Mario Kart 8 D Sup Forumseekend

You're not going to miss out, right? Surely you want to be a part of it this time around?

Mario Kart 8 was already the best Mario Kart of all time with all the DLC it got, MK8D is even better.

>now on a handheld hybrid, can play any way you want
>now in native 1080p60fps on TV instead of 720p upscaled like on the WiiU
>reduced loading times compared to WiiU
>can now hold two items instead of just one, no more only getting a single lame coin
>karts, bikes etc. all rebalanced to slightly nerf heavies and make other options more viable
>purple boosting stage added
>full on proper battle mode with multiple new game modes added and several completely new arena tracks
>all DLC included from the start, no more split online or problems of only ever playing on basic or dlc maps, all maps weighed equally now and accessible by all
>new characters, new karts, new parts (unlock Gold Mario for beating all 200cc cups)
>new items (feather and boo)
>can now change your character and kart online while in a lobby between the races instead of having to back out

Dare I say it? Has Nintendo just made the best and most content-rich Mario Kart game of all time?
No one should miss out on this, the Sup Forumseekends will be glorious.

Ah fuck it why not.

Where are you fuckers

Joining in

how do i join one of these?


battle! racing boring

>baby Mario
>metal mario
>tanooki Mario
>gold mario

This roster needed some fine tuning

>Switch needs to charge
I'll jump in in a bit.

OP here, joining in 20 minutes

is there a good tutorial vid for getting gud?
i can never seem to catch up to som players that have huge 1st lead

Drift, watch world record videos, keep playing

What's the most populated room?

I'll be joining the 150cc soon

Where's everyone else?

Sup Forums doesn't play videogames, silly

Should I get a switch and play with you guys today?

I don't see why not.

Of course


I guess I'll just lurk and see if some races start up later.

Doesn't Sup Forums like fun?