>Fallout 4 came out 2 years ago
>I'm still mad about it
What's the longest time a video game has made you mad for?
Fallout 4 came out 2 years ago
I'm still mad about Sonic 06
Im still mad about spore.
came here to post this.
only thing worse would have been grimoire, but at least it finally came out now
I'm still mad about Hitman Absolution. And the fact that that pile of shit has a 90% rating on steam makes me even more angry
I still mad about 3 that's why I will touch this shit
This. Although, I'm still pissed off about Duke Nukem Forever. I remember some of the screenshots printed in late 90s PC mags, and thinking how epic it would be.
I'm still mad at this fucking shitlord
It still infuriates me to see people that even in 2017 think that Fallout 3 was anything more than a 3.5/10
That we got anything was a minor miracle. It was fished out of the garbage disposal, what could you reasonably have expected out of it?
It was a solid 5/10.
I'm glad it came out. We would have never gotten NV otherwise.
Mafia 2
You know the game is shit when you go and search if anything had been cut and left half-assed before the release, and fucking hell there was a lot
I wish I can go back without ever having played it, that a downgrade from Mafia: The city of Lost Heaven
>what could you reasonably have expected out of it?
When it was announced - everything. When it was finished, I'd pretty much stop caring by then.
i had a mental breakdown over the sentients on warframe once.
bad times.
You had best get the fuck out of my way if anyone in real life brings this game up. I'm talking atom bomb destruction when I get talking about how good this game could have been.
>tfw haven't played past ME:2 yet
Ruh-roh, should I just stop while i'm at it?
By the way, Dragon age 2 sucks major ass too
I've broken windows. An ex-friend brought up how he liked the "new" Ocelot. I threw the fucking remote right out his apartment window. I'm still trying to calm down from that one.
Diablo 3 and the auction house scam.
>Fallout 4 came out 2 years ago
>still no pregnancy mods
It was actually fallout 2, with its 1 ending, what a fucking waste
I'm still mad about Hellgate London.
Why are we still here?
I'm still mad about MGS 4. It's been nearly a decade now.
I'm also still mad about Invisible War. Nearly fifteen years on that one.
I'm still mad Beth got Fallout franchise in the first place. Fallout 3 was so bad I can't even. Also, I refuse to believe F4 become even shittier rpg, it must be nostalgia speaking.
4 was good though.
You're right it's not a shittier RPG. It's not an RPG
THIS! I was so god damn hyped for that game. The early e3 footage was incredible.
C'mon user, atleast it was a decent game.
4 was horrible.
This. I was willing to forgive Bethesda if they used 3 as a first step into a franchise they were unfamiliar with but 4 just proved they actually wanted the game to be shit.
Like you said, at least we got NV from it.
>played fallout 3 again after the hype of the fallout 4 E3
>straight away knew fallout 4 was going to be a disaster
Fuck you it was great. I'm going to replay it now just to spite you.
Yeah, that will show him.
That's it, you just ensured that I do NG+. Happy?
I can't even say that I thought the game was going to be shit and then was mad when I was right. I genuinely thought that it was going to be a great game and was enraged when it wasn't
Mass Effect 3. It wasn't even the ending, the entire game was worse than 2.
You want to punish yourself, that's up to you.
Still mad about this one.
LMAO at that description of the concept art. Just flat out gave up on making a custom human in game.
As bad as the rmah was it wasn't even the worst part of d3. Neither was the always online, nor the fact that it was designed for consoles, nor that the loot was all terrible nor the overstylized under detailed graphics. They raped the story, raw dogging. Fucking butterflies man
Answering so that you play through that shit three times in a row. You deserve it. Suffer, worm.