Why hasnt there been a good WW2 that is from Axis perspective? A Wehrmacht fps medal of honor style would be nice. So many epic and sad stories from the Axis side to be told.
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Why the Hungarian flag? Shouldn't it be Italian?
Because the Jewish vassals won WWII, obviously.
Why are you even answering a question with such a no obvious answer?
Games where you're shooting Americans and are made aware of it don't sell well.
Look at Battlefield 1, a European game that had to rewrite history just to hamfist them in.
Play RTS games, those have no qualms about fun campaigns like that. Blitzkrieg has Axis campaigns, so does Codename: Panzers (these are rather personal) or Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts.
What the fuck are you on about you mouthbreathing retard? Italians played a bigger part as Hitler's pet than literal cannon fodder.
Whoever has the balls to do it will have free reign of a fresh untapped perspective that'll succeed even if it's shit just because of the hubbub surrounding it.
Watch for a dead series like Brothers in Arms or Medal of Honour to try to reboot like this. Though I'm surprised no indie game has done this already.
its not the hungarian flag. its more like a cutesy logo for the axis powers.
It's literally the Hungarian flag.
Why the danish flag shouldn't it be the Italian?
I sure wonder why OP. I sure wonder why.
Like, I could understand the nazi and jap shit but what the fuck does red/white have to do with the green background? You can't be this delusional.
lot of weeb games and like so, you just dont know that
>Whoever has the balls to do it
A Game like that will be banned in most of Europe and won't sell in America because Americans can never be the bad guys.
Jews control the media
Has any indie developer thought of making a WW2 Axis game?
kurds and tajikistan have the same flag then. fuycking idiot, red/white/green does not just belong to hungary.
the white is for the japs, who have a red sun on a white background. the red is for the nazis, who have a swastika on a red background. its not meant to be confusing but holy shit the autism on Sup Forums.
>both have golden shit in the background
You can't be this retarded.
I also told you I understand the red and white but you failed to explain the fucking green background like the mouthbreathing fucking mognoloid you are. I'd slit your fucking throat if you lived anywhere near me, braindead shits like you should not be allowed to live.
>nobody wants to play as the bad guys
>implying Axis are bad
How do you even write a story about that without it being blatantly racist?
I love Letter from Iwo Jima, making the main character fighting in the war be neutral to the politics. Simply a man who wants something better for his child's future drafted to service.
Not in the background, in the middle. My bad.
Keep the racist things , make it cartoonish
Why must the game not be blatantly racist?
Realism hurt your fee-fees?
The only way to do it would be to create something akin to Cross of Iron, even then its going to be niche and its going to have to be very well written and presented. Which video games routinely fucking fail at.
People always want realism in their games, so I say keep the racism. It will be uncomfortable but that's how it should be.
Do the Italians get points for team kills?
Do the french get a surrender button?
Are the American super powerful like always?
I don't think this board would survive the inevitable invasion of retards.
Hurr good guys win finally, hurr where were you when you could remove jews hurr did nothing wrong hurr
I would fucking love to play a game as the Germans being pushed back into Germany. Just getting destroyed fucking entire cities being razed just the look of defeat on every face, deserters and rape and corpses.
>sentences with added "hurr" to it
Really makes me think
What did they ever do good?
Germany and Japan simply wanted to conquer everything without remorse. Italy was just there.
Why the hell would you support Axis? Are you a neo-nazi German? A Japanese ? Are you italian?
Its to denote something Ive seen shat out here in a feeble attempt to offend so many times a hurr is more than deserved.
Because no one wants to play as a smelly loser lmfao
Excellent, top tier banter.
This really will show those wankers who is right.
>le french surrender meme
I'm not even french but this is one of the dumbest memes
pic related
plus Hearts of Iron 3
Wait you think theres something right and wrong here?
That sounds cool
You could just leave out the ideological bits and make it solely about soldiers fighting for their countries or glory or some shit.
That's like asking how you can play as the Soviets without it being a blatant advocation for forced mass collectivization and starvation. Game devs have downplayed faction ideology a million times before, it's a non-issue.
Because no one would want to be forced to play as Italy
Holy shit fucking idiot
It baffles me how could anyone be this fucking retarded. If you reply to me again I'm going to hang your entire family.
My entire family is dead you fucker
My work here is done then.
Because Jews don't want to humanize them.
Look at the Red Orchestra games
Despite not having proper campaigns, they present all factions as made up mostly of confused, scared young men crying and screaming as they're fed en masse to an horrific meat grinder.
Think you cant empathize with a German soldier? Listen to him hold his disemboweled stomach in while he cries to his mother next to you. Think you can't feel for a japanese soldier? Listen to him gurgling blood as he squeezes his ripped-open neck.
but nazis were evil and you shouldn't feel any pitty for them
Just replace them with the Hungarians then.
Please no
Because wehraboos dont have the iq, discipline or creativity to make their own games
Why would anyone want to play as the losers?
desperate survival
why don't you make one then
How else are they going to identify with the protagonists?
>Why would anyone want to play as the losers?
Same reason Vietnam games exist
i guess it's the same reason some people have a cuck fetish. Makes sense, this game would do well with the alt-right crowd.
The master race doesn't do any work on their own. They merely enjoy the results of the lessers' work as is their birthright.
Amusingly, there's actually a pretty clear link between Communism/Socialism and below average IQ.
The debate is if it's the malnutrition which is just the result of the ideology, or if the lack of focus on individual success leads to overall lower success.
People like Vietnam War games from the US perspective, do they not?
>or if the lack of focus on individual success leads to overall lower success.
you know this has been proved tons of times
collectivist systems like communism and fascism just fuck people over so much they're afraid to stand out on anything lest they become too good to be let alive.
>germany still managed to unite all of europe under one banner and one currency
>why don't we make a game where the good guys are figures form history that are universally condemned
Gee I wonder...
Its called Red Orchestra (both first and second) and its an antipleb game.
Ironic because Americans have been the bad guys for the last 60+ years
t. yurosemen
Didn't red orchestra's campaign do it pretty well? I never realized playing as the germans were fun as fuck. Their battle cries are all disciplined and had an austere fervor to it, highly contrasting to the russian's emotional/desperate quips
as long as animu
who's the bird?
Sounds like modern Germany
Yeah. I know. But, people will never accept it.
It's an amusing paradox really.
Communism is founded on fedoray anti-religious faggotry, basically saying that religion makes people stupid, and yet, despite that, adopting the ideology as fervently as religion, leads to just as much stupidity, as if you spoke about this, you'd be purged.
Fascism is more science-focused. It says that there's scientifically inferior traits in different races, and so on. Yet if you were to use said science, and find that that's not the case, you'd be purged.
Both claim to be enlightened, yet both stifle any attempts it.
To be fair, the modern age isn't much better. Rather than purging you, we just make you a social pariah, or unemployable if you decide to research or discuss things which go against the grain.
Success breeds jealousy
b-but muh six million
you'd get crucified in the media
Why would you wanna play as the losers?
I'd rather be under a nazi regime, if you play your cards well you wont have the secret police dragging you out in the middle of the night while commies will come and take you away because they have a quota to fill.