I want to shoot things

I want to shoot things.
I like gun porn.
What can I play? I played Fallout 4 and installed a couple of gun mods, but I want to move to something else. help me.

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STALKER has some pretty good gun mechanics
also, what's the name of that revolver?

you could try asking this on /k/ though knowing those guys most people would just say STALKER
could try /vr/ as well
that's not to say this thread shouldn't be here, just some ideas to get you more suggestions

MGO2 is pretty gun-porn-y, but you need to nuke your PS3 to play it.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter also had some sweet weapon customization, but it's dead.

Fuck wish i had my mateba back

>but you need to nuke your PS3 to play it
didn't that change a few months back? I don't really know anything about the game but I thought I saw a thread about it

Metro 2033


Try receiver. In depth gun mechanics like flipping the safety and manually reloading your your gun.

Seconding this, extremely short game but I've managed to put in a couple hours just because the gun mechanics are flawless.

any more shit like this?

Receiver if you want the minutia of gun mechanics.
Killing Floor 1/2 if you want guns that feel incredibly satisfying to shoot.

Fallout New Vegas
Metro series
Resident Evil 4 (personal opinion)
Crysis series
If you want futuristic gun porn, DOOM 2016 has some sexy gunplay

Far Cry 2



I wish I had a fuckn mateba

Payday 2 + Hawk's Sound Pack is pretty good. It's got Matebas.

The game is pretty much dead and no one plays my favourite heists anymore.

killing floor

Wolfenstein New Order

How has no one mentioned DOOM yet.

Go fuckig play the new DOOM OP. Guns are the most satisfying part of that game

Does the sound pack fix how weak and shitey all the gun feel? I played Payday 2 a while back after not playing for a year and was immediatly turned off by the fact the guns all felt horrible to shoot.

I dunno if this is what you're looking for gun wise but if its the feeling of the gun and impact it has on enemies I'd recommend Max Payne 3 and this weird 2D indie shooter called Crisis Response.


No it doesn't.

>that one /k/ autist that destroyed black as "gun porn"
most entertaining and oddly educational 30 minutes spent

You got a link? Is it just about how the guns eject to the left and the gunshots are tailored for musical purposes?

If you are really that desperate to waste 30 minutes

killing floor 2 has very nicely modelled and fun to shoot guns

Stalker Call of Chernobyl mod with either STCOP or Arsenal overhaul addons.

You won't be disappointed.

Either that or Escape from Tarkov.

Thanks senpai

Escape from Tarkov is breddy gud
So is Insurgency/Day of Infamy

Aw not this whiny faggot again.

I usually like /k/ whining about guns but so far he seems too extreme for it. Are all his videos like this?

H3VR, my dude.


Yes and No. Depends on topic.

Jagged Alliance 2 1.13

To be fair, I'm enjoying this Black video much more than his whining diatribe about HL2, even though he makes decent points about it. Some good lines in this one, and he obviously knows his way around a gun.

>ctrl + f

if you dont have a ps2 then just emulate it on pcsx2, runs great

Buy a real gun faggot.

There solved your problem.

What was the game you could put like, 7 scopes on a gun? Pretty sure it was a jrpg, but I could be wrong.

>FPS has corned the market on games with guns
I mean its obvious why, but other genres manage to have better details for their guns than most shooters.

>implying /k/

/k/ talked about Black for all of 30 seconds and it amounted to
>lmoa hot brass in my face because all the guns are left-handed

Escape from Tarkov.
ARMA 3 with RHS mods.
Battlefield 4 for the sheer amount in beautiful detail, but the actual ballistics suck.

Resonance of Fate.

what's your steam username, I need people to heist with

I don't know about 7 scopes, but I know you can put 5 tactical lights on a shotgun in Escape from Tarkov and turn people's monitors white.

thats because you are supposed to turn up the difficulty.
enemies get mor accurate but so do you.
game difficulty affects accuracy.
on the hardest difficulty you are pinpoint accurate if you account for recoil.

If you want one just go for the spiritual successor Chiappa, unless you're flush with disposable income

Shoot yourself then

That sounds fucking hilarious

Every weapon is viable, but some weapons are more viableor fun then others

>eft is 45€ in my country
I want gun porn but no thanks.

Give me a socially acceptable reason to like guns.

Not being a faggot or a foreigner

I would be careful with Chiappa, alright guns but poor quality control. Make sure you see it in person before buying.



Zdoom+Aeons of Death mod.
The best gunporn in the world

Also nuclear throne and enter the gungeon, if you like indie.

I've never shot or even fingered one, I just figured I'd mention them since Matebas are so rare and expensive.
If we're going full /k/ I'm a CZ fag anyways


what cz you got, user?

I prefer the Redhawk and Super Redhawk Rugers, at times I feel alone in preferring revolvers with a slimmer profile than the fatties seen in

I just don't want some stupid user getting a lemon. I want a CZ one of these days, really love the looks. I've got a Walther 9mm and a Tokarev myself.

There are also a couple mods you can install for more guns


It could be an extension but I still want to state that you can't put a silencer on a revolver as it wont do shit.

This fine piece of ass. Heavy as fuck for a polymer gun but goddamn is it comfortable, and the trigger is damn near sexual. Fits my need for a nightstand gun and works for IDPA matches, so I'm definitely satisfied. I'm saving up for a Scorpion to SBR, I have wet dreams about it.

Good looking out user. If you can rent one, try it. I rented a 75 and was hooked. What Walther do you have?

unless you have a gas sealed cylinder like the Nagant, but that's probably the only exception

How did you manage to get this autistic without learning a single thing about the Mateba?

What is it about an obviously ported barrel that says "silencer" to you?

It's a Tornado 6.

>only 2nd one from the bottom doesnt look completely retarded

How people find amazing new ways to fuck with aestetics of a gun is beyond me.

Hello I'm the most beatufil handgun ever made.

Bullet physics together with numerous other ballistics simulations make the STALKER's gunplay very satisfying. You just need to MASTER the gameplay and guns first.

>mateba autorevolver
guess you wanna play Destiny and use The Last Word. Some things will inevitably trigger you, but still.

Underhell: Chapter 1 has some of the most satisfying shotguns, and guns in general, out of all modern shooters so far.

Obviously you should have also played the original FEAR game at this point too.

Oh boy I love this cute lil twink. thjanks for sharing

Stalker has interesting guns and good customization but not good gunplay

This was a good watch I must say, still, I like black a lot for what it is, and I'm glad of not being a /k/ommando

juarez gunslinger