First 20 min of Switch FF XV
First 20 min of Switch FF XV
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i strongly feel like this is an insult to life itself
>they wasted all this money on a remake of a 2016 game
>could have been Bravely Third for switch
fuck u square
>implying this downgrade mobile game has a budget more than 100 bucks
>Switch FF XV
It's not for Switch, dumbass
We're getting octopath traveler though.
Is FFXV really deserving of all the crossover marketing, side games and remakes? This just feels like another FFXIII debacle in progress.
It will be, though.
They already so no plans for pocket on any system right now since they would have to redo how the game plays
SE what in the heck are you doing?
Holy fuck man I just want square to move on to the next title. I really enjoyed XV despite all it's issues but now I'm finding it hard to stomach seeing it.
I really feel like this would have worked if they didnt bitch out a quarter way through, it shouldve been retro 16 bit throwback graphics and sounds then just return to the ATB system
inb4 it ends up being better than the actual game
>only hire otaku interns to do everything
>no innovative genuises allowed
>no incentive to make anything more than the same rehashed shit
>why do they keep making the same game over and over
because its literally all they know how to do.
Don't forget the Assassins Creeds crossover DLC. I thought it couldn't get worse.
>Could have had a 3D FFV remake on the 3DS, allowing you to play FFIII, FFIV, FFV and both Bravely games on the same system
>people mad at a game developed by a mobile team, for phones, that will literally pay itself in a day
>people think that, somehow, a mobile project is interfering with development for the main series
Some people here need to go back to school
The combat looks better than the actual FFXV desu
If you don't believe me.
Would've been better if the VA was gone and replaced by inflections, with text only.
The VA here is an awful juxtaposition
it's not for switch
They want their investment back. It's XIII all over again.
Way to miss the point entirely.
Definitely, it's extremely jarring
Seconded. Such a bad choice
Howling, Nintendo babies
Okay so I'm not the only one who thought the VA was a bit odd. I honestly expected them to redo the voice acting or to take it out completely.
Go shit up some other board with your low quality bait
>SE is wasting resources on this instead of trying to come up with something new and interesting for once
>Still 20fps on a fucking mobile game with shittier graphics
You can't make this shit up
Switch wins again.
What is the point of this? I can understand the AC normie pandering, but who is this mobile port for? Do they realize that mobile players are looking for cheap thrills like color switch or mobage shit for Subway trips and not some 20 hour story driven RPG? And anyone on mobile who doesn't already own a console probably doesn't want one, otherwise, why would they willingly play the worst version of a game already available? Also, it's not like XV is this grand tale worth experiencing again in a new form, or at all, especially on mobile.
I feel like Tabata's team really think they've created some fucking masterpiece that everyone needs to experience, when it isn't the case at all. I hope it's not because of that reason and it's just purely made to milk gullible children with phones
Damn, how much money have they lost on XV that they're trying to recoup so bad?
What was the purpose of this game again?
Wait this wasn't a joke? Hooooooly shit square enix. I love your games but what are you doing
To make more yen off of die-hard SE fanboys.
You're not alone in feeling that way user
>wasting resources instead of coming up with new games.
This is standard SE practice. They've been doing this since FF13. Don't forget they made to sequels for a game no body asked for and no body really wanted and each game sold less than the one before it. Then you have the remakes of old games and the re-releases, and then the unnecessary sequels and prequels (4 and 7). They'll run this shit into the ground before even beginning production of FF16.
>People really liked all those ugly as fuck early FF remasters
>Lol let's do it with the new games too
What were they theenkeeng?
Final Fantasy is a dead series
Not even spin-offs are good, just a bunch of mediocre to shit game
last good mainline game is more than 10 years old
Fucking Crystal Chronicles Remake FINALLY
Crystal Chronicles would be great Mobage trash
It's already past "run into the ground". This motherfucker has reached China.
what is going on at the top of the stairs there
>Is FFXV really deserving of all the crossover marketing, side games and remakes?
seeing how long it took them to make FFXV overall and all the resources and wasted money they had to suffer through from huge revisions of the game, yeah i think square really needs to market this game as much as they can.
I guess they lost the rights to use Stand By Me in the intro? And even some basic Kingdom Hearts 1 lip flap would have been nice.
>even with those graphics the game runs at silky smooth 10fps
I can respect them updating and adding stuff into the game itself, in the sense that there was a definite vision for the game and they want to get the game into a state that can reflect that vision. All this other stuff though. fucking really?
15 was so fucking bad holy shit. talk about lifeless
and I'm sure everyone else will be getting it too.
>All this other stuff though. fucking really?
everything has been all mobile so far and you should know by now that mobile shit can be pretty profitable.
>never saw any of the story before
>the story actually fucing starts with Characters in dangerous situation ands ends with a "cliffhanger" moment, and then the story goes back into the past before that event happens, and the entire game is just playing up to that point
We are taking about Square "How many FF XIII games do you want senpai?" Enix here.
Yes. They basically spoil the Ifrit fight and a timeskip within the first 10 seconds of the game. It was done because the scene right after is them pushing a car and Tabata wanted to keep the children's attention just in case they bail
Welcome to the afterlife of FF
I dunno, it worked for W101. Then again, that game was a lot more charming than this piece of shit.
Jesus Christ, they took the intro scene one of the few things this game did right and ruined it. I can't take the game seriously when everyone looks like funko pop figures
To be fair, SE needed some quick cash after the FFXIV fiasco and considering the Versus project wasn't improving, FFXIII had to carry the entire company
They could have used all that money to finish the damn game
>this game was planned years ago
>they thought it was a good idea to make this
>They could have used the money that went into this, the anime, movie, and other mobile game and instead put it into making a brand new title, remake a past game, finish xv, give one of their other dormant brands a sequel, or literally anything else
Not gonna lie, looks better than the photorealistic effeminate twinkle-eye fagboy art style square normally goes for.
I just don't understand. This type of milking suits BOTW, or some game that made a splash and wasn't forgotten 2 weeks after release. It really feels like they're just trying to force XV into the public consciousness because it wasn't able to the first time. All it's done now is make people loathe the game even more.
>Other mobile game
Brave New Empire is a rip off. I have no idea how those fuckers haven't gotten a massive lawsuit up the ass yet. I'm speculating they made Mobile specifically to counter it.
That fucking egg only exist so I can cosplay as Altair, not even Ezio for the love of God just stop Square fucking stop
FFXIII at least managed to give a half decent game for 13-3
but since noctis is dead at the end of 15, there won't be any event like this one
>It's not for Switch, dumbass
It is for the switch though, dumbass.
I was kinda cool to see the characters start a youngsters but they'll fight the final battle as adult men.
>Brave New Empire is a rip off. I have no idea how those fuckers haven't gotten a massive lawsuit up the ass yet.
Because SE licensed it out to them
The last three FF games were failures (this is coming from someone who likes 15)
13 got two sequels
14 got rebooted into an actually good game
15 needs to be milked into "good" tier just to justify the existence of the game it's squares strategy. At this point I think the FF series is just a money laundering scheme by the Yakuza
>they would have to redo how the game plays
source or did you just make that shit up?
This honestly looks like a joke.
>all these ads for their phone game
I feel sick.
>for switch
Fucking why? Nobody owns a Switch m8. Keep it on 3DS
The game has no controller support what so ever, its all done by dragging where you want Noctis to go and tapping on the enemy
Ign asked about this being ported to Switch and they pretty much said it would take a lot of work to redo the controls but they don't think people on Switch would want it.
xv-kun can you please use this thread instead
I honestly can't watch this without laughing.
>having been watching TV like a normie to see that.
I was watching the hurricane reports with Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees
>not getting all your breaking up to the minute news from Sup Forums
fuck me!
why couldn't we have gotten this as the real game or as a new "PS1" mode
i am playing this again!
That sounds like a breaking news report on CNN, so I guess I'm not missing out on much.
Did I say anything about it being Russia's fault?
No, but let's proceed to talk about it anyways for the rest of the week using the breaking news graphic each time.
Sure, XV is good unlike 13.
They already made a profit on XV. How does a phone demake have anything to do with investment on the main game?
There's nothing wrong with this
Do you even know what you're trying to say?
There is literally nothing wrong with this crossover, it's just a fun free thing
its too bad
i liked the characters, journey and music
but the story and combat where SHIT AS FUCK
i enjoyed exploring places too, but after everything was said and done, i just felt like i wasted time overall.
>wake up
>see this
>wat do?
Like what exactly did Sqenix do wrong here? Ruin your goth twink boy makeout fantasy?
kys already xv-kun
no versus died because it was canned then turned into xv in 2012. that app isn't even made by se you turd
>>wat do?
Wake up again.
I see you're sperging out while not knowing what your pic is even trying to say
Squaresoft has lost their mutherfucking minds.
Epic, just epic
It's pointless, a waste of resources and development time that could've been allocated towards actual story content that people asked for, and it's also temporary. Final Fantasy is now a cuck franchise that whores itself out to promote normie western trash, regardless of if the crossover is even appropriate or not.
It was planned before the game was out and SE has done cross over promotion with Assassins creed before. Hell so did MGS4