.

>You play it too dont you?
Not anymore, I got tired of playing solo and I don't have any friends to play the others with

No, but I probably would have if someone bought it for me.

Sup Forums got so buttblasted that they were wrong about this game, they have resorted to turning any discussion of it into console war kid shit. No, I'm not kidding. This board really is that pathetic.

>first Trump
>now PUBGChads winning

Why the FUCK won't people play Overwatch instead? It was supposed to be the game of our generation, the eSports title to kill LoL and CS.. and now we're getting cucked by some EA shit from Korea



>90% AFK lootcrate farming bots
>10% Twicth babies

Nah, that's usually how these things go. People didn't play CoD because it was good, they played it en masse because it was popular and dudebro rep. It's a classic case of being a celebrity for no reason other than you make headlines doing nothing. PUBG does nothing different than other games like it, and is still a watered down Arma clone like all of the rest. It just has it's overblown popularity and a rl money gambling system, the latter of which that will keep it going to CS:GO levels of players, sheerly because it prays on gambling addiction and there's a chance to make money.

>He doesn't know it's going on PS4 when it's finished

Mad Xgroid with no exclusives

Did you ever consider that what your average gamer considers good isn't the same as what an autistic poster on Sup Forums considers good? For your average gamer this game is good, it's easy to get in too, matches are easy to get in and out of with no penalty, there's a reward for winning and you it gives you the feeling that you have skill or have accomplished something when you win. It's a good game.

You're responding to someone who thinks PUBG is shit and was accused of being a sony shill by someone who thinks PUBG is good.

I can't believe this is happening on valves own platform ahahahahahhaha

These aren't average gamers, they're chaffe too stupid to realize they have an addiction. It's like going to a casino when you have nothing better to do so you can socialize and spend money. PUBG is a glorified social gathering.

>These aren't average gamers
Might want to stick your head out of your echochamber sometime friend

>Over 900,000 players
Man, the game can be fun but fucking hell.

LOL, cod, wow, overwatch.
Basically blizzard/Activision

You mean some autistic white dude in his mom's basement made it in 30 minutes for dayz originally and got a deal with the h1z1 team after that.