I refuse to believe anyone actually cares about backwards compatibility on consoles. I never used my Wii to play GC games, I never used my Wii U to play Wii games and I never used my PS2 to play PS1 games. Are you all so fucking poor that you have to sell your old consoles when you buy a new one?
If consoles have BC that means they have to spend time and money on that instead of actual new things for the console.
I refuse to believe anyone actually cares about backwards compatibility on consoles...
Virtually all of the points you made are retarded. I think that BC does hold consoles back, and I don't really rely on BC, but I did really enjoy being able to play GC games on my Wii and Wii U. It means I can have as much possible in one place.
>I did really enjoy being able to play GC games on my Wii and Wii U.
you know any toaster PC can play GC games better than a Wii or Wii U right?
And Wii U doesn't even support GC discs, so whats the point of bringing that up?
I honestly dont care cause I already have the consoles and/or just emulate them on PC. Although in my experience maybe it's cause some people are too lazy to switch out console every time? I sure as hell find it a chore to switch out when I feel like playing an oldie.
>he doesn't know about Nintendont
Regardless of money its nice to have less consoles you need to connect and boot up seperately. I most definitly did play wii games on my wiiU and GC games on my wii. And you better believe my 3DS plays more DS games than it does 3DS ones (original DS broke).
My GameCube broke so my wii is the only way to play my gc games.
Nintendont doesn't support GC discs and its not as good as Dolphin
>I most definitly did play wii games on my wiiU and GC games on my wii
But why?
Nintendont supports GC games (on USB/SD) because the Wii U has the hardware to play them directly, just like the Wii. It's not an emulator.
I know it can play the games but it won't play your old discs and you won't have access to your save files so why even bother?
>sell your old consoles
no but I definitely have limited space for what I have hooked up at once, also I never had a ps1 so my first time playing those games was on ps2.
>what is dolphin
You only play a game once? Are you retarded?
You can backup Gamecube memory cards/saves into a Nintendont/Dolphin usable format, you know.
>but why
Why would i go through the hassle of plugging my gamecube back into the tv when i had a wii?
That's you. My friend does in fact play PS1 games on his PS2 and Gamecube games on his Wii.
But if Nintendo had ignored BC for the Wii they could've spent more time and money developing better shit for it.
if you cant use your discs or memory cards then its not BC its just piracy
>I never used my Wii U to play Wii games
>I never used my PS2 to play PS1 games
I did, and thus by OP is a fag logic I invalidate your opinion by counter example.
I didn't have to sell shit, you can only hook up so many consoles to one TV before it becomes a clusterfuck of cables and AV switching hubs. Excuse me for not wanting to deal with that shit.
Something I'm too lazy to go about doing. Besides I don't feel like dragging my computer downstairs to the tv so I can recreate nostalgia while playing por and Mario party
>let me change definitions when they don't suit my argument
I love how you've been btfo by effectively every person in this thread.
>I don't feel like dragging my computer downstairs to the tv
you play GC and Wii games on 1080p TV? You enjoy the games having shit picture quality?
How can you call it BC when you can't use your save files or discs?
When you stop being underage and accumulate a couple decades' worth of consoles under your TV, then you will understand how retarded your arguments are.
I used my Wii and PS2 for backward compatibility all the time, because I don't have space for my NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and Xbox 360 in my shelf, and even if I did I already dig around in the cable jungle behind my TV to switch cables often enough for the consoles I currently use - adding several more generations to that would be insane.
Using my wii for gc games, using my ps2 for psx games, using my gameboy advance sp for gba,gbc and gb and i use my 3ds for ds games.
I do. I want to play as many games as I can on one device.
Switch having no backwards compatibility for the Wii U hurt the most and people shouldn't deny it
First, nobody wanted to a Wii U to begin with
Second, it died too soon (mostly because it sucked)
So not many people experienced the few games that are actually good..at least, not long enough
Just think about it for a moment - the Switch doesn't have Mario Maker and Smash Bros yet, it's fucking stupid
It did get Mario Kart 8 and soon getting an improved Pokken, but it still need to get Smash
stop being poor and get a bigger shelf then
>wanting a Smash port instead of new game
fuck off retard
>wanting a a 12452435th edition of smash when the ones we have work just fine
Yeah man I agree. The same way that GTX 1080 graphics cards and Kaby Lake cpus shouldn't be able to play games from 2012 or earlier.
Lol I did faggot. Just because you have the attention span of a goldfish and don't ever want to play older games doesn't mean that it's pointless.
thanks to the shitty MK8 port, now the Switch won't get a new MK9 until like in 3 or so years.
If you want to play the old games just fucking play the old ones, they aren't going anywhere.
>don't ever want to play older games
I played them while they were relevant, latefag. I don't need BC because I play every worthwhile game on the system while its actually alive.
>Have shit load of video games
>New TVs don't support the old consoles
>New consoles don't have backwards compatibility
Poor bait.
It's gonna be the same shit with 4 new tracks.
What if my Wii U / PS3 eventually broke down?
Are you suggesting I spend 1000$ on a PC that can emulate them because nintendo/sony are too lazy to implement BC?
Oh okay, I guess you just played literally every good game on the GC while it was alive, and didn't bother looking back. Do you scowl at people who buy NES/SNES/N64 cartridges, too? Those have been long past their prime, and yet people still play with them.
>What if my Wii U / PS3 eventually broke down?
They won't
>Do you scowl at people who buy NES/SNES/N64 cartridges, too?
what does that have to do with BC?
>They won't
Great argument user.
You want to wait 5 years for a new game? be my guest
>They won't
The PS3 is literally a time bomb. Eventually there will be no PS3s in the world.
>I played them while they were relevant
How isn't that relevant to what you just said
It's already been 3 years since Smash 4 so it'll only be 2 or 3 until the next one.
What makes you think they will?
This is pretty telling, user, you don't know how computers and consoles work. Old games are good games, emulation is done almost wholly by software(there are some hardware BC, but fewer, now that everything has moved to the same architecture), so BC isn't holding it back. If anything, Emulation needs good access to resources since it's pretending to be a different chipset, so there's nothing to suggest that it's somehow hamstringing current games.
Besides, what's holding back current games development is big companies trying to hold on to the normie audience. Those fuckers abandoned ship after last generation, they're all on their cellphones.
"I only like playing whats new because everything else is trash" : the post.
You are part of the reason games are shit now.
I refuse to believe anyone actually doesn't care about backwards compatibility unless they literally didn't own the last console. Like why the fuck wouldn't you want the ability to play your old games on your new device? You're gonna revisit them eventually.
I played old games while they were relevant on relevant hardware, and I don't get rid of my consoles, why should I care if my new consoles can't play games from old consoles?
Did you get mad when the N64 couldn't play SNES games or the GC couldn't play N64 games?
I use my PS2 to play PS1 games.
I use my GBA to play GB games.
I use my DS to play GBA games.
I use my 3DS to play DS games.
The primary reason that I never used the Wii to play GameCube games is because you need to pull out your GC controllers and hook them into the back of the console to use it that way. I do use my Wii U to play Wii games, although that is mainly because I transferred the saves over. I'd likely just get rid of my Wii U if the Wii version of FF4: After Years wasn't stuck on it.
>I think that BC does hold consoles back
Backwards compatibility is a meme for console wars
>Like why the fuck wouldn't you want the ability to play your old games on your new device?
because I don't throw out my old consoles and adding BC just takes away resources that could be used for something else
It saves space having only one console out and it's less hassle to hook up another console to play an older game when the new one does as well.
I don't care about BC myself especially since I have a decent PC, but are you so dense you can't see why people would want BC? Not to mention consoles are always going to be under powered toasters anyways, so I find the "BC holds console back" argument moot.
>are you so dense you can't see why people would want BC?
why should I care what dumb normalfags want?
>consoles are always going to be under powered toasters anyways, so I find the "BC holds console back" argument moot.
why would you want them to be held back even more?
So you just want it gone full stop, and never expect old equipment to break or deteriorate over the decades you carry it? Console cycles are now to the point where almost a decade will pass before a new console will come out you know. I sincerely doubt you've ever owned a console with a disc reader.
No one cares if consoles are underpowered, their selling feature is convenience. And taking away BC is literally making them less convenient.
So if anything, taking away BC is what holds consoles back.
>I don't do thing so that means no one does
>Console cycles are now to the point where almost a decade will pass before a new console will come out you know.
Is this some kind of fucking joke? The Switch came out 4 years after the Wii U did
>I sincerely doubt you've ever owned a console with a disc reader.
I've owned PS2, PS4, Wii, Wii U, and Gamecube
>And taking away BC is literally making them less convenient.
No it isn't, don't throw out your old systems and it won't be a problem.
>just keep this fragile piece of equipment for which there's no official support running for decades then there will be no problem.
If you really care so much about it then why not just emulate?
And its not like they can keep doing it forever. Like, there is no console that plays N64 games besides the N64. what's your excuse there?
>then why not just emulate
Yeah lets fucking wait for the finicky state of some of these to finally get sorted out
That's cool. Just because you refuse to believe in something doesn't mean that thing is erased from existence. I care about BC and it has nothing to do with being poor.
NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, Wii U, PS1, Genesis, and lots of other systems are perfectly emulated, what's the problem? I thought PC was the master race?
>I care about BC and it has nothing to do with being poor.
What does it have to do with then?
Why do you assume everyone who wants backwards compatibility has a gaming PC?
Nintendo only tapped out of the Wii U because it bombed harder than hiroshima. Try 3ds, Ps3, xbox360, vita and hell PSP too.
We're on Sup Forums, everyone has a gaming PC
>Try 3ds
one of the main reasons I regret buying one
CEMU can already play BOTW, 3D World and Bayonetta 2 better than a Wii U can.
>We're on Sup Forums, everyone has a gaming PC
Sup Forums doesn't even play video games
I find it stupid how people complain about remasters and remakes (which are usually superior) but then go out and BUY the latest BC game on Xbox.
I'm pretty sure anyone who bought an Xbone has legitimate mental problems. I have a friend who bought one years ago solely because he liked the 360 so much.
I use backwards compatibility all the time. It's not that I'm poor, it's just really fuckin convenient. Got tired of having old systems around just for a few games. The older I get the more if a minimalist I'm becoming. One reason I shifted to my xbone over ps4 when buying multiplats. I have quite a few 360 games I still play a lot and even a few og xbox games. Can't wait to see what games they add so I can get rid of my 360.
Read the rest of the post retard. And do you seriously fucking think someone with all those consoles is too poor to buy a shelf?
stopped reading there
>No on cares about BC
>Meanwhile old ass Capcom ports are selling millions
Backwards compatibility is important for me and my friends because sometimes we want to play melee and sometimes we want to play brawl. Two different games for two different moods.
One s is pretty good and backwards compatibility is done really well. It's still a good console if you like halo gears forza franchises and don't play on pc. I wasn't gonna get one but it was a gift. Not nearly as bad as people here make it out to be.
>It's still a good console if you like halo gears forza franchises and don't play on pc.
everyone here plays on PC.
don't pretend your friends are hardcore enough to notice the differences between Brawl and Melee aside from the roster
Why? I'm lazy af and don't feel like cleaning or moving it around. I hate clutter in my house. I had almost ever major system going back to NES plus hundreds of games. It feels so much better after I sold most of it.
>It feels so much better after I sold most of it.
why would you sell those, you know you're never getting them back right?
I don't :^)
In b4 plebbit retard
Huh? There are a bunch of differences besides the roster. Different maps, different items, and the final smash ball all make for a much different experience. Are you a tourneyfag? Because we play for fun.
Because I had stacks of games and systems I haven't actually played in over a decade and it was depressing. I had no real desire to either. Made a couple thousand bucks too.
I do. It's nice to be able to play my 360 games on my Xbone.
Now if I could play all 360 and huge box games on my Xbone, I'd be happy, no need to haul around 3 consoles, no need to have them all plugged in and taking up space nor having to thing about placement for the things.
Aren't the only good 360 games online? Does anyone even still play those?
>I refuse to believe
because you're a 12 year old
they need to have you verify your age before posting
>I didn't do it so clearly noboby will!
This guy tho
>because you're a 12 year old
why do you say that
only poor people care about it.
>I refuse to believe anyone actually cares about backwards compatibility on consoles
The only reason my hacked Wii U is still plugged in is because I play everything Nintendo from Wii and earlier on it.
why didn't you play it while those systems were relevant? Are you underage?
>if they don't spend time on BC they can spend that time making more stuff for the console
This is childish reasoning. Setting up a system to be able to read a second kind of disc doesn't take as much work as making a new game or any of the other things I'm sure you think they should have done instead.
This isn't game dev simulator. There isn't a bar marked "effort that is allowed to be put into console" and when it's empty it's empty.
Your question is flawed because you are clearly 12.
>Setting up a system to be able to read a second kind of disc doesn't take as much work
surely you have a source for your claims?
only a child could have such a stupid opinion
OP is clearly underage
>There isn't a bar marked "effort that is allowed to be put into console" and when it's empty it's empty.
There kind of is. BC drives up the price of consoles.
only a child would care about having BC, non-underages already have the old systems
>Sup Forums acts like its a cardinal sin if a console doesn't have BC
>Switch doesn't have BC
>Sup Forums sucks it dick on a daily basis
Really gets the ol' gears turning huh?
Video games are for children. I'm a 34 year old normie manchild. The more old video game systems you have at my age, the more cringe you look and feel.
>You can never replay games
>You could play all the good games a system had to offer when you were a kid with limited resources