defend this right now
Defend this right now
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it's literally ok when nintendo does it. If you disagree with me you are obviously a sonybro since only they could possibly object to such a brilliant move to nintendo, now excuse me while I go slurp some semen
You mean like how Xbox one, PS3 and PS4 games need installs to experience the whole game? If you can buy a 1TB hard drive for those consoles, you can get a 128gb microsd card for the switch and whatever else that need it.
Fail to see the issue, everyone has one SD card lying around to be honest. Worse comes to worse they're not expensive to buy and can be re-used for phone, camera and so forth if you don't want to use it for your Switch again.
Vastly different from buying those piece of crap Vita card. I still have my 64GB collecting dust and cannot use it for anything else other than a dead console.
So yeah it's ok when Nintendo does when they do it right. The same way I've decommissioned my 3DS SD Cards, they're back for my SLR.
>sell you an underpowered console by design
>sell you the means to make the console less underpowered
You don't need to buy additional hardware to download a single game for any of the consoles you named.
Literally the modern N64 Expansion Pak
PS3 games have needed to install themselves since 2006, what's the issue here? At least it's a standardized format and not an overpriced proprietary format like some companies like to use..
>Xbox One and PS4 has 500GB and 1TB
>Switch has 32GB
Name a single PS3 game that requires you to buy additional hardware just to download it.
PS3 games aren't so big that you need external memory to play them, cunt.
any PS3 game if your hard drive is full
>carefully ignore the Vita argument
>but but muh PS3
I had to upgrade the hard drive in mine a couple of times.
How is that different from needing to get more storage for the Switch?
>ignoring the fact you need a HD in PS3, PS4, etc to install games
"It's only okay when everyone else does it!"
sounds more like it's not okay only when nintendo does it, but it's fine when everyone else does?
Except those are hard drives big enough to actually store games on and not the mircropenis sized 32GB MAX hard drive that the Switch has. You can't even store most 8th gen games on that.
the mental gymnasts in this thread justify it by somehow equating running out of space on like a PS3 being the same as not having any space in the first place on the switch
Not defending the Vita. It's just as bad. Don't assume I'm part of some fucking fanbase.
>aks nintendogaf to defend nintendo
>they really does it
Should I remind you when the PS3 wasn't sold with an HDMI cable then? It's the exact same shit.
Did you have to upgrade the hard drive for a single game you have installed?
>If you can buy a 1TB hard drive for those consoles,
base models come with 500 GB hard drive and the Pro and One S come with 1 TB hard drive. No extra purchases required.
no it's not and it came with scart
I'm not a poor fag so it doesn't affect me.
Does that make this okay?
>PS3 launches with 500gb hd (and at $600)
>fills up after a few games and their dlc/patches
>have to open system, move files between drives, place new drive in system
>"Hurr totally not the same thing!"
The PS3 originally came with a 60gb and 20gb models.
A 64GB 100mb/s SD card is $25, and a 128GB 100mb/s card is $50.
I kinda miss memory cards tbqh
>storage space = power
I actually stuck a 256GB drive in as soon as I got it.
Just like I put a 128GB card in my 3DS and will probably do the same when I get a Switch.
Storage is cheap, just upgrade. Better that they give you the opportunity to put a card in than require you to buy a whole new device if you want more storage like some companies do.
>lack of storage space
>more resources being spent relocating data into and out of memory
>performance drops
This 'aint my first rodeo, pardner
>>PS3 launches with 500gb hd (and at $600)
Actually it started at 20 or 60 GB.
And yeah it was and still is a piece of shit. There is basically no way to be an actual gamer and not have to change the harddrive within a few months.
Piss4 is even worse.
Fucking this.
>go to friends house with game
>have to bring own console so we don't have to start from scratch
Underage leave.
You're comparing 2006 standards with 2017 standards. Most people in 2006-7 still got games physically while on console. Current console users don't.
Is there any PS3 disc game that required more than a 20GB install to play?
>people are actually defending it
I'm baaa-aaack!
Are you fucking retarded
Don't avoid the fucking question.
>duhh.. hard drives are bigger now! fuck compressing anything, let's bloat every game to 100 gigs with 50 GBs of wav files and raw video
>only like 5 DVD's worth of space? no! no no no! i NEED more space! me no can compress!
This is like giving a slob a bigger room, even though there are more closets and boxes, he'll still leave all his things and trash lying on the floor because he's a fucking slob. Nu-developers that think they are entitled to retarded amounts of space need to die.
okay so switch has 20gb something available memory in it
the cartridges got 16gb
so some stupid basketball game takes more than 36GBs
That's the rumble pack that makes your N64 console itself shake, right?
I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. I didn't buy a PS3 until slims were a thing because there was literally nothing on the console I wanted to play the first 2 years it was out.
>"D-d-don't compare systems in their release state!"
stfu Sonyfag.
On one hand requiring extra memory than what you physically sell with your console is complete dreck and fuck you.
However, at least they are standard SD cards and not $100 a gb Vita special memory sticks.
As long as it isn't proprietary memory sticks and just normal SD cards, it'll be fine. People tend to forget that 3DS games required you have a SD card in there as well.
uncompressing takes CPU time
it only makes sense to go for bigger file sizes if it means better performance on modern setups where everyone have 1TB drives
Nah its the "expansion" pack that came with DK64.
PS3 launched with 60GB. And even then games didn't need that much space to install since bluray was able to store a lot more and read faster. You could easily have 15+ games installed at the same time without upgrading your HDD. Granted, later games came with increasingly more data to install so you could have less on your HDD at the same time.
The point of this entire thread is that in 2017 a console ships with 32GB of internal memory, the equivalent of a mid-price tablet, and because of that needs expensive microSD cards in order to play games.
In short; it's a completely different issue. And get your facts straight you brainlet
The mental image made me chuckle.
Isn't this just basically DLC and patches maybe?
You're correct, but I hope you suffocate to death in a pool of shit for being enough of a fucking tool to use the term "mental gymnastics" like a faggot.
nobody's forcing you to buy it. You're a consumer. vote with your wallet. Don't buy shit that requires a memory card to experience all the content.
wait my phone from 2012 has 64 gb built in
switch doesnt have that ?
I remember when Nintendo made strong consoles.
That's the memory expansion pack, which was an actual upgrade to the system hardware.
Not the memory cards which allowed you to carry game data around which were a proprietary format that plugged into the controller.
Plus its not like storage upgrades went anywhere, you've been able to do that on every recent system even if some of them make it difficult with a proprietary format or making you open up the system itself.
>I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt
What about simply using google?
I guess if I had to defend it
with the other consoles you have to spend more to get it and it comes with the 1TB HDD
with the Switch you have the option to buy the SD card separately, if or when you need it
either way it's pretty dumb, but I had a 64gb SD card lying around when I got the Switch so I'm a lucky person if I want demanding games
It's easy to compress things when what you're working with is only 64KB. It's harder to compress things when it's a thousand or a million times more data. Tools to create video games have improved significantly, but in order to optimize things you would have to spend just as much time diving into the code as you used to 25-30 years ago. Humans can only optimize so much because machines aren't sophisticated enough to do it for us.
Using your analogy you're giving this slob more and more toys for his room. Thousands of times more toys, in a room a thousand times larger. But he's still one slob. Even if he wanted to clean he can't clean a thousand times faster just because there's a thousand times more toys or a thousand times more space.
you're AUTISTIC, I bet using this meme term to insult you also RUSTLES YOUR JIMMIES, you UNIRONICAL SPERG
Never had to think about how big a games install was because I upgraded the HDD as soon as I bought the system like any normal gainfully employed person would.
I'm sure I've got single games with more data on the drive than 20GB on both the PS3 and my 360.
>In short; it's a completely different issue. And get your facts straight you brainlet
No, no it's not. Especially considering the PS3 launched at $600, twice the cost of a Switch and 128gb (twice the space of said PS3) is only $50 or less.
If Nintendo Switch memory cards were like the Vita, then I would be bitching, since there's no reason to jew people like Sony in that regard.
I'm a smart man I only articulate my points with carefully chosen words from the harvard dictionary
>all these nintentoddlers defending nintendo's jewish practices
You fucks really deserve what you get.
>microSD cards
>it's fine being a cuck, I like slurping semen anyway
Such as?
yes. switch only has 32GB of memory.
Nice buzzword user.
Keep being poor.
It's simply what it is. The switch made the trade-off between portability and power. You can't jam a large hard drive in that thing while maintaining how slender it is. It's the same reason why the 3DS and Vita have almost no internal storage either.
The greater question I have is why were people expecting anything different?
Go home sonybro
We're not talking about the price retard, it's about the size of the internal memory. 60GB in 2006 vs 32GB in 2017
Comparing them to buying a new HDD, yes, they are expensive
>Name a single PS3 game that requires you to buy additional hardware just to download it.
Well, there's PS3 super slim that comes in a HDD-less variety.
So why did Sony need it's own shitty propriety memory instead of just using the regular microsd?
Just Sonyfags and the usual anti-Nintendo crowd looking for something to bitch about while everyone else is enjoying playing video games.
>and read faster
Isn't the whole point of having to install PS3 games because they couldn't be read fast from the disk? I remember the 360 DVD's being able to be read faster as one of the shit talking points in that generation of console wars. Either way, it does not change the conclusion that it is a different issue.
Because they tried to compete with the 3DS at a $250 price point and they couldn't afford another money black hole like the PS3.
>people unironically have a problem with cheap flash storage
Woah. It's like if you want to download a bunch of games you'll need more memory! Woah!
Oh, right.
Just because Sony does stupid shit doesn't make it okay for Nintendo to do stupid shit. Just stop with this nonsense. You didn't have to put up with the Vita, and you don't have to put up with this.
This is nothing new
Wait.. Are we going to install games on the Switch? I don't get it.
>We're not talking about the price retard, it's about the size of the internal memory. 60GB in 2006 vs 32GB in 2017
And I'm bringing up that for as much as you spent then, you can get a lot more now for your money. That $300 you didn't spend on a Switch compared to a PS3 you can get 2 cards twice as big and some games. Something the PS3 was also missing for years.
>Woah. It's like if you want to play one physical game you'll need more memory! Woah!
>being an early adopter for Nintendo devices in current year
I'll be waiting for a Switch revision that has more memory, bigger screen, comes bundled with pro controller, is more powerful, or all of the above.
It'll hopefully have games by then
Stop saying it doesn't count when being compared to other video game companies and their hardware. Fucking fanboy.
Smart phones don't have to worry about having processing power strong enough for video games.
>Same as purchasing hardware.
high level cognitive dissonance tjere..
>Comparing them to buying a new HDD, yes, they are expensive
Looking at 2.5" SSDs a 64GB microSD card costs right around in the same ballpark.
$30 for the SSD vs $25 for the SD card.
w-who cares! s-sony! and... get a job then you can afford the memory card! it costs nothing poor fag!
>The greater question I have is why were people expecting anything different?
One of the supposed benefits of console games are that you don't have to worry about system requirements and incompatibilities, as PC games do. If the front of the box says "Playstation 2" (or whatever console), and you have a Playstation 2 at home, you should expect to be able to stick the disc in the console and have it work. Even games that required peripherals, like music games, usually still worked fine with controllers. If I buy a game for a console, put it in the console, and it tells me I have to upgrade in order to simply play it, what's the point of buying a console?
I'm saying they both count. Fucking fanboy.
Same logic Sonyfags used to defend PS+ becoming mandatory for online play.
>You don't need to buy additional hardware
Those hard drives aren't free. It's figures into the cost of the system. Ever wonder why the system with the larger storage space costs more than the smaller one?
>Buy a Playstation
>Go to play Final Fantasy 7
>No memory card detected
What the shit? Who sells these defective systems where I have to worry about system requirements!